
1172 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "inf2705.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "FBO.h"
#include "Packets.h"
#define SOL 1
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
enum {LocAttrib, LocUniform}; /* Shader location type */
// variables pour l'utilisation des nuanceurs
GLuint prog; // votre programme de nuanceurs
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
GLuint progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition;
GLuint progAddPacketDisplacement;
GLuint progDisplayPacketOutlined;
GLuint progDisplayMicroMesh;
GLuint progDisplayTerrain;
GLuint progRenderAA;
GLint locVertex = -1;
GLint locNormal = -1;
GLint locTexCoord = -1;
GLint locmatrModel = -1;
GLint locmatrVisu = -1;
GLint locmatrProj = -1;
GLint locmatrNormale = -1;
GLint loclaTexture = -1;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
// Locations for RasterizeWaveMeshPosition shader
GLint locVertexRWMP = -1;
GLint locTexCoordRWMP = -1;
GLint locmatrModelRWMP = -1;
GLint locmatrVisuRWMP = -1;
GLint locmatrProjRWMP = -1;
GLint locmatrNormaleRWMP = -1;
GLint locTexRWMP = -1;
// Locations for AddPacketDisplacement shader
GLuint locVertexADP = -1;
GLuint locTexCoordADP = -1;
GLuint locmatrModelADP = -1;
GLuint locmatrVisuADP = -1;
GLuint locmatrProjADP = -1;
GLuint locTexADP = -1;
// Locations for DisplayPacketOutlined shader
GLuint locVertexDPO = -1;
GLuint locTexCoordDPO = -1;
GLuint locmatrModelDPO = -1;
GLuint locmatrVisuDPO = -1;
GLuint locmatrProjDPO = -1;
GLuint locTexDPO = -1;
// Locations for DisplayMicroMesh shader
GLuint locVertexDMM = -1;
GLuint locTexCoordDMM = -1;
GLuint locmatrModelDMM = -1;
GLuint locmatrVisuDMM = -1;
GLuint locmatrProjDMM = -1;
GLuint locTexDMM = -1;
// Locationss for DisplayTerrain shader
GLuint locVertexDT = -1;
GLuint locTexCoordDT = -1;
GLuint locmatrModelDT = -1;
GLuint locmatrVisuDT = -1;
GLuint locmatrProjDT = -1;
GLuint locTexDT = -1;
// Locations for RenderAA shader
GLuint locVertexRAA = -1;
GLuint locTexCoordRAA = -1;
GLuint locmatrModelRAA = -1;
GLuint locmatrVisuRAA = -1;
GLuint locmatrProjRAA = -1;
GLuint locTexRAA = -1;
GLuint indLightSource;
GLuint indFrontMaterial;
GLuint indLightModel;
GLuint indvarsUnif;
GLuint progBase; // le programme de nuanceurs de base
GLint locVertexBase = -1;
GLint locColorBase = -1;
GLint locmatrModelBase = -1;
GLint locmatrVisuBase = -1;
GLint locmatrProjBase = -1;
GLuint vao[2];
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
GLuint vaoQuad;
GLuint vbosQuad[2];
GLuint vbo[5];
GLuint ubo[4];
// matrices de du pipeline graphique
MatricePipeline matrModel;
MatricePipeline matrVisu;
MatricePipeline matrProj;
// les formes
FormeSphere *sphere = NULL, *sphereLumi = NULL;
FormeTheiere *theiere = NULL;
FormeTore *tore = NULL;
FormeCylindre *cylindre = NULL;
FormeCylindre *cone = NULL;
// variables pour définir le point de vue
double thetaCam = 0.0; // angle de rotation de la caméra (coord. sphériques)
double phiCam = 0.0; // angle de rotation de la caméra (coord. sphériques)
double distCam = 0.0; // distance (coord. sphériques)
// variables d'état
bool enPerspective = false; // indique si on est en mode Perspective (true) ou Ortho (false)
bool enmouvement = false; // le modèle est en mouvement/rotation automatique ou non
bool afficheAxes = true; // indique si on affiche les axes
GLenum modePolygone = GL_FILL; // comment afficher les polygones
// FBOs
FBO *posFBO;
FBO *heightFBO;
// Wave Packets
Packets *packets;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
int packetBudget = MIN_PACKET_BUDGET;
/* Wave packets:
* vec4: xy = position, zw = direction
* vec4: x = amplitude, y = wavelength, z = phase offset, w = enveloppe size
* vec4: for rendering x = center of wave bending circle*/
GLfloat packetData[PACKET_GPU_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 * 4];
// déclaration des variables globales //
// partie 1: illumination
int modele = 1; // le modèle à afficher
// partie 3: texture
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
GLuint texTerrain = 0;
GLuint textureECHIQUIER = 0;
// définition des lumières
struct LightSourceParameters
glm::vec4 ambient;
glm::vec4 diffuse;
glm::vec4 specular;
glm::vec4 position;
glm::vec3 spotDirection;
float spotExposant;
float spotAngle; // ([0.0,90.0] ou 180.0)
float constantAttenuation;
float linearAttenuation;
float quadraticAttenuation;
} LightSource[1] = { { glm::vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 4, 1, 15, 1.0 ),
glm::vec3( -5.0, -2.0, -10.0 ),
1.0, // l'exposant du cône
