# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2017 Gabriel Détraz # Copyright © 2017 Goulven Kermarec # Copyright © 2017 Augustin Lemesle # Copyright © 2018 Hugo Levy-Falk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # App de gestion des users pour re2o # Goulven Kermarec, Gabriel Détraz # Gplv2 """cotisations.views The different views used in the Cotisations module """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from django.urls import reverse from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib import messages from django.db.models import ProtectedError from django.db.models import Q from django.forms import modelformset_factory, formset_factory from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ # Import des models, forms et fonctions re2o from reversion import revisions as reversion from users.models import User from re2o.settings import LOGO_PATH from re2o import settings from re2o.views import form from re2o.utils import SortTable, re2o_paginator from re2o.acl import ( can_create, can_edit, can_delete, can_view, can_view_all, can_delete_set, can_change, ) from preferences.models import AssoOption, GeneralOption from .models import ( Facture, Article, Vente, Paiement, Banque, CustomInvoice, BaseInvoice ) from .forms import ( FactureForm, ArticleForm, DelArticleForm, PaiementForm, DelPaiementForm, BanqueForm, DelBanqueForm, SelectUserArticleForm, SelectClubArticleForm, RechargeForm, CustomInvoiceForm ) from .tex import render_invoice from .payment_methods.forms import payment_method_factory from .utils import find_payment_method, send_mail_invoice @login_required @can_create(Facture) @can_edit(User) def new_facture(request, user, userid): """ View called to create a new invoice. Currently, Send the list of available articles for the user along with a formset of a new invoice (based on the `:forms:FactureForm()` form. A bit of JS is used in the template to add articles in a fancier way. If everything is correct, save each one of the articles, save the purchase object associated and finally the newly created invoice. """ invoice = Facture(user=user) # The template needs the list of articles (for the JS part) article_list = Article.objects.filter( Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user=request.user.class_name) ) # Building the invoice form and the article formset invoice_form = FactureForm( request.POST or None, instance=invoice, user=request.user, creation=True ) if request.user.is_class_club: article_formset = formset_factory(SelectClubArticleForm)( request.POST or None, form_kwargs={'user': request.user} ) else: article_formset = formset_factory(SelectUserArticleForm)( request.POST or None, form_kwargs={'user': request.user} ) if invoice_form.is_valid() and article_formset.is_valid(): new_invoice_instance = invoice_form.save(commit=False) articles = article_formset # Check if at leat one article has been selected if any(art.cleaned_data for art in articles): # Building a purchase for each article sold purchases = [] total_price = 0 for art_item in articles: if art_item.cleaned_data: article = art_item.cleaned_data['article'] quantity = art_item.cleaned_data['quantity'] total_price += article.prix*quantity new_purchase = Vente( facture=new_invoice_instance, name=article.name, prix=article.prix, type_cotisation=article.type_cotisation, duration=article.duration, number=quantity ) purchases.append(new_purchase) p = find_payment_method(new_invoice_instance.paiement) if hasattr(p, 'check_price'): price_ok, msg = p.check_price(total_price, user) invoice_form.add_error(None, msg) else: price_ok = True if price_ok: new_invoice_instance.save() for p in purchases: p.facture = new_invoice_instance p.save() send_mail_invoice(new_invoice_instance) return new_invoice_instance.paiement.end_payment( new_invoice_instance, request ) else: messages.error( request, _("You need to choose at least one article.") ) p = Paiement.objects.filter(is_balance=True) if len(p) and p[0].can_use_payment(request.user): balance = user.solde else: balance = None return form( { 'factureform': invoice_form, 'articlesformset': article_formset, 'articlelist': article_list, 'balance': balance, 'action_name': _('Create'), }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request ) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_create(CustomInvoice) def new_custom_invoice(request): """ View used to generate a custom invoice. It's mainly used to get invoices that are not taken into account, for the administrative point of view. """ # The template needs the list of articles (for the JS part) articles = Article.objects.filter( Q(type_user='All') | Q(type_user=request.user.class_name) ) # Building the invocie form and the article formset invoice_form = CustomInvoiceForm(request.POST or None) if request.user.is_class_club: articles_formset = formset_factory(SelectClubArticleForm)( request.POST or None, form_kwargs={'user': request.user} ) else: articles_formset = formset_factory(SelectUserArticleForm)( request.POST or None, form_kwargs={'user': request.user} ) if invoice_form.is_valid() and articles_formset.is_valid(): new_invoice_instance = invoice_form.save() for art_item in articles_formset: if art_item.cleaned_data: article = art_item.cleaned_data['article'] quantity = art_item.cleaned_data['quantity'] Vente.objects.create( facture=new_invoice_instance, name=article.name, prix=article.prix, type_cotisation=article.type_cotisation, duration=article.duration, number=quantity ) messages.success( request, _('The custom invoice was successfully created.') ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-custom-invoice')) return form({ 'factureform': invoice_form, 'action_name': _("Create"), 'articlesformset': articles_formset, 'articlelist': articles }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_view(Facture) def facture_pdf(request, facture, **_kwargs): """ View used to generate a PDF file from an existing invoice in database Creates a line for each Purchase (thus article sold) and generate the invoice with the total price, the payment method, the address and the legal information for the user. """ # TODO : change vente to purchase purchases_objects = Vente.objects.all().filter(facture=facture) # Get the article list and build an list out of it # contiaining (article_name, article_price, quantity, total_price) purchases_info = [] for purchase in purchases_objects: purchases_info.append({ 'name': purchase.name, 'price': purchase.prix, 'quantity': purchase.number, 'total_price': purchase.prix_total }) return render_invoice(request, { 'paid': True, 'fid': facture.id, 'DATE': facture.date, 'recipient_name': "{} {}".format( facture.user.name, facture.user.surname ), 'address': facture.user.room, 'article': purchases_info, 'total': facture.prix_total(), 'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'), 'line1': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse1'), 'line2': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse2'), 'siret': AssoOption.get_cached_value('siret'), 'email': AssoOption.get_cached_value('contact'), 'phone': AssoOption.get_cached_value('telephone'), 'tpl_path': os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, LOGO_PATH) }) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_edit(Facture) def edit_facture(request, facture, **_kwargs): """ View used to edit an existing invoice. Articles can be added or removed to the invoice and quantity can be set as desired. This is also the view used to invalidate an invoice. """ invoice_form = FactureForm( request.POST or None, instance=facture, user=request.user ) purchases_objects = Vente.objects.filter(facture=facture) purchase_form_set = modelformset_factory( Vente, fields=('name', 'number'), extra=0, max_num=len(purchases_objects) ) purchase_form = purchase_form_set( request.POST or None, queryset=purchases_objects ) if invoice_form.is_valid() and purchase_form.is_valid(): if invoice_form.changed_data: invoice_form.save() purchase_form.save() messages.success( request, _("The invoice has been successfully edited.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index')) return form({ 'factureform': invoice_form, 'venteform': purchase_form }, 'cotisations/edit_facture.html', request) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_delete(Facture) def del_facture(request, facture, **_kwargs): """ View used to delete an existing invocie. """ if request.method == "POST": facture.delete() messages.success( request, _("The invoice has been successfully deleted.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index')) return form({ 'objet': facture, 'objet_name': _("Invoice") }, 'cotisations/delete.html', request) @login_required @can_edit(CustomInvoice) def edit_custom_invoice(request, invoice, **kwargs): # Building the invocie form and the article formset invoice_form = CustomInvoiceForm( request.POST or None, instance=invoice ) purchases_objects = Vente.objects.filter(facture=invoice) purchase_form_set = modelformset_factory( Vente, fields=('name', 'number'), extra=0, max_num=len(purchases_objects) ) purchase_form = purchase_form_set( request.POST or None, queryset=purchases_objects ) if invoice_form.is_valid() and purchase_form.is_valid(): if invoice_form.changed_data: invoice_form.save() purchase_form.save() messages.success( request, _("The invoice has been successfully edited.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-custom-invoice')) return form({ 'factureform': invoice_form, 'venteform': purchase_form }, 'cotisations/edit_facture.html', request) @login_required @can_view(CustomInvoice) def custom_invoice_pdf(request, invoice, **_kwargs): """ View used to generate a PDF file from an existing invoice in database Creates a line for each Purchase (thus article sold) and generate the invoice with the total price, the payment method, the address and the legal information for the user. """ # TODO : change vente to purchase purchases_objects = Vente.objects.all().filter(facture=invoice) # Get the article list and build an list out of it # contiaining (article_name, article_price, quantity, total_price) purchases_info = [] for purchase in purchases_objects: purchases_info.append({ 'name': purchase.name, 'price': purchase.prix, 'quantity': purchase.number, 'total_price': purchase.prix_total }) return render_invoice(request, { 'paid': invoice.paid, 'fid': invoice.id, 'DATE': invoice.date, 'recipient_name': invoice.recipient, 'address': invoice.address, 'article': purchases_info, 'total': invoice.prix_total(), 'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'), 'line1': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse1'), 'line2': AssoOption.get_cached_value('adresse2'), 'siret': AssoOption.get_cached_value('siret'), 'email': AssoOption.get_cached_value('contact'), 'phone': AssoOption.get_cached_value('telephone'), 'tpl_path': os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, LOGO_PATH) }) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_delete(CustomInvoice) def del_custom_invoice(request, invoice, **_kwargs): """ View used to delete an existing invocie. """ if request.method == "POST": invoice.delete() messages.success( request, _("The invoice has been successfully deleted.