# Re2o est un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il
# se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en
# quelques clics.
# Copyright © 2017  Gabriel Détraz
# Copyright © 2017  Lara Kermarec
# Copyright © 2017  Augustin Lemesle
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Defines the custom runners for Re2o.

import volatildap
import os.path

from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner
from django.conf import settings

from users.models import LdapUser, LdapUserGroup, LdapServiceUser, LdapServiceUserGroup

# The path of this file
__here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# The absolute path where to find the schemas for the LDAP
schema_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__here, 'ldap', 'schema'))
# The absolute path of the "radius.schema" file
radius_schema_path = os.path.join(schema_path, 'radius.schema')
# The absolute path of the "samba.schema" file
samba_schema_path = os.path.join(schema_path, 'samba.schema')

# The suffix for the LDAP
suffix = 'dc=example,dc=net'
# The admin CN of the LDAP
rootdn = 'cn=admin,'+suffix

# Defines all ldap_entry mandatory for Re2o under a key-value list format
# that can be used directly by volatildap. For more on how to generate this
# data, see https://gitlab.federez.net/re2o/scripts/blob/master/print_ldap_entries.py
ldapentry_Utilisateurs = ('cn=Utilisateurs,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['Utilisateurs'],
    'sambaSID': ['500'],
    'uid': ['Users'],
    'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'top', 'sambaSamAccount', 'radiusprofile'],
    'gidNumber': ['500'],
ldapentry_groups = ('ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'ou': ['groups'],
    'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit'],
    'description': ["Groupes d'utilisateurs"],
ldapentry_services = ('ou=services,ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'ou': ['services'],
    'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit'],
    'description': ['Groupes de comptes techniques'],
ldapentry_service_users = ('ou=service-users,'+suffix, {
    'ou': ['service-users'],
    'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit'],
    'description': ["Utilisateurs techniques de l'annuaire"],
ldapentry_freeradius = ('cn=freeradius,ou=service-users,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['freeradius'],
    'objectClass': ['applicationProcess', 'simpleSecurityObject'],
    'userPassword': ['FILL_IT'],
ldapentry_nssauth = ('cn=nssauth,ou=service-users,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['nssauth'],
    'objectClass': ['applicationProcess', 'simpleSecurityObject'],
    'userPassword': ['FILL_IT'],
ldapentry_auth = ('cn=auth,ou=services,ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['auth'],
    'objectClass': ['groupOfNames'],
    'member': ['cn=nssauth,ou=service-users,'+suffix],
ldapentry_posix = ('ou=posix,ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'ou': ['posix'],
    'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit'],
    'description': ['Groupes de comptes POSIX'],
ldapentry_wifi = ('cn=wifi,ou=service-users,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['wifi'],
    'objectClass': ['applicationProcess', 'simpleSecurityObject'],
    'userPassword': ['FILL_IT'],
ldapentry_usermgmt = ('cn=usermgmt,ou=services,ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['usermgmt'],
    'objectClass': ['groupOfNames'],
    'member': ['cn=wifi,ou=service-users,'+suffix],
ldapentry_replica = ('cn=replica,ou=service-users,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['replica'],
    'objectClass': ['applicationProcess', 'simpleSecurityObject'],
    'userPassword': ['FILL_IT'],
ldapentry_readonly = ('cn=readonly,ou=services,ou=groups,'+suffix, {
    'cn': ['readonly'],
    'objectClass': ['groupOfNames'],
    'member': ['cn=replica,ou=service-users,'+suffix, 'cn=freeradius,ou=service-users,'+suffix],
ldapbasic = dict([ldapentry_Utilisateurs, ldapentry_groups,
                  ldapentry_services, ldapentry_service_users,
                  ldapentry_freeradius, ldapentry_nssauth, ldapentry_auth,
                  ldapentry_posix, ldapentry_wifi, ldapentry_usermgmt,
                  ldapentry_replica, ldapentry_readonly])

class DiscoverLdapRunner(DiscoverRunner):
    """Discovers all the tests in the project

    This is a simple subclass of the default test runner
    `django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner` that creates a test LDAP
    right after the test databases are setup and destroys it right
    before the test databases are setup.
    It also ensure re2o's settings are using this new LDAP.

    # The `volatildap.LdapServer` instance initiated with the minimal
    # structure required by Re2o
    ldap_server = volatildap.LdapServer(
        schemas=['core.schema', 'cosine.schema', 'inetorgperson.schema',
                 'nis.schema', radius_schema_path, samba_schema_path]

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        settings.DATABASES['ldap']['USER'] = self.ldap_server.rootdn
        settings.DATABASES['ldap']['PASSWORD'] = self.ldap_server.rootpw
        settings.DATABASES['ldap']['NAME'] = self.ldap_server.uri
        settings.LDAP['base_user_dn'] = ldapentry_Utilisateurs[0]
        settings.LDAP['base_userservice_dn'] = ldapentry_service_users[0]
        settings.LDAP['base_usergroup_dn'] = ldapentry_posix[0]
        settings.LDAP['base_userservicegroup_dn'] = ldapentry_services[0]
        settings.LDAP['user_gid'] = ldapentry_Utilisateurs[1].get('gidNumber', ["500"])[0]
        LdapUser.base_dn = settings.LDAP['base_user_dn']
        LdapUserGroup.base_dn = settings.LDAP['base_usergroup_dn']
        LdapServiceUser.base_dn = settings.LDAP['base_userservice_dn']
        LdapServiceUserGroup.base_dn = settings.LDAP['base_userservicegroup_dn']
        super(DiscoverLdapRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def setup_databases(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ret = super(DiscoverLdapRunner, self).setup_databases(*args, **kwargs)        
        print("Creating test LDAP with volatildap...")
        return ret

    def teardown_databases(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("Destroying test LDAP...")
        super(DiscoverLdapRunner, self).teardown_databases(*args, **kwargs)