15.0, // l'angle du cône du spot
1., 0., 0. } };
// définition du matériau
struct MaterialParameters
glm::vec4 emission;
glm::vec4 ambient;
glm::vec4 diffuse;
glm::vec4 specular;
float shininess;
} FrontMaterial = { glm::vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 ),
glm::vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
100.0 };
struct LightModelParameters
glm::vec4 ambient; // couleur ambiante
int localViewer; // doit-on prendre en compte la position de l'observateur? (local ou à l'infini)
int twoSide; // éclairage sur les deux côtés ou un seul?
} LightModel = { glm::vec4(0,0,0,1), false, false };
// partie 1: illumination
int typeIllumination; // 0:Lambert, 1:Gouraud, 2:Phong
int utiliseBlinn; // indique si on veut utiliser modèle spéculaire de Blinn ou Phong
int utiliseDirect; // indique si on utilise un spot style Direct3D ou OpenGL
int afficheNormales; // indique si on utilise les normales comme couleurs (utile pour le débogage)
// partie 3: texture
int texnumero; // numéro de la texture appliquée
int utiliseCouleur; // doit-on utiliser la couleur de base de l'objet en plus de celle de la texture?
int afficheTexelNoir; // un texel noir doit-il être affiché 0:noir, 1:mi-coloré, 2:transparent?
} varsUnif = { 2, false, false, false,
0, true, 0 };
// ( En glsl, les types 'bool' et 'int' sont de la même taille, ce qui n'est pas le cas en C++.
// Ci-dessus, on triche donc un peu en déclarant les 'bool' comme des 'int', mais ça facilite la
// copie directe vers le nuanceur où les variables seront bien de type 'bool'. )
void verifierAngles()
if ( thetaCam > 360.0 )
thetaCam -= 360.0;
else if ( thetaCam < 0.0 )
thetaCam += 360.0;
const GLdouble MINPHI = -90.0, MAXPHI = 90.0;
if ( phiCam > MAXPHI )
phiCam = MAXPHI;
else if ( phiCam < MINPHI )
phiCam = MINPHI;
void calculerPhysique( )
if ( enmouvement )
static int sensTheta = 1;
static int sensPhi = 1;
thetaCam += 0.3 * sensTheta;
phiCam += 0.5 * sensPhi;
//if ( thetaCam <= 0. || thetaCam >= 360.0 ) sensTheta = -sensTheta;
if ( phiCam < -90.0 || phiCam > 90.0 ) sensPhi = -sensPhi;
static int sensAngle = 1;
LightSource[0].spotAngle += sensAngle * 0.3;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle < 5.0 ) sensAngle = -sensAngle;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle > 60.0 ) sensAngle = -sensAngle;
// De temps à autre, alterner entre le modèle d'illumination: Lambert, Gouraud, Phong
static float type = 0;
type += 0.005;
varsUnif.typeIllumination = fmod(type,3);
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
void updatePackets()
// Compute wave packets
// TODO Setup wide projection for InitiateWaveField (RasterizeWaveMeshPosition)
int displayedPackets = 0;
int packetChunk =0;
/* Standard wave packets */
for (int i = 0; i < packets->m_usedPackets; ++i) {
int pk = packets->m_usedPacket[i];
/* Test for 3rd vertex (sliding point) */
if (!packets->m_packet[pk].use3rd) {
/* Position */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].midPos.x();
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].midPos.y();
/* Direction */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].travelDir.x();
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].travelDir.y();
/* Att1 */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].ampOld;
packetData[packetChunk++] = 2.0f * M_PI / packets->m_packet[pk].k;
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].phase;
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].envelope;
/* Att2 */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_packet[pk].bending;
packetChunk += 3; /* The last 3 elements aren't needed */
if (packetChunk >= PACKET_GPU_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 * 4) {
/* TODO Update VBO */
/* TODO EvaluatePackets(packetChunk) */
packetChunk = 0;
/* Ghost packets */
for (int i = 0; i < packets->m_usedGhosts; ++i) {
int pk = packets->m_usedGhost[i];
/* Position */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].pos.x();
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].pos.y();
/* Direction */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].dir.x();
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].dir.y();
/* Att1 */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].ampOld;
packetData[packetChunk++] = 2.0f * M_PI / packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].k;
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].phase;
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].envelope;
/* Att2 */
packetData[packetChunk++] = packets->m_ghostPacket[pk].bending;
