" Vim completion script - hit 80% complete tasks " Version: " Language: Java " Maintainer: cheng fang " Last Change: 2011-01-30 " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006-2007 cheng fang. All rights reserved. " License: Vim License (see vim's :help license) " constants {{{1 " input context type let s:CONTEXT_AFTER_DOT = 1 let s:CONTEXT_METHOD_PARAM = 2 let s:CONTEXT_IMPORT = 3 let s:CONTEXT_IMPORT_STATIC = 4 let s:CONTEXT_PACKAGE_DECL = 6 let s:CONTEXT_NEED_TYPE = 7 let s:CONTEXT_OTHER = 0 let s:ARRAY_TYPE_MEMBERS = [ \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'clone(', 'abbr': 'clone()', 'menu': 'Object clone()', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'equals(', 'abbr': 'equals()', 'menu': 'boolean equals(Object)', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'getClass(', 'abbr': 'getClass()', 'menu': 'Class Object.getClass()', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'hashCode(', 'abbr': 'hashCode()', 'menu': 'int hashCode()', }, \ {'kind': 'f', 'word': 'length', 'menu': 'int'}, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'notify(', 'abbr': 'notify()', 'menu': 'void Object.notify()', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'notifyAll(', 'abbr': 'notifyAll()', 'menu': 'void Object.notifyAll()', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'toString(', 'abbr': 'toString()', 'menu': 'String toString()', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'word': 'wait(', 'abbr': 'wait()', 'menu': 'void Object.wait() throws InterruptedException', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'dup': 1, 'word': 'wait(', 'abbr': 'wait()', 'menu': 'void Object.wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException', }, \ {'kind': 'm', 'dup': 1, 'word': 'wait(', 'abbr': 'wait()', 'menu': 'void Object.wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException', }] let s:ARRAY_TYPE_INFO = {'tag': 'CLASSDEF', 'name': '[', 'ctors': [], \ 'fields': [{'n': 'length', 'm': '1', 't': 'int'}], \ 'methods':[ \ {'n': 'clone', 'm': '1', 'r': 'Object', 'p': [], 'd': 'Object clone()'}, \ {'n': 'equals', 'm': '1', 'r': 'boolean', 'p': ['Object'], 'd': 'boolean Object.equals(Object obj)'}, \ {'n': 'getClass', 'm': '100010001', 'r': 'Class', 'p': [], 'd': 'Class Object.getClass()'}, \ {'n': 'hashCode', 'm': '100000001', 'r': 'int', 'p': [], 'd': 'int Object.hashCode()'}, \ {'n': 'notify', 'm': '100010001', 'r': 'void', 'p': [], 'd': 'void Object.notify()'}, \ {'n': 'notifyAll','m': '100010001', 'r': 'void', 'p': [], 'd': 'void Object.notifyAll()'}, \ {'n': 'toString', 'm': '1', 'r': 'String', 'p': [], 'd': 'String Object.toString()'}, \ {'n': 'wait', 'm': '10001', 'r': 'void', 'p': [], 'd': 'void Object.wait() throws InterruptedException'}, \ {'n': 'wait', 'm': '100010001', 'r': 'void', 'p': ['long'], 'd': 'void Object.wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException'}, \ {'n': 'wait', 'm': '10001', 'r': 'void', 'p': ['long','int'], 'd': 'void Object.wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException'}, \ ]} let s:PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INFO = {'tag': 'CLASSDEF', 'name': '!', 'fields': [{'n': 'class','m': '1','t': 'Class'}]} let s:JSP_BUILTIN_OBJECTS = {'session': 'javax.servlet.http.HttpSession', \ 'request': 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest', \ 'response': 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse', \ 'pageContext': 'javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext', \ 'application': 'javax.servlet.ServletContext', \ 'config': 'javax.servlet.ServletConfig', \ 'out': 'javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter', \ 'page': 'javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage', } let s:PRIMITIVE_TYPES = ['boolean', 'byte', 'char', 'int', 'short', 'long', 'float', 'double'] let s:KEYWORDS_MODS = ['public', 'private', 'protected', 'static', 'final', 'synchronized', 'volatile', 'transient', 'native', 'strictfp', 'abstract'] let s:KEYWORDS_TYPE = ['class', 'interface', 