# Re2o firewall with nftables This script creates a firewall from Re2o information using nftables. # What it does : - Fetch mac-ip table from re2o and filter traffic from the adherent NAT with it; - Create a NAT table for FedeRez and Adherent, and NAT the admin and prerezotage VLANs properly. # What it does not do (yet) : - Fetch opened ports on Re2o and filter traffic with these infos. # Install : ``` cd /usr/local/ git clone --recursive https://gitlab.rezometz.org/klafyvel/firewall.git apt install python3 python3-click python3-iso8601 cp config.ini.example config.ini vim config.ini chmod +x main.py cp firewall.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl start firewall.service echo "* * * * * root /usr/bin/python3 main.py macip 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t firewall" >> /etc/cron.d/firewall ``` # Usage : See `./main.py --help`. # Dependencies : - re2oapi - python3-click