packetChunk += 3; /* The last 3 elements aren't needed */
if (packetChunk >= PACKET_GPU_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 * 4) {
/* TODO Update VBO */
/* TODO EvaluatePackets(packetChunk) */
packetChunk = 0;
/* TODO Update VBO */
/* TODO EvaluatePackets(packetChunk) */
/* TODO DisplayScene */
/* TODO Get camera center */
void chargerTextures()
unsigned char *pixels;
GLsizei largeur, hauteur;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
if ( ( pixels = ChargerImage( WATER_TERRAIN_FILE, largeur, hauteur ) ) != NULL )
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
glGenTextures( 1, &texTerrain );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texTerrain );
glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, largeur, hauteur, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
delete[] pixels;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
/* Create program and link it
* Input : filenames for vertex, geometry and fragment shader, or NULL*/
GLuint createShader(const GLchar *shaders[3])
GLuint prog;
GLenum shaderType[3] = {
prog = glCreateProgram();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (shaders[i] != NULL) {
printf("Compiling %s ...\n", shaders[i]);
const GLchar *shaderStr = ProgNuanceur::lireNuanceur(shaders[i]);
if (shaderStr == NULL)
GLuint s = glCreateShader(shaderType[i]);
glShaderSource( s, 1, &shaderStr, NULL );
glCompileShader( s );
glAttachShader( prog, s );
ProgNuanceur::afficherLogCompile( s );
delete [] shaderStr;
return prog;
getloc(GLuint prog, const GLchar *name, const int type)
GLuint loc;
switch (type) {
case LocAttrib:
loc = glGetAttribLocation(prog, name);
case LocUniform:
loc = glGetUniformLocation(prog, name);
if (loc == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find location for %s\n", name);
return loc;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
void chargerNuanceurs()
// charger le nuanceur de base
// créer le programme
progBase = glCreateProgram();
// attacher le nuanceur de sommets
GLuint nuanceurObj = glCreateShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER );
glShaderSource( nuanceurObj, 1, &ProgNuanceur::chainesSommetsMinimal, NULL );
glCompileShader( nuanceurObj );
glAttachShader( progBase, nuanceurObj );
ProgNuanceur::afficherLogCompile( nuanceurObj );
// attacher le nuanceur de fragments
GLuint nuanceurObj = glCreateShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER );
glShaderSource( nuanceurObj, 1, &ProgNuanceur::chainesFragmentsMinimal, NULL );
glCompileShader( nuanceurObj );
glAttachShader( progBase, nuanceurObj );
ProgNuanceur::afficherLogCompile( nuanceurObj );
// faire l'édition des liens du programme
glLinkProgram( progBase );
ProgNuanceur::afficherLogLink( progBase );
// demander la "Location" des variables
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
locVertexBase = getloc( progBase, "Vertex", LocAttrib );
locColorBase = getloc( progBase, "Color", LocAttrib );
locmatrModelBase = getloc( progBase, "matrModel", LocUniform );
locmatrVisuBase = getloc( progBase, "matrVisu", LocUniform );
locmatrProjBase = getloc( progBase, "matrProj", LocUniform );
// charger le nuanceur de ce TP
// créer le programme
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"nuanceurSommetsSolution.glsl", "nuanceurGeometrieSolution.glsl", "nuanceurFragmentsSolution.glsl"};
prog = createShader(shaders);
// demander la "Location" des variables
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
locVertex = getloc( prog, "Vertex", LocAttrib );
locNormal = getloc( prog, "Normal", LocAttrib );
locTexCoord = getloc( prog, "TexCoord", LocAttrib );
locmatrModel = getloc( prog, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisu = getloc( prog, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProj = getloc( prog, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locmatrNormale = getloc( prog, "matrNormale" , LocUniform);
loclaTexture = getloc( prog, "laTexture" , LocUniform);
if ( ( indLightSource = glGetUniformBlockIndex( prog, "LightSourceParameters" ) ) == GL_INVALID_INDEX ) std::cerr << "!!! pas trouvé l'\"index\" de LightSource" << std::endl;
if ( ( indFrontMaterial = glGetUniformBlockIndex( prog, "MaterialParameters" ) ) == GL_INVALID_INDEX ) std::cerr << "!!! pas trouvé l'\"index\" de FrontMaterial" << std::endl;
if ( ( indLightModel = glGetUniformBlockIndex( prog, "LightModelParameters" ) ) == GL_INVALID_INDEX ) std::cerr << "!!! pas trouvé l'\"index\" de LightModel" << std::endl;