'enum'] let s:KEYWORDS = s:PRIMITIVE_TYPES + s:KEYWORDS_MODS + s:KEYWORDS_TYPE + ['super', 'this', 'void'] + ['assert', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'else', 'extends', 'finally', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'implements', 'import', 'instanceof', 'interface', 'new', 'package', 'return', 'switch', 'throw', 'throws', 'try', 'while', 'true', 'false', 'null'] let s:PATH_SEP = ':' let s:FILE_SEP = '/' if has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win16") || has("dos32") || has("dos16") let s:PATH_SEP = ';' let s:FILE_SEP = '\' endif let s:RE_BRACKETS = '\%(\s*\[\s*\]\)' let s:RE_IDENTIFIER = '[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*' let s:RE_QUALID = s:RE_IDENTIFIER. '\%(\s*\.\s*' .s:RE_IDENTIFIER. '\)*' let s:RE_REFERENCE_TYPE = s:RE_QUALID . s:RE_BRACKETS . '*' let s:RE_TYPE = s:RE_REFERENCE_TYPE let s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENT = '\%(?\s\+\%(extends\|super\)\s\+\)\=' . s:RE_TYPE let s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = '<' . s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENT . '\%(\s*,\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENT . '\)*>' let s:RE_TYPE_WITH_ARGUMENTS_I = s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS let s:RE_TYPE_WITH_ARGUMENTS = s:RE_TYPE_WITH_ARGUMENTS_I . '\%(\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_WITH_ARGUMENTS_I . '\)*' let s:RE_TYPE_MODS = '\%(public\|protected\|private\|abstract\|static\|final\|strictfp\)' let s:RE_TYPE_DECL_HEAD = '\(class\|interface\|enum\)[ \t\n\r ]\+' let s:RE_TYPE_DECL = '\<\C\(\%(' .s:RE_TYPE_MODS. '\s\+\)*\)' .s:RE_TYPE_DECL_HEAD. '\(' .s:RE_IDENTIFIER. '\)[< \t\n\r ]' let s:RE_ARRAY_TYPE = '^\s*\(' .s:RE_QUALID . '\)\(' . s:RE_BRACKETS . '\+\)\s*$' let s:RE_SELECT_OR_ACCESS = '^\s*\(' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\)\s*\(\[.*\]\)\=\s*$' let s:RE_ARRAY_ACCESS = '^\s*\(' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\)\s*\(\[.*\]\)\+\s*$' let s:RE_CASTING = '^\s*(\(' .s:RE_QUALID. '\))\s*\(' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\)\>' let s:RE_KEYWORDS = '\<\%(' . join(s:KEYWORDS, '\|') . '\)\>' " local variables {{{1 let b:context_type = s:CONTEXT_OTHER "let b:statement = '' " statement before cursor let b:dotexpr = '' " expression ends with '.' let b:incomplete = '' " incomplete word: 1. dotexpr.method(|) 2. new classname(|) 3. dotexpr.ab|, 4. ja|, 5. method(| let b:errormsg = '' " script variables {{{1 let s:cache = {} " FQN -> member list, e.g. {'java.lang.StringBuffer': classinfo, 'java.util': packageinfo, '/dir/TopLevelClass.java': compilationUnit} let s:files = {} " srouce file path -> properties, e.g. {filekey: {'unit': compilationUnit, 'changedtick': tick, }} let s:history = {} " " This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option. {{{1 function! javacomplete#Complete(findstart, base) if a:findstart let s:et_whole = reltime() let start = col('.') - 1 let s:log = [] " reset enviroment let b:dotexpr = '' let b:incomplete = '' let b:context_type = s:CONTEXT_OTHER let statement = s:GetStatement() call s:WatchVariant('statement: "' . statement . '"') if statement =~ '[.0-9A-Za-z_]\s*$' let valid = 1 if statement =~ '\.\s*$' let valid = statement =~ '[")0-9A-Za-z_\]]\s*\.\s*$' && statement !~ '\<\H\w\+\.\s*$' && statement !~ '\<\(abstract\|assert\|break\|case\|catch\|const\|continue\|default\|do\|else\|enum\|extends\|final\|finally\|for\|goto\|if\|implements\|import\|instanceof\|interface\|native\|new\|package\|private\|protected\|public\|return\|static\|strictfp\|switch\|synchronized\|throw\|throws\|transient\|try\|volatile\|while\|true\|false\|null\)\.\s*$' endif if !valid return -1 endif let b:context_type = s:CONTEXT_AFTER_DOT " import or package declaration if statement =~# '^\s*\(import\|package\)\s\+' let statement = substitute(statement, '\s\+\.', '.', 'g') let statement = substitute(statement, '\.