2018-07-22 00:16:05 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.10.7 on 2018-07-21 20:01
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
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from django . contrib . auth . management import create_permissions
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import re2o . field_permissions
import re2o . mixins
def reattribute_ids ( apps , schema_editor ) :
Facture = apps . get_model ( ' cotisations ' , ' Facture ' )
BaseInvoice = apps . get_model ( ' cotisations ' , ' BaseInvoice ' )
for f in Facture . objects . all ( ) :
base = BaseInvoice . objects . create ( id = f . pk , date = f . date )
f . baseinvoice_ptr = base
f . save ( )
2018-07-26 10:11:53 +02:00
def update_rights ( apps , schema_editor ) :
Permission = apps . get_model ( ' auth ' , ' Permission ' )
# creates needed permissions
app = apps . get_app_config ( ' cotisations ' )
app . models_module = True
create_permissions ( app )
app . models_module = False
former = Permission . objects . get ( codename = ' change_facture_pdf ' )
new_1 = Permission . objects . get ( codename = ' add_custominvoice ' )
new_2 = Permission . objects . get ( codename = ' change_custominvoice ' )
new_3 = Permission . objects . get ( codename = ' view_custominvoice ' )
new_4 = Permission . objects . get ( codename = ' delete_custominvoice ' )
for group in former . group_set . all ( ) :
group . permissions . remove ( former )
group . permissions . add ( new_1 )
group . permissions . add ( new_2 )
group . permissions . add ( new_3 )
group . permissions . add ( new_4 )
group . save ( )
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class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
dependencies = [
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( ' cotisations ' , ' 0031_comnpaypayment_production ' ) ,
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operations = [
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' BaseInvoice ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . AutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , verbose_name = ' ID ' ) ) ,
( ' date ' , models . DateTimeField ( auto_now_add = True , verbose_name = ' Date ' ) ) ,
] ,
bases = ( re2o . mixins . RevMixin , re2o . mixins . AclMixin , re2o . field_permissions . FieldPermissionModelMixin , models . Model ) ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' CustomInvoice ' ,
fields = [
( ' baseinvoice_ptr ' , models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' cotisations.BaseInvoice ' ) ) ,
( ' recipient ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 255 , verbose_name = ' Recipient ' ) ) ,
( ' payment ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 255 , verbose_name = ' Payment type ' ) ) ,
( ' address ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 255 , verbose_name = ' Address ' ) ) ,
( ' paid ' , models . BooleanField ( verbose_name = ' Paid ' ) ) ,
] ,
bases = ( ' cotisations.baseinvoice ' , ) ,
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options = { ' permissions ' : ( ( ' view_custominvoice ' , ' Can view a custom invoice ' ) , ) } ,
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) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' facture ' ,
name = ' baseinvoice_ptr ' ,
field = models . OneToOneField ( on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , to = ' cotisations.BaseInvoice ' , null = True ) ,
preserve_default = False ,
) ,
migrations . RunPython ( reattribute_ids ) ,
migrations . AlterField (
model_name = ' vente ' ,
name = ' facture ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( on_delete = models . CASCADE , verbose_name = ' Invoice ' , to = ' cotisations.BaseInvoice ' )
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' facture ' ,
name = ' id ' ,
) ,
migrations . RemoveField (
model_name = ' facture ' ,
name = ' date ' ,
) ,
migrations . AlterField (
model_name = ' facture ' ,
name = ' baseinvoice_ptr ' ,
field = models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' cotisations.BaseInvoice ' ) ,
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) ,
migrations . RunPython ( update_rights ) ,
migrations . AlterModelOptions (
name = ' facture ' ,
options = { ' permissions ' : ( ( ' change_facture_control ' , ' Can change the " controlled " state ' ) , ( ' view_facture ' , " Can see an invoice ' s details " ) , ( ' change_all_facture ' , ' Can edit all the previous invoices ' ) ) , ' verbose_name ' : ' Invoice ' , ' verbose_name_plural ' : ' Invoices ' } ,
) ,
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