# Re2o un logiciel d'administration développé initiallement au rezometz. Il # se veut agnostique au réseau considéré, de manière à être installable en # quelques clics. # # Copyright © 2017 Gabriel Détraz # Copyright © 2017 Lara Kermarec # Copyright © 2017 Augustin Lemesle # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Formulaire d'edition des réglages : user, machine, topologie, asso... """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.forms import ModelForm, Form from django.db.models import Q from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from re2o.mixins import FormRevMixin from .models import ( OptionalUser, OptionalMachine, OptionalTopologie, GeneralOption, AssoOption, MailMessageOption, HomeOption, Service, MailContact, Reminder, RadiusKey, SwitchManagementCred, RadiusOption, CotisationsOption, DocumentTemplate, RadiusAttribute, Mandate, ) from topologie.models import Switch class EditOptionalUserForm(ModelForm): """Formulaire d'édition des options de l'user. (solde, telephone..)""" class Meta: model = OptionalUser fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditOptionalUserForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["is_tel_mandatory"].label = _("Telephone number required") self.fields["gpg_fingerprint"].label = _("GPG fingerprint") self.fields["all_can_create_club"].label = _("All can create a club") self.fields["all_can_create_adherent"].label = _("All can create a member") self.fields["self_adhesion"].label = _("Self registration") self.fields["shell_default"].label = _("Default shell") class EditOptionalMachineForm(ModelForm): """Options machines (max de machines, etc)""" class Meta: model = OptionalMachine fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditOptionalMachineForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["password_machine"].label = _( "Possibility to set a" " password per machine" ) self.fields["max_lambdauser_interfaces"].label = _( "Maximum number of" " interfaces" " allowed for a" " standard user" ) self.fields["max_lambdauser_aliases"].label = _( "Maximum number of DNS" " aliases allowed for" " a standard user" ) self.fields["ipv6_mode"].label = _("IPv6 mode") self.fields["create_machine"].label = _("Can create a machine") class EditOptionalTopologieForm(ModelForm): """Options de topologie, formulaire d'edition (vlan par default etc) On rajoute un champ automatic provision switchs pour gérer facilement l'ajout de switchs au provisionning automatique""" automatic_provision_switchs = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( Switch.objects.all(), required=False ) class Meta: model = OptionalTopologie fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditOptionalTopologieForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.initial["automatic_provision_switchs"] = Switch.objects.filter( automatic_provision=True ).order_by("interface__domain__name") def save(self, commit=True): instance = super().save(commit) Switch.objects.all().update(automatic_provision=False) self.cleaned_data["automatic_provision_switchs"].update( automatic_provision=True ) return instance class EditGeneralOptionForm(ModelForm): """Options générales (affichages de résultats de recherche, etc)""" class Meta: model = GeneralOption fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditGeneralOptionForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["general_message_fr"].label = _("General message in French") self.fields["general_message_en"].label = _("General message in English") self.fields["search_display_page"].label = _( "Number of results" " displayed when" " searching" ) self.fields["pagination_number"].label = _( "Number of items per page," " standard size (e.g." " users)" ) self.fields["pagination_large_number"].label = _( "Number of items per" " page, large size" " (e.g. machines)" ) self.fields["req_expire_hrs"].label = _( "Time before expiration of the" " reset password link (in" " hours)" ) self.fields["site_name"].label = _("Website name") self.fields["email_from"].label = _("Email address for automatic" " emailing") self.fields["GTU_sum_up"].label = _("Summary of the General Terms of" " Use") self.fields["GTU"].label = _("General Terms of Use") class EditAssoOptionForm(ModelForm): """Options de l'asso (addresse, telephone, etc)""" class Meta: model = AssoOption fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditAssoOptionForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["name"].label = _("Organisation name") self.fields["siret"].label = _("SIRET number") self.fields["adresse1"].label = _("Address (line 1)") self.fields["adresse2"].label = _("Address (line 2)") self.fields["contact"].label = _("Contact email address") self.fields["telephone"].label = _("Telephone number") self.fields["pseudo"].label = _("Usual name") self.fields["utilisateur_asso"].label = _( "Account used for editing" " from /admin" ) self.fields["description"].label = _("Description") class EditMailMessageOptionForm(ModelForm): """Formulaire d'edition des messages de bienvenue personnalisés""" class Meta: model = MailMessageOption fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditMailMessageOptionForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["welcome_mail_fr"].label = _( "Message for the French" " welcome email" ) self.fields["welcome_mail_en"].label = _( "Message for the English" " welcome email" ) class EditHomeOptionForm(ModelForm): """Edition forms of Home options""" class Meta: model = HomeOption fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(EditHomeOptionForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["facebook_url"].label = _("Facebook URL") self.fields["twitter_url"].label = _("Twitter URL") self.fields["twitter_account_name"].label = _("Twitter account name") class EditRadiusOptionForm(ModelForm): """Edition forms for Radius options""" class Meta: model = RadiusOption fields = "__all__" def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() ignored = ("radius_general_policy", "vlan_decision_ok") fields = (f for f in self.fields.keys() if "vlan" not in f and f not in ignored) for f in fields: choice = cleaned_data.get(f) vlan = cleaned_data.get(f + "_vlan") if choice == RadiusOption.SET_VLAN and vlan is None: self.add_error(f, _("You chose to set vlan but did not set any VLAN.")) self.add_error(f + "_vlan", _("Please, choose a VLAN.")) return cleaned_data class EditCotisationsOptionForm(ModelForm): """Edition forms for Cotisations options""" class Meta: model = CotisationsOption fields = "__all__" class MandateForm(ModelForm): """Edit Mandates""" class Meta: model = Mandate fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(MandateForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) def clean_start_date(self): date = self.cleaned_data.get("start_date") existing_mandates = Mandate.objects.filter( start_date__gte=date, end_date__lt=date ) if existing_mandates: raise forms.ValidationError( _( "There is already a mandate taking place at the specified start date." ) ) return date def clean_end_date(self): date = self.cleaned_data.get("end_date") if date is None: return None existing_mandates = Mandate.objects.filter( start_date__gte=date, end_date__lt=date ) if existing_mandates: raise forms.ValidationError( _("There is already a mandate taking place at the specified end date.") ) return date def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(MandateForm, self).clean() start_date, end_date = cleaned_data["start_date"], cleaned_data["end_date"] if end_date: included_mandates = Mandate.objects.filter( Q(start_date__gte=start_date, start_date__lt=end_date) | Q(end_date__gt=start_date, end_date__lte=end_date) ) if included_mandates: raise forms.ValidationError( _("The specified dates overlap with an existing mandate."), code="invalid", ) return cleaned_data def save(self, commit=True): """Warning, side effect : if a mandate with a null end_date exists, its end_date will be set to instance.start_date, no matter the value of commit.""" instance = super(MandateForm, self).save(commit=False) if instance.end_date is None: try: previous_mandate = Mandate.objects.get(end_date__isnull=True) previous_mandate.end_date = instance.start_date previous_mandate.save() except Mandate.DoesNotExist: pass if commit: instance.save() return instance class ServiceForm(ModelForm): """Edition, ajout de services sur la page d'accueil""" class Meta: model = Service fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(ServiceForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) self.fields["name"].label = _("Name") self.fields["url"].label = _("URL") self.fields["description"].label = _("Description") self.fields["image"].label = _("Image") class DelServiceForm(Form): """Suppression de services sur la page d'accueil""" services = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Service.objects.none(), label=_("Current services"), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): instances = kwargs.pop("instances", None) super(DelServiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if instances: self.fields["services"].queryset = instances else: self.fields["services"].queryset = Service.objects.all() class ReminderForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm): """Edition, ajout de services sur la page d'accueil""" class Meta: model = Reminder fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(ReminderForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) class RadiusKeyForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm): """Edition, ajout de clef radius""" members = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Switch.objects.all(), required=False ) class Meta: model = RadiusKey fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(RadiusKeyForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) instance = kwargs.get("instance", None) if instance: self.initial["members"] = Switch.objects.filter(radius_key=instance) def save(self, commit=True): instance = super().save(commit) instance.switch_set = self.cleaned_data["members"] return instance class SwitchManagementCredForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm): """Edition, ajout de creds de management pour gestion et interface rest des switchs""" members = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(Switch.objects.all(), required=False) class Meta: model = SwitchManagementCred fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(SwitchManagementCredForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) instance = kwargs.get("instance", None) if instance: self.initial["members"] = Switch.objects.filter(management_creds=instance) def save(self, commit=True): instance = super().save(commit) instance.switch_set = self.cleaned_data["members"] return instance class MailContactForm(ModelForm): """Edition, ajout d'adresse de contact""" class Meta: model = MailContact fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(MailContactForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) class DelMailContactForm(Form): """Delete contact email adress""" mailcontacts = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=MailContact.objects.none(), label=_("Current email addresses"), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): instances = kwargs.pop("instances", None) super(DelMailContactForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if instances: self.fields["mailcontacts"].queryset = instances else: self.fields["mailcontacts"].queryset = MailContact.objects.all() class DocumentTemplateForm(FormRevMixin, ModelForm): """ Form used to create a document template. """ class Meta: model = DocumentTemplate fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(DocumentTemplateForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) class DelDocumentTemplateForm(FormRevMixin, Form): """ Form used to delete one or more document templatess. The use must choose the one to delete by checking the boxes. """ document_templates = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=DocumentTemplate.objects.none(), label=_("Available document templates"), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): instances = kwargs.pop("instances", None) super(DelDocumentTemplateForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if instances: self.fields["document_templates"].queryset = instances else: self.fields["document_templates"].queryset = Banque.objects.all() class RadiusAttributeForm(ModelForm): """Edit and add RADIUS attributes.""" class Meta: model = RadiusAttribute fields = "__all__" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", self.Meta.model.__name__) super(RadiusAttributeForm, self).__init__(*args, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) class DelRadiusAttributeForm(Form): """Delete RADIUS attributes""" attributes = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=RadiusAttribute.objects.none(), label=_("Current attributes"), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): instances = kwargs.pop("instances", None) super(DelServiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if instances: self.fields["attributes"].queryset = instances else: self.fields["attributes"].queryset = Attributes.objects.all()