* !531: on the radius, add `buster-backports` to `/etc/apt/sources.list` and then run `apt update`, `apt install -t buster-backports freeradius`, `apt install python3-dev`, and `cat apt_requirements_radius.txt | xargs sudo apt -y install`.
* !582: run `sudo pip3 install -r pip_requirements.txt` and `python3 manage.py collectstatic`.
*`python3 manage.py migrate` and `sudo service apache2 reload` as usual.
* !589 : Add `ldap_sync` to your optional apps in your local settings if you want to keep using the LDAP synchronisation.
New features:
* !488: Use `+` in search to combine keywords.
* !495: Add option to allow users to override another user's room, if that user is no longer active
* !496: Add option to allow users to choose password during account creation. They will have to separately confirm their email address.
* !513: IP and MAC address history (`Statistics > Machine history` tab) which also works for delete interfaces. Uses already existing history so events before the upgrade are taken into account.
* !516: Detail event in user's history view (e.g. show `old_email -> new_email`).
* !569: Refactor navbar to make menu navigation easier.
* !569: Add ability to have custom themes.
* !582: Improve autocomplete fields so they load faster and have a clearer behavior (no more entering a value without clicking and thinking it was taken into account).
* ?: Add option to choose minimum password length.
* ?: Add ability to comment on tickets.
* !578 : Migrations squashed to ease the installation process. First step towards making the LDAP an optional feature dor re2o.
* !507 : New form for editing list rights that should make everyone happier.
* There are more tools available with it but some function have changed, report to [the dedicated wiki page](https://gitlab.federez.net/federez/re2o/wikis/User%20Documentation/Setup%20script)for more informations or run:
* The installation templates (LDIF files and `re2o/settings_locale.example.py`) have been changed to use `example.net` instead of `example.org` (more neutral and generic)
Creates a new (nearly) REST API to expose all models of Re2o. See [the dedicated wiki page](https://gitlab.federez.net/federez/re2o/wikis/API/Raw-Usage) for more details on how to use it.
* Activate HTTP Authorization passthrough in by adding the following in `/etc/apache2/site-available/re2o.conf` (example in `install_utils/apache2/re2o.conf`):
## MR 174 : Fix online payment + allow users to pay their subscription
Add the possibility to use custom payment methods. There is also a boolean field on the
Payments allowing every user to use some kinds of payment. You have to add the rights `cotisations.use_every_payment` and `cotisations.buy_every_article`
to the staff members so they can use every type of payment to buy anything.
Don't forget to run migrations, several settings previously in the `preferences` app ar now