Fork 0
mirror of https://gitlab2.federez.net/re2o/re2o synced 2025-03-04 23:09:24 +00:00

Typos, pep8 et company.

This commit is contained in:
Hugo LEVY-FALK 2018-07-03 13:58:10 +02:00
parent 0fe430d72e
commit af3cc1cf69
3 changed files with 38 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class Facture(RevMixin, AclMixin, FieldPermissionModelMixin, models.Model):
def can_create(user_request, *_args, **_kwargs):
"""Check if an user can create an invoice.
"""Check if a user can create an invoice.
:param user_request: The user who wants to create an invoice.
:return: a message and a boolean which is True if the user can create

View file

@ -101,16 +101,19 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
# Building the invocie form and the article formset
is_self_subscription = False
can_create_invoice = request.user.has_perm('cotisations.add_facture')
allow_self_subscription = OptionalUser.get_cached_value('allow_self_subscription')
allow_self_subscription = OptionalUser.get_cached_value(
if not can_create_invoice:
if allow_self_subscription:
is_self_subscription = True
article_list = article_list.filter(allow_self_subscription=True)
allowed_payment = Paiement.objects.filter(allow_self_subscription=True)
invoice_form = NewFactureForm(request.POST or None, instance=invoice, allowed_payment=allowed_payment)
allowed_payment = Paiement.objects.filter(
invoice_form = NewFactureForm(
request.POST or None, instance=invoice, allowed_payment=allowed_payment)
_("You cannot subscribe. Please ask to the staff.")
return redirect(reverse(
@ -123,12 +126,12 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
if request.user.is_class_club:
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectClubArticleForm)(
request.POST or None,
form_kwargs={'is_self_subscription': is_self_subscription}
article_formset = formset_factory(SelectUserArticleForm)(
request.POST or None,
form_kwargs={'is_self_subscription': is_self_subscription}
if invoice_form.is_valid() and article_formset.is_valid():
@ -165,7 +168,6 @@ def new_facture(request, user, userid):
# Building a purchase for each article sold
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
@ -253,13 +255,13 @@ def new_facture_pdf(request):
'email': AssoOption.get_cached_value('contact'),
'phone': AssoOption.get_cached_value('telephone'),
'tpl_path': os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, LOGO_PATH)
return form({
'factureform': invoice_form,
'action_name': _("Create"),
'articlesformset': articles_formset,
'articles': articles
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change facture to invoice
@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ def facture_pdf(request, facture, **_kwargs):
'email': AssoOption.get_cached_value('contact'),
'phone': AssoOption.get_cached_value('telephone'),
'tpl_path': os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, LOGO_PATH)
# TODO : change facture to invoice
@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ def edit_facture(request, facture, **_kwargs):
fields=('name', 'number'),
purchase_form = purchase_form_set(
request.POST or None,
@ -343,7 +345,7 @@ def edit_facture(request, facture, **_kwargs):
return form({
'factureform': invoice_form,
'venteform': purchase_form
}, 'cotisations/edit_facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/edit_facture.html', request)
# TODO : change facture to invoice
@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ def del_facture(request, facture, **_kwargs):
return form({
'objet': facture,
'objet_name': _("Invoice")
}, 'cotisations/delete.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/delete.html', request)
# TODO : change solde to balance
@ -386,7 +388,7 @@ def credit_solde(request, user, **_kwargs):
@ -396,7 +398,7 @@ def credit_solde(request, user, **_kwargs):
return form({
'factureform': invoice,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ def add_article(request):
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
@ -443,7 +445,7 @@ def edit_article(request, article_instance, **_kwargs):
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _('Edit')
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
@ -464,7 +466,7 @@ def del_article(request, instances):
return form({
'factureform': article,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change paiement to payment
@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ def add_paiement(request):
'factureform': payment,
'payment_method': payment_method,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : chnage paiement to Payment
@ -525,7 +527,7 @@ def edit_paiement(request, paiement_instance, **_kwargs):
'factureform': payment,
'payment_method': payment_method,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change paiement to payment
@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ def del_paiement(request, instances):
return form({
'factureform': payment,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change banque to bank
@ -581,7 +583,7 @@ def add_banque(request):
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Add")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change banque to bank
@ -603,7 +605,7 @@ def edit_banque(request, banque_instance, **_kwargs):
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Edit")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : chnage banque to bank
@ -638,7 +640,7 @@ def del_banque(request, instances):
return form({
'factureform': bank,
'action_name': _("Delete")
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/facture.html', request)
# TODO : change facture to invoice
@ -679,7 +681,7 @@ def control(request):
return render(request, 'cotisations/control.html', {
'facture_list': invoice_list,
'controlform': control_invoices_form
@ -692,7 +694,7 @@ def index_article(request):
article_list = Article.objects.order_by('name')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_article.html', {
'article_list': article_list
# TODO : change paiement to payment
@ -705,7 +707,7 @@ def index_paiement(request):
payment_list = Paiement.objects.order_by('moyen')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_paiement.html', {
'paiement_list': payment_list
# TODO : change banque to bank
@ -718,7 +720,7 @@ def index_banque(request):
bank_list = Banque.objects.order_by('name')
return render(request, 'cotisations/index_banque.html', {
'banque_list': bank_list
@ -739,7 +741,7 @@ def index(request):
invoice_list = re2o_paginator(request, invoice_list, pagination_number)
return render(request, 'cotisations/index.html', {
'facture_list': invoice_list
# TODO : merge this function with new_facture() which is nearly the same
@ -789,7 +791,7 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
for art_item in articles:
if art_item.cleaned_data:
total_price += art_item.cleaned_data['article']\
if float(user.solde) - float(total_price) < negative_balance:
@ -851,7 +853,7 @@ def new_facture_solde(request, userid):
return form({
'venteform': article_formset,
'articlelist': article_list
}, 'cotisations/new_facture_solde.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/new_facture_solde.html', request)
# TODO : change recharge to refill
@ -886,10 +888,10 @@ def recharge(request):
# content = online_payment.PAYMENT_SYSTEM[
# AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment')
# AssoOption.get_cached_value('payment')
# ](invoice, request)
return render(request, 'cotisations/payment.html', content)
return form({
'rechargeform': refill_form,
'solde': request.user.solde
}, 'cotisations/recharge.html', request)
}, 'cotisations/recharge.html', request)

View file

@ -287,7 +287,8 @@ non adhérent</span>{% endif %} et votre connexion est {% if users.has_access %}
{% if user_solde %}
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" role="button" href="{% url 'cotisations:new_facture_solde' user.id %}">
<i class="fa fa-euro-sign"></i>
Ajouter une cotisation par solde</a>
Ajouter une cotisation par solde
{% endif %}
{% acl_end %}