if ( ( indvarsUnif = glGetUniformBlockIndex( prog, "varsUnif" ) ) == GL_INVALID_INDEX ) std::cerr << "!!! pas trouvé l'\"index\" de varsUnif" << std::endl;
// charger les ubo
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[0] );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(LightSource), &LightSource, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
const GLuint bindingIndex = 0;
glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, bindingIndex, ubo[0] );
glUniformBlockBinding( prog, indLightSource, bindingIndex );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[1] );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(FrontMaterial), &FrontMaterial, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
const GLuint bindingIndex = 1;
glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, bindingIndex, ubo[1] );
glUniformBlockBinding( prog, indFrontMaterial, bindingIndex );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[2] );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(LightModel), &LightModel, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
const GLuint bindingIndex = 2;
glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, bindingIndex, ubo[2] );
glUniformBlockBinding( prog, indLightModel, bindingIndex );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[3] );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(varsUnif), &varsUnif, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
const GLuint bindingIndex = 3;
glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, bindingIndex, ubo[3] );
glUniformBlockBinding( prog, indvarsUnif, bindingIndex );
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
// Load RasterizeWaveMeshPosition shader
// créer le programme
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"rasterizeWaveMeshPosition.vert", NULL, "rasterizeWaveMeshPosition.frag"};
progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition = createShader(shaders);
// demander la "Location" des variables
locVertexRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexRWMP = getloc( progRasterizeWaveMeshPosition, "tex" , LocUniform);
// Load AddPacketDisplacement shader
// créer le programme
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"addPacketDisplacement.vert", "addPacketDisplacement.geom", "addPacketDisplacement.frag"};
progAddPacketDisplacement = createShader(shaders);
// demander la "Location" des variables
locVertexADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexADP = getloc( progAddPacketDisplacement, "tex" , LocUniform);
// Load DisplayPacketOutlined shader
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"displayPacketOutlined.vert", "displayPacketOutlined.geom", "displayPacketOutlined.frag"};
progDisplayPacketOutlined = createShader(shaders);
locVertexDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexDPO = getloc( progDisplayPacketOutlined, "tex" , LocUniform);
// Load DisplayMicroMesh shader
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"displayMicroMesh.vert", "displayMicroMesh.geom", "displayMicroMesh.frag"};
progDisplayMicroMesh = createShader(shaders);
locVertexDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexDMM = getloc( progDisplayMicroMesh, "tex" , LocUniform);
// Load DisplayTerrain shader
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"displayTerrain.vert", NULL, "displayTerrain.frag"};
progDisplayTerrain = createShader(shaders);
locVertexDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexDT = getloc( progDisplayTerrain, "tex" , LocUniform);
// Load RenderAA shader
const GLchar *shaders[3] = {"displayTerrain.vert", NULL, "displayTerrain.frag"};
progRenderAA = createShader(shaders);
locVertexRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "Vertex" , LocAttrib);
locTexCoordRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "TexCoord" , LocAttrib);
locmatrModelRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "matrModel" , LocUniform);
locmatrVisuRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "matrVisu" , LocUniform);
locmatrProjRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "matrProj" , LocUniform);
locTexRAA = getloc( progRenderAA, "tex" , LocUniform);
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
// Create a screen space quad
void initQuad()
GLfloat vertices[3*2*2] = {
-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
GLfloat texcoords[3*2*2] = {
0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
// allouer les objets OpenGL
glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vaoQuad );
glGenBuffers( 2, vbosQuad );
