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Fix 81 and Strip out facture.tex for readability

This commit is contained in:
Maël Kervella 2018-04-11 17:20:40 +00:00
parent cd0e11815c
commit d9c42e89db
4 changed files with 87 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -158,12 +158,6 @@ class NewFactureFormPdf(Form):
dest = forms.CharField(required=True, max_length=255, label=_l("Recipient")) dest = forms.CharField(required=True, max_length=255, label=_l("Recipient"))
# TODO : change chambre field to address # TODO : change chambre field to address
chambre = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=10, label=_l("Address")) chambre = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=10, label=_l("Address"))
# TODO : change fid field to invoice_id
fid = forms.CharField(
label=_l("Invoice number")
# TODO : change Facture to Invoice # TODO : change Facture to Invoice
class EditFactureForm(FieldPermissionFormMixin, NewFactureForm): class EditFactureForm(FieldPermissionFormMixin, NewFactureForm):

View file

@ -32,76 +32,98 @@
\usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{graphicx}
\usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{tabularx}
\usepackage{eurosym} \usepackage{eurosym}
\pagestyle{empty} % No page numbers \pagestyle{empty} % No page numbers
\linespread{1.5} % Line spacing \linespread{1.5} % Line spacing
\setlength{\doublerulesep}{\arrayrulewidth} % Double rules look like one thick one \setlength{\doublerulesep}{\arrayrulewidth} % Double rules look like one thick one
\def \tab {\hspace*{3ex}} % Define \tab to create some horizontal white space
\setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \setlength{\parindent}{0cm}
\begin{document} \begin{document}
%\setlength{ptotal}{#3*\real{#4}} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%\addtolength{total}{#3*\real{#4}} % HEADING SECTION
{\Huge\bf {{asso_name|safe}} } % Company providing the invoice
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \smallskip
%\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{% templatetag openbrace %}{{ tpl_path }}}
\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab {\Huge\bf {{asso_name|safe}} }\hfil % Company providing the invoice
\bigskip\break % Whitespace
\hrule % Horizontal line \\
{\bf Adresse :} \tab \parbox [t] {0.5\textwidth}{ {{line1|safe}} \\ {{line2|safe}} } \hfill \parbox [t] {0.3\textwidth}{ {\bf Téléphone :} {{phone}} \\ {\bf Mail :} {{email|safe}} } \\ % Your address and contact information
{\bf Siret :} \tab{{siret}}
\\ \\ \\
\parbox [t] {0.5\textwidth}{ {\bf Pour :} {{dest.name|safe}} {{dest.surname|safe}} \\ {\bf Adresse :} \tab {% if dest.room == None %} Aucune adresse renseignée {% else %}{{dest.room}}{% endif %} } \hfill \parbox [t] {0.3\textwidth}{ {\bf Date :} {{DATE}} }
\\ \\
{\bf Facture \no :} \tab {{ fid }} \\\\ \begin{multicols}{2}
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}l r}
% TABLE OF EXPENSES {\bf Adresse :} & {{line1|safe}} \\
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- & {{line2|safe}} \\
{\bf Téléphone :} {{phone}} \\
{\bf Mail :} {{email|safe}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X|r|r|r|} {\bf Siret :} {{siret|safe}}
\textbf{Désignation} & \textbf{Prix Unit.} \euro & \textbf{Quantité} & \textbf{Prix total} \euro\\ \vspace{2cm}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l r}
{\bf Pour :} {{recipient_name|safe}} & {\bf Date :} {{DATE}} \\
{\bf Adresse :} {% if address is None %}Aucune adresse renseignée{% else %}{{address}}{% endif %} & \\
{% if fid is not None %}
{\bf Facture n\textsuperscript{o} :} {{ fid }} \\
{% endif %}
{% for a in article %} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{{a.0.name}} & {{a.0.prix}} \euro & {{a.1}} & {{a.2}} \euro\\ %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% endfor %} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X|r|r|r|}
\hline \hline
\end{tabularx} \textbf{Désignation} & \textbf{Prix Unit.} \euro & \textbf{Quantité} & \textbf{Prix total} \euro\\
{% for a in article %}
{{a.0.name}} & {{a.0.prix}} \euro & {{a.1}} & {{a.2}} \euro\\
{% endfor %}
\vspace{1cm} \hfill
\hfill \begin{tabular}{|l|r|}
\begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline
\hline \textbf{Total} & {{total|floatformat:2}} \euro \\
\textbf{Total} & {{total|floatformat:2}} \euro \\ \textbf{Votre règlement} & {% if paid %}{{total|floatformat:2}}{% else %} 00,00 {% endif %} \euro \\
\textbf{Votre règlement} & {% if paid %}{{total|floatformat:2}}{% else %} 00,00 {% endif %} \euro \\ \hline
\hline \textbf{À PAYER} & {% if not paid %}{{total|floatformat:2}}{% else %} 00,00 {% endif %} \euro\\
\textbf{À PAYER} & {% if not paid %}{{total|floatformat:2}}{% else %} 00,00 {% endif %} \euro\\ \hline
\hline \hline
\hline \end{tabular}
\vspace{1.5cm} % Whitespace %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\hrule % Horizontal line % FOOTNOTE
\vspace{0.25cm} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\footnotesize{TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI}
{% endlanguage %} \smallskip
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \footnotesize{TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI}
\end{document} \end{document}
{% endlanguage %}