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-custom-invoice')) return form({ 'objet': invoice, 'objet_name': _("Invoice") }, 'cotisations/delete.html', request) @login_required @can_create(Article) def add_article(request): """ View used to add an article. .. note:: If a purchase has already been sold, the price are calculated once and for all. That means even if the price of an article is edited later, it won't change the invoice. That is really important to keep this behaviour in order not to modify all the past and already accepted invoices. """ article = ArticleForm(request.POST or None) if article.is_valid(): article.save() messages.success( request, _("The article has been successfully created.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article')) return form({ 'factureform': article, 'action_name': _("Add"), 'title': _("New article") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) @login_required @can_edit(Article) def edit_article(request, article_instance, **_kwargs): """ View used to edit an article. """ article = ArticleForm(request.POST or None, instance=article_instance) if article.is_valid(): if article.changed_data: article.save() messages.success( request, _("The article has been successfully edited.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article')) return form({ 'factureform': article, 'action_name': _('Edit'), 'title': _("Edit article") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) @login_required @can_delete_set(Article) def del_article(request, instances): """ View used to delete one of the articles. """ article = DelArticleForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances) if article.is_valid(): article_del = article.cleaned_data['articles'] article_del.delete() messages.success( request, _("The article(s) have been successfully deleted.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-article')) return form({ 'factureform': article, 'action_name': _("Delete"), 'title': _("Delete article") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change paiement to payment @login_required @can_create(Paiement) def add_paiement(request): """ View used to add a payment method. """ payment = PaiementForm(request.POST or None, prefix='payment') payment_method = payment_method_factory( payment.instance, request.POST or None, prefix='payment_method' ) if payment.is_valid() and payment_method.is_valid(): payment = payment.save() payment_method.save(payment) messages.success( request, _("The payment method has been successfully created.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement')) return form({ 'factureform': payment, 'payment_method': payment_method, 'action_name': _("Add"), 'title': _("New payment method") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : chnage paiement to Payment @login_required @can_edit(Paiement) def edit_paiement(request, paiement_instance, **_kwargs): """ View used to edit a payment method. """ payment = PaiementForm( request.POST or None, instance=paiement_instance, prefix="payment" ) payment_method = payment_method_factory( paiement_instance, request.POST or None, prefix='payment_method', creation=False ) if payment.is_valid() and \ (payment_method is None or payment_method.is_valid()): payment.save() if payment_method is not None: payment_method.save() messages.success( request, _("The payement method has been successfully edited.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement')) return form({ 'factureform': payment, 'payment_method': payment_method, 'action_name': _("Edit"), 'title': _("Edit payment method") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change paiement to payment @login_required @can_delete_set(Paiement) def del_paiement(request, instances): """ View used to delete a set of payment methods. """ payment = DelPaiementForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances) if payment.is_valid(): payment_dels = payment.cleaned_data['paiements'] for payment_del in payment_dels: try: payment_del.delete() messages.success( request, _("The payment method %(method_name)s has been \ successfully deleted.") % { 'method_name': payment_del } ) except ProtectedError: messages.error( request, _("The payment method %(method_name)s can't be deleted \ because there are invoices using it.") % { 'method_name': payment_del } ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-paiement')) return form({ 'factureform': payment, 'action_name': _("Delete"), 'title': _("Delete payment method") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change banque to bank @login_required @can_create(Banque) def add_banque(request): """ View used to add a bank. """ bank = BanqueForm(request.POST or None) if bank.is_valid(): bank.save() messages.success( request, _("The bank has been successfully created.