// initialiser le VAO
glBindVertexArray( vaoQuad );
// charger le VBO pour les vertices
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbosQuad[0] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locVertexRWMP, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// Charger le VBO pour les coordonnées de texture
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbosQuad[1] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(texcoords), texcoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locTexCoordRWMP, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// initialisation d'openGL
void initialiser()
// donner l'orientation du modèle
thetaCam = 0.0;
phiCam = 0.0;
distCam = 30.0;
// Create FBOs
posFBO = new FBO();
heightFBO = new FBO();
aaFBO = new FBO();
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
// Create Packets
packets = new Packets(packetBudget);
// couleur de l'arrière-plan
glClearColor( 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0 );
// activer les etats openGL
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
// charger les textures
// allouer les UBO pour les variables uniformes
glGenBuffers( 4, ubo );
// charger les nuanceurs
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
glUseProgram( prog );
// (partie 1) créer le cube
/* +Y */
/* 3+-----------+2 */
/* |\ |\ */
/* | \ | \ */
/* | \ | \ */
/* | 7+-----------+6 */
/* | | | | */
/* | | | | */
/* 0+---|-------+1 | */
/* \ | \ | +X */
/* \ | \ | */
/* \| \| */
/* 4+-----------+5 */
/* +Z */
GLfloat sommets[3*4*6] =
-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // P3,P2,P0,P1
1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // P5,P4,P1,P0
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // P6,P5,P2,P1
-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, // P7,P6,P3,P2
-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, // P4,P7,P0,P3
-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 // P4,P5,P7,P6
GLfloat normales[3*4*6] =
0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0,
0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
GLfloat texcoordsDe[2*4*6] =
1.000000,0.000000, 0.666666,0.000000, 1.000000,0.333333, 0.666666,0.333333,
0.000000,0.666666, 0.333333,0.666666, 0.000000,0.333333, 0.333333,0.333333,
0.666666,1.000000, 0.666666,0.666666, 0.333333,1.000000, 0.333333,0.666666,
1.000000,0.333333, 0.666666,0.333333, 1.000000,0.666666, 0.666666,0.666666,
0.333333,0.000000, 0.333333,0.333333, 0.666666,0.000000, 0.666666,0.333333,
0.666666,0.333333, 0.333333,0.333333, 0.666666,0.666666, 0.333333,0.666666
GLfloat texcoordsEchiquier[2*4*6] =
-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0,
2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 2.0,
-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0,
-1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0,
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0
// allouer les objets OpenGL
glGenVertexArrays( 2, vao );
glGenBuffers( 5, vbo );
// initialiser le VAO
glBindVertexArray( vao[0] );
// charger le VBO pour les sommets
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[0] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(sommets), sommets, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locVertex, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// (partie 1) charger le VBO pour les normales
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[1] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(normales), normales, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locNormal, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// (partie 3) charger le VBO pour les coordonnées de texture du dé
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[2] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(texcoordsDe), texcoordsDe, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locTexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// (partie 3) charger le VBO pour les coordonnées de texture de l'échiquier
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[3] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(texcoordsEchiquier), texcoordsEchiquier, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locTexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// initialiser le VAO pour une ligne (montrant la direction du spot)
glBindVertexArray( vao[1] );
GLfloat coords[] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. };
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[4] );
glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(coords), coords, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer( locVertexBase, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
// créer quelques autres formes
sphere = new FormeSphere( 1.0, 32, 32 );
sphereLumi = new FormeSphere( 0.5, 10, 10 );
theiere = new FormeTheiere( );
tore = new FormeTore( 0.4, 0.8, 32, 32 );
cylindre = new FormeCylindre( 0.3, 0.3, 3.0, 32, 32 );
cone = new FormeCylindre( 0.0, 0.5, 3.0, 32, 32 );
// Update display mesh and FBOs
// redimensionner();
void conclure()
glUseProgram( 0 );
glDeleteVertexArrays( 2, vao );
glDeleteBuffers( 4, vbo );
glDeleteBuffers( 4, ubo );
delete sphere;
delete sphereLumi;
delete theiere;
delete tore;
delete cylindre;
delete cone;
delete posFBO;
delete heightFBO;
delete aaFBO;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
void drawQuad()
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrProjRWMP, 1, GL_FALSE, matrProj );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrVisuRWMP, 1, GL_FALSE, matrVisu );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModelRWMP, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
void afficherModele()
// partie 3: paramètres de texture
switch ( varsUnif.texnumero )
//std::cout << "Sans texture" << std::endl;
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
case 1:
//std::cout << "Texture DE" << std::endl;
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texTerrain );
case 2:
//std::cout << "Texture ECHIQUIER" << std::endl;
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureECHIQUIER );
// Dessiner le modèle
matrModel.PushMatrix(); {
// appliquer les rotations
matrModel.Rotate( phiCam, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
matrModel.Rotate( thetaCam, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
// mise à l'échelle
matrModel.Scale( 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModel, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
// (partie 1: ne pas oublier de calculer et donner une matrice pour les transformations des normales)
glUniformMatrix3fv( locmatrNormale, 1, GL_TRUE, glm::value_ptr( glm::inverse( glm::mat3( matrVisu.getMatr() * matrModel.getMatr() ) ) ) );
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
} matrModel.PopMatrix(); glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModel, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
void afficherLumiere()
// Dessiner la lumiere
// tracer une ligne vers la source lumineuse
const GLfloat fact = 5.;
GLfloat coords[] =
LightSource[0].position.x , LightSource[0].position.y , LightSource[0].position.z,
LightSource[0].position.x+LightSource[0].spotDirection.x/fact, LightSource[0].position.y+LightSource[0].spotDirection.y/fact, LightSource[0].position.z+LightSource[0].spotDirection.z/fact
glLineWidth( 3.0 );
glVertexAttrib3f( locColorBase, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 ); // jaune
glBindVertexArray( vao[1] );
matrModel.PushMatrix(); {
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[4] );
glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(coords), coords );
glDrawArrays( GL_LINES, 0, 2 );
} matrModel.PopMatrix(); glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModelBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
glBindVertexArray( 0 );
glLineWidth( 1.0 );
// tracer la source lumineuse
matrModel.PushMatrix(); {
matrModel.Translate( LightSource[0].position.x, LightSource[0].position.y, LightSource[0].position.z );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModelBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
} matrModel.PopMatrix(); glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModelBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
// fonction d'affichage
void FenetreTP::afficherScene()
// effacer l'ecran et le tampon de profondeur
glUseProgram( progBase );
// définir le pipeline graphique
if ( enPerspective )
matrProj.Perspective( 35.0, (GLdouble)largeur_ / (GLdouble)hauteur_,
0.1, 60.0 );
const GLfloat d = 8.0;
if ( largeur_ <= hauteur_ )
matrProj.Ortho( -d, d,
-d*(GLdouble)hauteur_ / (GLdouble)largeur_,
d*(GLdouble)hauteur_ / (GLdouble)largeur_,
0.1, 60.0 );
matrProj.Ortho( -d*(GLdouble)largeur_ / (GLdouble)hauteur_,
d*(GLdouble)largeur_ / (GLdouble)hauteur_,
-d, d,
0.1, 60.0 );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrProjBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrProj );
2017-11-27 00:11:42 -05:00
matrVisu.LookAt( 0.0, 3.0, distCam, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrVisuBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrVisu );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModelBase, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
