#!/bin/zsh ################################################################################ # Utility functions for the prompt # ################################################################################ local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="%{$fg_bold[green]%}[%{$fg_bold[blue]%}" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="%{$fg_bold[green]%}]" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN="%{$fg_no_bold[green]%}✓" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_AHEAD="%{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}▴" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BEHIND="%{$fg_no_bold[magenta]%}▾" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_STAGED="%{$fg_no_bold[green]%}●" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNSTAGED="%{$fg_no_bold[yellow]%}●" local ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED="%{$fg_no_bold[red]%}●" local ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_PREFIX=" %{$fg_bold[green]%}(%{%b$fg[green]%}" local ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_SUFFIX="%{$reset_color$fg_bold[green]%})%{$reset_color%}" # Depending if root or not, displays the right prompt char # and changes the color of the username color_username () { if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "%{$fg_bold[red]%}%n" else echo "%{$fg_bold[green]%}%n" fi } color_prompt_char () { if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "%{$fg_no_bold[red]%}#%{$reset_color%}" else echo "%{$fg_no_bold[green]%}$%{$reset_color%}" fi } # Host coloring, specific to Rezometz color_host () { local couleur_hote="" case $HOST in TwelveYearsAndStillGoingStrong|lharkinateur|BecauseROSThatSWhy|lharktop|blieuxor) couleur_hote=cyan;; chimay|orval) couleur_hote=magenta;; babel|taima|era|vidar|okami|athena) couleur_hote=red;; loki|skadi) couleur_hote=blue;; *) couleur_hote=white;; esac echo "%{$fg_bold[$couleur_hote]%}%m" } function virtualenv_prompt_info(){ [[ -n ${VIRTUAL_ENV} ]] || return echo "${ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_PREFIX:=[}${VIRTUAL_ENV:t}${ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALENV_SUFFIX:=]}" } # disables prompt mangling in virtual_env/bin/activate export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 function _prompt_chars() { if $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1); then local _GIT_CHAR="%{$fg_no_bold[blue]%}±%{$reset_color%}" else local _GIT_CHAR=' ' fi local _VENV_PROMPT="%{%}$(virtualenv_prompt_info)" echo "$_GIT_CHAR$_VENV_PROMPT $(color_prompt_char)" } function charge_batterie { local BATTERY=/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 local REM_CAP=`cat $BATTERY/charge_now` local FULL_CAP=`cat $BATTERY/charge_full` local BATSTATE=`cat $BATTERY/status` local CHARGE=$(( $REM_CAP * 100 / $FULL_CAP )) local Batterie="" case $BATSTATE in 'Full') Batterie="~";; 'Charging') Batterie="+";; 'Discharging') Batterie="-";; esac # Maximum à 100% if [ $CHARGE -gt "99" ] then CHARGE=100 fi local Couleur="magenta" if [ $CHARGE -gt "15" ] then Couleur="yellow" fi if [ $CHARGE -gt "30" ] then Couleur="green" fi echo %{$fg[${Couleur}]%B%}${Batterie}%{%b$fg[${Couleur_batt}]%}$CHARGE%%%{$reset_color%} } space_sh_git_branch () { local ref=$(command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || \ ref=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return echo "${ref#refs/heads/}" } space_sh_git_status () { _INDEX=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null) local _STATUS="" if $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^[AMRD]. ' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_STAGED" fi if $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^.[MTD] ' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNSTAGED" fi if $(echo "$_INDEX" | command grep -E '^\?\? ' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED" fi if $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^UU ' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNMERGED" fi if $(command git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_STASHED" fi if $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^## .*ahead' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_AHEAD" elif $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^## .