\s\+', '.', 'g') if statement =~ '^\s*import\s\+' let b:context_type = statement =~# '\ 0 " filter according to b:incomplete if len(b:incomplete) > 0 && b:incomplete != '+' let result = filter(result, "type(v:val) == type('') ? v:val =~ '^" . b:incomplete . "' : v:val['word'] =~ '^" . b:incomplete . "'") endif if exists('s:padding') && !empty(s:padding) for item in result if type(item) == type("") let item .= s:padding else let item.word .= s:padding endif endfor unlet s:padding endif call s:Debug('finish completion' . reltimestr(reltime(s:et_whole)) . 's') return result endif if strlen(b:errormsg) > 0 echoerr 'javacomplete error: ' . b:errormsg let b:errormsg = '' endif endfunction " Precondition: incomplete must be a word without '.'. " return all the matched, variables, fields, methods, types, packages fu! s:CompleteAfterWord(incomplete) " packages in jar files if !exists('s:all_packages_in_jars_loaded') call s:DoGetInfoByReflection('-', '-P') let s:all_packages_in_jars_loaded = 1 endif let pkgs = [] let types = [] for key in keys(s:cache) if key =~# '^' . a:incomplete if type(s:cache[key]) == type('') || get(s:cache[key], 'tag', '') == 'PACKAGE' call add(pkgs, {'kind': 'P', 'word': key}) " filter out type info elseif b:context_type != s:CONTEXT_PACKAGE_DECL && b:context_type != s:CONTEXT_IMPORT && b:context_type != s:CONTEXT_IMPORT_STATIC call add(types, {'kind': 'C', 'word': key}) endif endif endfor let pkgs += s:DoGetPackageInfoInDirs(a:incomplete, b:context_type == s:CONTEXT_PACKAGE_DECL, 1) " add accessible types which name beginning with the incomplete in source files " TODO: remove the inaccessible if b:context_type != s:CONTEXT_PACKAGE_DECL " single type import for fqn in s:GetImports('imports_fqn') let name = fqn[strridx(fqn, ".")+1:] if name =~ '^' . a:incomplete call add(types, {'kind': 'C', 'word': name}) endif endfor " current file let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') call cursor(1, 1) while 1 let lnum = search('\<\C\(class\|interface\|enum\)[ \t\n\r ]\+' . a:incomplete . '[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*[< \t\n\r ]', 'W') if lnum == 0 break elseif s:InCommentOrLiteral(line('.'), col('.')) continue else normal w call add(types, {'kind': 'C', 'word': matchstr(getline(line('.'))[col('.')-1:], s:RE_IDENTIFIER)}) endif endwhile call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) " other files let filepatterns = '' for dirpath in s:GetSourceDirs(expand('%:p')) let filepatterns .= escape(dirpath, ' \') . '/*.java ' endfor exe 'vimgrep /\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL . '/jg ' . filepatterns for item in getqflist() if item.text !~ '^\s*\*\s\+' let text = matchstr(s:Prune(item.text, -1), '\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL) if text != '' let subs = split(substitute(text, '\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL, '\1;\2;\3', ''), ';', 1) if subs[2] =~# '^' . a:incomplete && (subs[0] =~ '\C\' || fnamemodify(bufname(item.bufnr), ':p:h') == expand('%:p:h')) call add(types, {'kind': 'C', 'word': subs[2]}) endif endif endif endfor endif let result = [] " add variables and members in source files if b:context_type == s:CONTEXT_AFTER_DOT let matches = s:SearchForName(a:incomplete, 0, 0) let result += sort(eval('[' . s:DoGetFieldList(matches[2]) . ']')) let result += sort(eval('[' . s:DoGetMethodList(matches[1]) . ']')) endif let result += sort(pkgs) let result += sort(types) return result endfu " Precondition: expr must end with '.' " return members of the value of expression function! s:CompleteAfterDot(expr) let items = s:ParseExpr(a:expr) " TODO: return a dict containing more than items if empty(items) return [] endif " 0. String literal call s:Info('P0. "str".|') if items[-1] =~ '"$' return s:GetMemberList("java.lang.String") endif let ti = {} let ii = 1 " item index let itemkind = 0 " " optimized process " " search the longest expr consisting of ident let i = 1 let k = i while i < len(items) && items[i] =~ '^\s*' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*$' let ident = substitute(items[i], '\s', '', 'g') if ident == 'class' || ident == 'this' || ident == 'super' let k = i " return when found other keywords elseif s:IsKeyword(ident) return [] endif let items[i] = substitute(items[i], '\s', '', 'g') let i += 1 endwhile if i > 1 " cases: "this.