import os, sys proj_path = "/var/www/re2o/" # This is so Django knows where to find stuff. os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "re2o.settings") sys.path.append(proj_path) # This is so my gets loaded. os.chdir(proj_path) # This is so models get loaded. from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application application = get_wsgi_application() import argparse from machines.models import Interface from topologie.models import Room, Port, Switch from users.models import User from re2o.settings import RADIUS_VLAN_DECISION VLAN_NOK = RADIUS_VLAN_DECISION['VLAN_NOK'] VLAN_OK = RADIUS_VLAN_DECISION['VLAN_OK'] def decide_vlan(switch_name, port_number, mac_address): # Get port from switch and port number switch = Switch.objects.filter(switch_interface=Interface.objects.filter(dns=switch_name)) if switch: port = Port.objects.filter(switch=switch[0], port=port_number) if port: port = port[0] if port.radius == 'NO': # Aucune authentification sur ce port decision = ("Pas d'authentification sur ce port", VLAN_OK) elif port.radius == 'BLOQ': # Prise désactivée decision = ('Port desactive', VLAN_NOK) elif port.radius == 'COMMON' or port.radius == 'STRICT': # Authentification par mac interface = Interface.objects.filter(mac_address=mac_address) if not interface: decision = ('Mac not found', VLAN_NOK) elif interface[0].is_active(): # Verification de la prise if port.radius == 'STRICT': if user = User.objects.filter(room=Room.objects.filter( if not user: decision = ('Chambre non cotisante', VLAN_NOK) elif user[0].has_access(): decision = ('Machine OK, Proprio OK', VLAN_OK) else: decision = ('Chambre inconnue', VLAN_NOK) else: # Mode COMMON decision = ('Machine OK', VLAN_OK) else: decision = ('Machine non active / adherent non cotisant', VLAN_NOK) else: decision = ('VLAN forced', int(port.radius)) else: decision = ('port not found!', VLAN_OK) else: decision = ('switch not found!', VLAN_OK) return decision if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Decide radius vlan attribution') parser.add_argument('switch_name', action="store") parser.add_argument('port_number', action="store", type=int) parser.add_argument('mac_address', action="store") args = parser.parse_args() print(decide_vlan(args.switch_name, args.port_number, args.mac_address))