// afficher les axes
if ( afficheAxes ) FenetreTP::afficherAxes( 8.0 );
// dessiner la scène
glUseProgram( prog );
// mettre à jour les blocs de variables uniformes
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[0] );
GLvoid *p = glMapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
memcpy( p, &LightSource, sizeof(LightSource) );
glUnmapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[1] );
GLvoid *p = glMapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
memcpy( p, &FrontMaterial, sizeof(FrontMaterial) );
glUnmapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[2] );
GLvoid *p = glMapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
memcpy( p, &LightModel, sizeof(LightModel) );
glUnmapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo[3] );
GLvoid *p = glMapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
memcpy( p, &varsUnif, sizeof(varsUnif) );
glUnmapBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER );
// mettre à jour les matrices et autres uniformes
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrProj, 1, GL_FALSE, matrProj );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrVisu, 1, GL_FALSE, matrVisu );
glUniformMatrix4fv( locmatrModel, 1, GL_FALSE, matrModel );
//glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); // activer la texture '0' (valeur de défaut)
glUniform1i( loclaTexture, 0 ); // '0' => utilisation de GL_TEXTURE0
// fonction de redimensionnement de la fenêtre graphique
void FenetreTP::redimensionner( GLsizei w, GLsizei h )
std::cout << "Resizing to " << w << "×" << h << std::endl;
/* FIXME Is this function called on program start ? */
glViewport( 0, 0, w, h );
/* TODO Create/resize display mesh */
static void echoEtats( )
static std::string illuminationStr[] = { "0:Lambert", "1:Gouraud", "2:Phong" };
static std::string reflexionStr[] = { "0:Phong", "1:Blinn" };
static std::string spotStr[] = { "0:OpenGL", "1:Direct3D" };
std::cout << " modèle d'illumination= " << illuminationStr[varsUnif.typeIllumination]
<< ", refléxion spéculaire= " << reflexionStr[varsUnif.utiliseBlinn]
<< ", spot= " << spotStr[varsUnif.utiliseDirect]
<< std::endl;
// fonction de gestion du clavier
void FenetreTP::clavier( TP_touche touche )
// traitement des touches q et echap
switch ( touche )
case TP_ECHAP:
case TP_q: // Quitter l'application
case TP_x: // Activer/désactiver l'affichage des axes
afficheAxes = !afficheAxes;
std::cout << "// Affichage des axes ? " << ( afficheAxes ? "OUI" : "NON" ) << std::endl;
case TP_v: // Recharger les fichiers des nuanceurs et recréer le programme
std::cout << "// Recharger nuanceurs" << std::endl;
case TP_p: // Permuter la projection: perspective ou orthogonale
enPerspective = !enPerspective;
case TP_i: // Alterner entre le modèle d'illumination: Lambert, Gouraud, Phong
if ( ++varsUnif.typeIllumination > 2 ) varsUnif.typeIllumination = 0;
echoEtats( );
case TP_r: // Alterner entre le modèle de réflexion spéculaire: Phong, Blinn
varsUnif.utiliseBlinn = !varsUnif.utiliseBlinn;
echoEtats( );
case TP_s: // Alterner entre le modèle de spot: OpenGL, Direct3D
varsUnif.utiliseDirect = !varsUnif.utiliseDirect;
echoEtats( );
//case TP_l: // Alterner entre une caméra locale à la scène ou distante (localViewer)
// LightModel.localViewer = !LightModel.localViewer;
// std::cout << " localViewer=" << LightModel.localViewer << std::endl;
// break;
case TP_a: // Incrémenter l'angle du cône du spot
case TP_EGAL:
case TP_PLUS:
LightSource[0].spotAngle += 2.0;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle > 90.0 ) LightSource[0].spotAngle = 90.0;
std::cout << " spotAngle=" << LightSource[0].spotAngle << std::endl;
case TP_z: // Décrémenter l'angle du cône du spot
case TP_MOINS:
LightSource[0].spotAngle -= 2.0;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle < 0.0 ) LightSource[0].spotAngle = 0.0;
std::cout << " spotAngle=" << LightSource[0].spotAngle << std::endl;
case TP_d: // Incrémenter l'exposant du spot
LightSource[0].spotExposant += 0.3;
if ( LightSource[0].spotExposant > 89.0 ) LightSource[0].spotExposant = 89.0;
std::cout << " spotExposant=" << LightSource[0].spotExposant << std::endl;
case TP_e: // Décrémenter l'exposant du spot
case TP_POINT:
LightSource[0].spotExposant -= 0.3;
if ( LightSource[0].spotExposant < 0.0 ) LightSource[0].spotExposant = 0.0;
std::cout << " spotExposant=" << LightSource[0].spotExposant << std::endl;
