# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess import os from django.template.loader import get_template from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from preferences.models import GeneralOption, AssoOption from .models import Digicode import datetime def pdfinfo(file_path): """ Uses pdfinfo to extract the PDF meta information. Returns metainfo in a dictionary. requires poppler-utils """ def _extract(row): """Extracts the right hand value from a : delimited row""" row=row.decode() return row.split(':', 1)[1].strip() output = {} labels = ['Title', 'Author', 'Creator', 'Producer', 'CreationDate', 'ModDate', 'Tagged', 'Pages', 'Encrypted', 'Page size', 'File size', 'Optimized', 'PDF version'] cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/pdfinfo', file_path]) for line in cmd_output.splitlines(): for label in labels: if label in line.decode(): output[label] = _extract(line) return output def pdfbook(file_path): """ Creates a booklet from a pdf requires texlive-extra-utils """ _dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) _fname = os.path.basename(file_path) newfile = os.path.join(_dir, "pdfbook_%s" % (_fname,)) check_output( ['/usr/bin/pdfbook', '--short-edge', file_path, '-o', newfile, ]) return newfile def send_mail_printer(client): """Sends an email to the client explaning how to get the printings""" template = get_template('printer/email_printer') code = Digicode._gen_code(client) printer_access_fr = "au quatrième (4) étage du bâtiment J (code B7806)" printer_access_en = "on fourth (4th) floor of building J (code B7806)" digicode = True end_validity = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(3) end_validity = str(end_validity.date()) ctx = { 'name': "{} {}".format( client.name, client.surname ), 'printer_access_fr' : printer_access_fr, 'printer_access_en' : printer_access_en, 'digicode' : digicode, 'code' : code, 'end_validity' : end_validity, 'contact_mail': AssoOption.get_cached_value('contact'), 'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name') } mail = EmailMessage( 'Information', template.render(ctx), GeneralOption.get_cached_value('email_from'), [client.get_mail], ) mail.send()