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def render_invoice(request, ctx={}):
filename = '_'.join([ filename = '_'.join([
'invoice', 'invoice',
slugify(ctx['asso_name']), slugify(ctx['asso_name']),
slugify(ctx['dest'].pseudo), slugify(ctx['recipient_name']),
str(ctx['DATE'].year), str(ctx['DATE'].year),
str(ctx['DATE'].month), str(ctx['DATE'].month),
str(ctx['DATE'].day), str(ctx['DATE'].day),

View file

@ -201,20 +201,18 @@ def new_facture_pdf(request):
invoice_form = NewFactureFormPdf(request.POST or None) invoice_form = NewFactureFormPdf(request.POST or None)
if invoice_form.is_valid(): if invoice_form.is_valid():
tbl = [] tbl = []
article = facture_form.cleaned_data['article'] article = invoice_form.cleaned_data['article']
quantity = facture_form.cleaned_data['number'] quantity = invoice_form.cleaned_data['number']
paid = facture_form.cleaned_data['paid'] paid = invoice_form.cleaned_data['paid']
recipient = facture_form.cleaned_data['dest'] recipient = invoice_form.cleaned_data['dest']
room = facture_form.cleaned_data['chambre'] address = invoice_form.cleaned_data['chambre']
invoice_id = facture_form.cleaned_data['fid']
for art in article: for art in article:
tbl.append([art, quantity, art.prix * quantity]) tbl.append([art, quantity, art.prix * quantity])
total_price = sum(a[2] for a in tbl) total_price = sum(a[2] for a in tbl)
user = {'name': recipient, 'room': room}
return render_invoice(request, { return render_invoice(request, {
'DATE': timezone.now(), 'DATE': timezone.now(),
'dest': user, 'recipient_name': recipient,
'fid': invoice_id, 'address': address,
'article': tbl, 'article': tbl,
'total': total_price, 'total': total_price,
'paid': paid, 'paid': paid,
@ -251,7 +249,11 @@ def facture_pdf(request, facture, factureid):
'paid': True, 'paid': True,
'fid': facture.id, 'fid': facture.id,
'DATE': facture.date, 'DATE': facture.date,
'dest': facture.user, 'recipient_name': "{} {}".format(
'addresse': facture.user.room,
'article': purchases, 'article': purchases,
'total': facture.prix_total(), 'total': facture.prix_total(),
'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'), 'asso_name': AssoOption.get_cached_value('name'),