*behind' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BEHIND" fi if $(echo "$_INDEX" | grep '^## .*diverged' &> /dev/null); then _STATUS="$_STATUS$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIVERGED" fi echo $_STATUS } space_sh_git_prompt () { local _branch=$(space_sh_git_branch) local _result="" if [[ "${_branch}x" != "x" ]]; then local _status=$(space_sh_git_status) _result="$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX$_branch" if [[ "${_status}x" != "x" ]]; then _result="$_result $_status" fi _result="$_result$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX" fi echo $_result } prompt_msg () { # TODO clean up /dev/shm when prompt_msg not in use # TODO Use unique filename in case multiple people use the same prompt line=$(tail -1 /dev/shm/prompt_msg) 2> /dev/null case $line in update_rc) msg="Update ready for rc. Run uprc to proceed";; git_unpushed) msg="You have unpushed business in $HOME/rc";; git_network_unreachable) msg="Can't reach rc git repo";; update_sys*) nb_pkg=$(echo $line | grep -o '[0-9]*' | head -n 1) msg="Update ready for the system. $nb_pkg new package$([ $nb_pkg -gt 1 ] && echo s)";; *) msg="";; esac # Remove last message from stack before it drives us mad sed -i '$ d' /dev/shm/prompt_msg 2> /dev/null echo $msg } ################################################################################ # Prompt display # ################################################################################ prompt_create () { # Carriage return to give the prompt some air PROMPT="%{$reset_color%}"$'\n' # Username, red when logged as root PROMPT+='$(color_username)' # @ symbol PROMPT+="%{$fg_bold[blue]%}@" # Hostname, colors defined just above PROMPT+="$(color_host)" # White space to separate host from pwd PROMPT+=" %{$reset_color%}" # Current working directory, use ~ when needed PROMPT+="%{$fg[yellow]%}"'%~' # Display current message PROMPT+="%{$fg[red]%} "'$(prompt_msg)' # Change the background for the whole line and line feed PROMPT+="%{$fg_bold[green]%}%E"$'\n' # Prompt characters for virtualenv, git and zsh PROMPT+='$(_prompt_chars)'" %{$reset_color%}" # Right prompt with current repo informations RPROMPT='$(space_sh_git_prompt)'"%E%{$reset_color%}" #PROMPT="$Heure $Utilisateur@$Machine %{$fg_no_bold[yellow]%}%~ #%{$reset_color%}%# " #RPROMPT="\$(charge_batterie) %(!,%B[%?]%b,[%?])" #RPROMPT="${vcs_info_msg_0_} \$(charge_batterie) %(!,%B[%?]%b,[%?])" #RPROMPT=" %(!,%B[%?]%b,[%?])" # %{ %} pas d'affichage, à utiliser pour ne pas fausser le calcul de RPROMPT # $fg[color], $fg_(no_)bold[color], $reset_color # black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white eval PROMPT='$PROMPT' eval RPROMPT='$RPROMPT' } ################################################################################ # Mise à jour automatique à partir du repo distant # ################################################################################ check_rc_update () { # Get rc dir path RC_PATH=$(dirname "$(readlink -f ${(%):-%x})") CUR_DIR=`pwd` cd $RC_PATH # In case the network is down, don't lock the terminal timeout 6 git fetch > /dev/null 2>&1 # # Timeout returns 124 on timeout if [ "$?" -ge "124" ]; then echo 'git_network_unreachable' >> /dev/shm/prompt_msg fi # Check if the repo is clean git_st=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null) if $(echo "$git_st" | grep '^## .*ahead' &> /dev/null); then echo 'git_unpushed' >> /dev/shm/prompt_msg elif $(echo "$git_st" | grep '^## .*behind' &> /dev/null); then echo 'update_rc' >> /dev/shm/prompt_msg fi cd $CUR_DIR } # Do the update uprc () { RC_PATH=$(dirname "$(readlink -f ${(%):-%x})") cd $RC_PATH git pull --rebase --stat origin master $RC_PATH/install.sh cd - &> /dev/null source $HOME/.zshrc } ################################################################################ # Check for system updates # ################################################################################ check_sys_update () { case $(lsb_release -a | awk -F ':\t' '/Distributor ID/{print $2}') in Arch) nb_maj=$(checkupdates | wc -l);; Debian|Ubuntu) nb_maj=$(aptitude search '~U' | wc -l);; esac if [ $nb_maj -gt 0 ]; then echo "update_sys $nb_maj" >> /dev/shm/prompt_msg fi }