"""cotisations.payment_utils.comnpay The module in charge of handling the negociation with Comnpay for online payment """ import time from random import randrange import base64 import hashlib from collections import OrderedDict class Payment(): """ The class representing a transaction with all the functions used during the negociation """ def __init__(self, vad_number="", secret_key="", urlRetourOK="", urlRetourNOK="", urlIPN="", source="", typeTr="D"): self.vad_number = vad_number self.secret_key = secret_key self.urlRetourOK = urlRetourOK self.urlRetourNOK = urlRetourNOK self.urlIPN = urlIPN self.source = source self.typeTr = typeTr self.idTransaction = "" def buildSecretHTML(self, produit="Produit", montant="0.00", idTransaction=""): """ Build an HTML hidden form with the different parameters for the transaction """ if idTransaction == "": self.idTransaction = str(time.time()) self.idTransaction += self.vad_number self.idTransaction += str(randrange(999)) else: self.idTransaction = idTransaction array_tpe = OrderedDict( montant=str(montant), idTPE=self.vad_number, idTransaction=self.idTransaction, devise="EUR", lang='fr', nom_produit=produit, source=self.source, urlRetourOK=self.urlRetourOK, urlRetourNOK=self.urlRetourNOK, typeTr=str(self.typeTr) ) if self.urlIPN != "": array_tpe['urlIPN'] = self.urlIPN array_tpe['key'] = self.secret_key strWithKey = base64.b64encode(bytes( '|'.join(array_tpe.values()), 'utf-8' )) del array_tpe["key"] array_tpe['sec'] = hashlib.sha512(strWithKey).hexdigest() ret = "" for key in array_tpe: ret += '<input type="hidden" name="{k}" value="{v}"/>'.format( k=key, v=array_tpe[key] ) return ret @staticmethod def validSec(values, secret_key): """ Check if the secret value is correct """ if "sec" in values: sec = values['sec'] del values["sec"] strWithKey = hashlib.sha512(base64.b64encode(bytes( '|'.join(values.values()) + "|" + secret_key, 'utf-8' ))).hexdigest() return strWithKey.upper() == sec.upper() else: return False