If necessary, rename the folder with the file named `hand_control`, and move it in `~/hand_control_ws/src/` or in the subfolder `src` of your catkin workspace.
Then you can run the following commands to be able to use the ROS commands. If necessary replace "hand_control_ws" by the name of your catkin workspace.
2. Put the Kinect on the ground, pointed toward the roof ; be aware that your arm must be perpendicular to the Kinect in order to control the drone properly ;
2. Launch the "launchfile" kinect_commander.launch : `roslaunch hand_control kinect_commander.launch` ;
3. Check the drone parameters :
- launch rviz : `rosrun rqt_rviz rqt_rviz`
- display the output of the filtering (topic : `/filter/output` ; frame : `/camera_depth_optical_frame`) and locate the hand ;
- launch rqt_reconfigure : `rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure` in order to :
- change the filter parameters until you only see the points of the hand/glove/panel on rviz (see above).
- change the parameter `neutral_alt` of the node `commander` to the wanted height (in meters), correponding to the height of the hand for which the height of the drone will be stable.
-`x/y/z/theta_minimal_deviation` : thresholds required above which the movement of the hand is not taken into account. If all are 0.0, the drone responds linearly.
* x, y : between 0. and 1. (corresponding to the x and y of the normal to the plane);
* z : in meters ;
* theta :in degrees.
-`neutral_alt` : height of the hand for the immobility of the height of the drone ;
-`min_points_number` : minimal number of points (for the point cloud used for the regression) necessary in order to send a command to the drone ;
-`angle/x/y/z_vel` : proportionality coefficients to apply to the inputs in order to establish the command sent to the drone. Increase it will increase the speed of the drone ;
-`up_fact` : proportionality coefficients to apply to the command that increases the height of the drone, compared to the equivalent command to reduce it (in order to correct the effect of gravity).
### About `keyboard_cmd` ###
It allows you to publish commands on the topic `cmd_vel` and so to steer the drone. It is scheduled for azerty keyboards. To launch it, run :
- If commands are published on `cmd_vel` (from the Kinect for instance) after the launch of `ardrone.launch` and before the takeoff, then, after the takeoff, the drone seems to obey to commands published before the takeoff.
- As written above, the display of navigation data on `keyboard_cmd` is only updated when a key is pressed, and can therefore stay fixed when the keyboard commander is not used.
- The takeoff/landing is not controllable with the hand. The keyboard must be used (`keyboard_cmd` or `rostopic pub`) instead. We can correct this by creating two new thresholds, minimal and maximal, for the hand height : a very low hand would make the drone land and a very high hand would make the drone take off.