case TP_j: // Incrémenter le coefficient de brillance
FrontMaterial.shininess *= 1.1;
std::cout << " FrontMaterial.shininess=" << FrontMaterial.shininess << std::endl;
case TP_u: // Décrémenter le coefficient de brillance
FrontMaterial.shininess /= 1.1; if ( FrontMaterial.shininess < 0.0 ) FrontMaterial.shininess = 0.0;
std::cout << " FrontMaterial.shininess=" << FrontMaterial.shininess << std::endl;
LightSource[0].position.x += 0.3;
LightSource[0].position.x -= 0.3;
case TP_BAS:
LightSource[0].position.y += 0.3;
case TP_HAUT:
LightSource[0].position.y -= 0.3;
case TP_FIN:
LightSource[0].spotDirection.x += 0.6;
case TP_DEBUT:
LightSource[0].spotDirection.x -= 0.6;
LightSource[0].spotDirection.y += 0.6;
LightSource[0].spotDirection.y -= 0.6;
case TP_m: // Choisir le modèle affiché: cube, tore, sphère, théière, cylindre, cône
if ( ++modele > 6 ) modele = 1;
std::cout << " modele=" << modele << std::endl;
case TP_0:
thetaCam = 0.0; phiCam = 0.0; distCam = 30.0; // placer les choses afin d'avoir une belle vue
case TP_t: // Choisir la texture utilisée: aucune, dé, échiquier
if ( varsUnif.texnumero > 2 ) varsUnif.texnumero = 0;
std::cout << " varsUnif.texnumero=" << varsUnif.texnumero << std::endl;
// case TP_c: // Changer l'affichage de l'objet texturé avec couleurs ou sans couleur
// varsUnif.utiliseCouleur = !varsUnif.utiliseCouleur;
// std::cout << " utiliseCouleur=" << varsUnif.utiliseCouleur << std::endl;
// break;
case TP_o: // Changer l'affichage des texels noirs (noir, mi-coloré, transparent)
if ( varsUnif.afficheTexelNoir > 2 ) varsUnif.afficheTexelNoir = 0;
std::cout << " afficheTexelNoir=" << varsUnif.afficheTexelNoir << std::endl;
case TP_g: // Permuter l'affichage en fil de fer ou plein
modePolygone = ( modePolygone == GL_FILL ) ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL;
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, modePolygone );
case TP_n: // Utiliser ou non les normales calculées comme couleur (pour le débogage)
varsUnif.afficheNormales = !varsUnif.afficheNormales;
case TP_ESPACE: // Permuter la rotation automatique du modèle
enmouvement = !enmouvement;
std::cout << " touche inconnue : " << (char) touche << std::endl;
// fonction callback pour un clic de souris
int dernierX = 0; // la dernière valeur en X de position de la souris
int dernierY = 0; // la derniere valeur en Y de position de la souris
static enum { deplaceCam, deplaceSpotDirection, deplaceSpotPosition } deplace = deplaceCam;
static bool pressed = false;
void FenetreTP::sourisClic( int button, int state, int x, int y )
pressed = ( state == TP_PRESSE );
if ( pressed )
// on vient de presser la souris
dernierX = x;
dernierY = y;
switch ( button )
case TP_BOUTON_GAUCHE: // Tourner l'objet
deplace = deplaceCam;
case TP_BOUTON_MILIEU: // Modifier l'orientation du spot
deplace = deplaceSpotDirection;
case TP_BOUTON_DROIT: // Déplacer la lumière
deplace = deplaceSpotPosition;
// on vient de relâcher la souris
void FenetreTP::sourisWheel( int x, int y ) // Changer la taille du spot
const int sens = +1;
LightSource[0].spotAngle += sens*y;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle > 90.0 ) LightSource[0].spotAngle = 90.0;
if ( LightSource[0].spotAngle < 0.0 ) LightSource[0].spotAngle = 0.0;
std::cout << " spotAngle=" << LightSource[0].spotAngle << std::endl;
// fonction de mouvement de la souris
void FenetreTP::sourisMouvement( int x, int y )
if ( pressed )
int dx = x - dernierX;
int dy = y - dernierY;
switch ( deplace )
case deplaceCam:
thetaCam -= dx / 3.0;
phiCam -= dy / 3.0;
case deplaceSpotDirection:
LightSource[0].spotDirection.x += 0.06 * dx;
LightSource[0].spotDirection.y -= 0.06 * dy;
// std::cout << " LightSource[0].spotDirection=" << glm::to_string(LightSource[0].spotDirection) << std::endl;
case deplaceSpotPosition:
LightSource[0].position.x += 0.03 * dx;
LightSource[0].position.y -= 0.03 * dy;
// std::cout << " LightSource[0].position=" << glm::to_string(LightSource[0].position) << std::endl;
//glm::vec3 ecranPos( x, hauteur_-y, ecranLumi[2] );
//LightSource[0].position = glm::vec4(glm::unProject( ecranPos, VM, P, cloture ), 1.0);
dernierX = x;
dernierY = y;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// créer une fenêtre
FenetreTP fenetre( "INF2705 TP" );
// allouer des ressources et définir le contexte OpenGL
bool boucler = true;
while ( boucler )
// mettre à jour la physique
calculerPhysique( );
// affichage
// récupérer les événements et appeler la fonction de rappel
boucler = fenetre.gererEvenement();
// détruire les ressources OpenGL allouées
return 0;