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque')) return form({ 'factureform': bank, 'action_name': _("Add"), 'title': _("New bank") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change banque to bank @login_required @can_edit(Banque) def edit_banque(request, banque_instance, **_kwargs): """ View used to edit a bank. """ bank = BanqueForm(request.POST or None, instance=banque_instance) if bank.is_valid(): if bank.changed_data: bank.save() messages.success( request, _("The bank has been successfully edited") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque')) return form({ 'factureform': bank, 'action_name': _("Edit"), 'title': _("Edit bank") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : chnage banque to bank @login_required @can_delete_set(Banque) def del_banque(request, instances): """ View used to delete a set of banks. """ bank = DelBanqueForm(request.POST or None, instances=instances) if bank.is_valid(): bank_dels = bank.cleaned_data['banques'] for bank_del in bank_dels: try: bank_del.delete() messages.success( request, _("The bank %(bank_name)s has been successfully \ deleted.") % { 'bank_name': bank_del } ) except ProtectedError: messages.error( request, _("The bank %(bank_name)s can't be deleted \ because there are invoices using it.") % { 'bank_name': bank_del } ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:index-banque')) return form({ 'factureform': bank, 'action_name': _("Delete"), 'title': _("Delete bank") }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request) # TODO : change facture to invoice @login_required @can_view_all(Facture) @can_change(Facture, 'control') def control(request): """ View used to control the invoices all at once. """ pagination_number = GeneralOption.get_cached_value('pagination_number') invoice_list = (Facture.objects.select_related('user'). select_related('paiement')) invoice_list = SortTable.sort( invoice_list, request.GET.get('col'), request.GET.get('order'), SortTable.COTISATIONS_CONTROL ) control_invoices_formset = modelformset_factory( Facture, fields=('control', 'valid'), extra=0 ) invoice_list = re2o_paginator(request, invoice_list, pagination_number) control_invoices_form = control_invoices_formset( request.POST or None, queryset=invoice_list.object_list ) if control_invoices_form.is_valid(): control_invoices_form.save() reversion.set_comment("Controle") messages.success( request, _("Your changes have been properly taken into account.") ) return redirect(reverse('cotisations:control')) return render(request, 'cotisations/control.html', { 'facture_list': invoice_list, 'controlform': control_invoices_form }) @login_required @can_view_all(Article) def index_article(request): """ View used to display the list of all available articles. """ # TODO : Offer other means of sorting article_list = Article.objects.order_by('name') return render(request, 'cotisations/index_article.html', { 'article_list': article_list }) # TODO : change paiement to payment @login_required @can_view_all(Paiement) def index_paiement(request): """ View used to display the list of all available payment methods. """ payment_list = Paiement.objects.order_by('moyen') return render(request, 'cotisations/index_paiement.html', { 'paiement_list': payment_list }) # TODO : change banque to bank @login_required @can_view_all(Banque) def index_banque(request): """ View used to display the list of all available banks. """ bank_list = Banque.objects.order_by('name') return render(request, 'cotisations/index_banque.html', { 'banque_list': bank_list }) @login_required @can_view_all(CustomInvoice) def index_custom_invoice(request): """View used to display every custom invoice.""" pagination_number = GeneralOption.get_cached_value('pagination_number') custom_invoice_list = CustomInvoice.objects.prefetch_related('vente_set') custom_invoice_list = SortTable.sort( custom_invoice_list, request.GET.get('col'), request.GET.get('order'), SortTable.COTISATIONS_CUSTOM ) custom_invoice_list = re2o_paginator( request, custom_invoice_list, pagination_number, ) return render(request, 'cotisations/index_custom_invoice.html', { 'custom_invoice_list': custom_invoice_list }) @login_required @can_view_all(Facture) @can_view_all(CustomInvoice) def index(request): """ View used to display the list of all exisitng invoices. """ pagination_number = GeneralOption.get_cached_value('pagination_number') invoice_list = Facture.objects.select_related('user')\ .select_related('paiement').prefetch_related('vente_set') invoice_list = SortTable.sort( invoice_list, request.GET.get('col'), request.GET.get('order'), SortTable.COTISATIONS_INDEX ) invoice_list = re2o_paginator(request, invoice_list, pagination_number) return render(request, 'cotisations/index.html', { 'facture_list': invoice_list, }) # TODO : change solde to balance @login_required @can_edit(User) def credit_solde(request, user, **_kwargs): """ View used to edit the balance of a user. Can be use either to increase or decrease a user's balance. """ try: balance = find_payment_method(Paiement.objects.get(is_balance=True)) except Paiement.DoesNotExist: credit_allowed = False else: credit_allowed = ( balance is not None and balance.can_credit_balance(request.user) ) if not credit_allowed: messages.error( request, _("You are not allowed to credit your balance.") ) return redirect(reverse( 'users:profil', kwargs={'userid': user.id} )) refill_form = RechargeForm(request.POST or None, user=request.user) if refill_form.is_valid(): price = refill_form.cleaned_data['value'] invoice = Facture(user=user) invoice.paiement = refill_form.cleaned_data['payment'] p = find_payment_method(invoice.paiement) if hasattr(p, 'check_price'): price_ok, msg = p.check_price(price, user) refill_form.add_error(None, msg) else: price_ok = True if price_ok: invoice.valid = True invoice.save() Vente.objects.create( facture=invoice, name='solde', prix=refill_form.cleaned_data['value'], number=1 ) send_mail_invoice(invoice) return invoice.paiement.end_payment(invoice, request) p = get_object_or_404(Paiement, is_balance=True) return form({ 'factureform': refill_form, 'balance': user.solde, 'title': _("Refill your balance"), 'action_name': _("Pay"), 'max_balance': p.payment_method.maximum_balance, }, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)