|", "super.|", "ClassName.this.|", "ClassName.super.|", "TypeName.class.|" if items[k] ==# 'class' || items[k] ==# 'this' || items[k] ==# 'super' call s:Info('O1. ' . items[k] . ' ' . join(items[:k-1], '.')) let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(items[k] == 'class' ? 'java.lang.Class' : join(items[:k-1], '.')) if !empty(ti) let itemkind = items[k] ==# 'this' ? 1 : items[k] ==# 'super' ? 2 : 0 let ii = k+1 else return [] endif " case: "java.io.File.|" else let fqn = join(items[:i-1], '.') let srcpath = join(s:GetSourceDirs(expand('%:p'), s:GetPackageName()), ',') call s:Info('O2. ' . fqn) call s:DoGetTypeInfoForFQN([fqn], srcpath) if get(get(s:cache, fqn, {}), 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' let ti = s:cache[fqn] let itemkind = 11 let ii = i endif endif endif " " first item " if empty(ti) " cases: " 1) "int.|", "void.|" - primitive type or pseudo-type, return `class` " 2) "this.|", "super.|" - special reference " 3) "var.|" - variable or field " 4) "String.|" - type imported or defined locally " 5) "java.|" - package if items[0] =~ '^\s*' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*$' let ident = substitute(items[0], '\s', '', 'g') if s:IsKeyword(ident) " 1) call s:Info('F1. "' . ident . '.|"') if ident ==# 'void' || s:IsBuiltinType(ident) let ti = s:PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INFO let itemkind = 11 " 2) call s:Info('F2. "' . ident . '.|"') elseif ident ==# 'this' || ident ==# 'super' let itemkind = ident ==# 'this' ? 1 : ident ==# 'super' ? 2 : 0 let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(ident) endif else " 3) let typename = s:GetDeclaredClassName(ident) call s:Info('F3. "' . ident . '.|" typename: "' . typename . '"') if (typename != '') if typename[0] == '[' || typename[-1:] == ']' let ti = s:ARRAY_TYPE_INFO elseif typename != 'void' && !s:IsBuiltinType(typename) let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(typename) endif else " 4) call s:Info('F4. "TypeName.|"') let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(ident) let itemkind = 11 if get(ti, 'tag', '') != 'CLASSDEF' let ti = {} endif " 5) if empty(ti) call s:Info('F5. "package.|"') unlet ti let ti = s:GetMembers(ident) " s:DoGetPackegInfo(ident) let itemkind = 20 endif endif endif " method invocation: "method().|" - "this.method().|" elseif items[0] =~ '^\s*' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*(' let ti = s:MethodInvocation(items[0], ti, itemkind) " array type, return `class`: "int[] [].|", "java.lang.String[].|", "NestedClass[].|" elseif items[0] =~# s:RE_ARRAY_TYPE call s:Info('array type. "' . items[0] . '"') let qid = substitute(items[0], s:RE_ARRAY_TYPE, '\1', '') if s:IsBuiltinType(qid) || (!s:HasKeyword(qid) && !empty(s:DoGetClassInfo(qid))) let ti = s:PRIMITIVE_TYPE_INFO let itemkind = 11 endif " class instance creation expr: "new String().|", "new NonLoadableClass().|" " array creation expr: "new int[i=1] [val()].|", "new java.lang.String[].|" elseif items[0] =~ '^\s*new\s\+' call s:Info('creation expr. "' . items[0] . '"') let subs = split(substitute(items[0], '^\s*new\s\+\(' .s:RE_QUALID. '\)\s*\([([]\)', '\1;\2', ''), ';') if subs[1][0] == '[' let ti = s:ARRAY_TYPE_INFO elseif subs[1][0] == '(' let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(subs[0]) " exclude interfaces and abstract class. TODO: exclude the inaccessible if get(ti, 'flags', '')[-10:-10] || get(ti, 'flags', '')[-11:-11] echo 'cannot instantiate the type ' . subs[0] let ti = {} return [] endif endif " casting conversion: "(Object)o.|" elseif items[0] =~ s:RE_CASTING call s:Info('Casting conversion. "' . items[0] . '"') let subs = split(substitute(items[0], s:RE_CASTING, '\1;\2', ''), ';') let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(subs[0]) " array access: "var[i][j].|" Note: "var[i][]" is incorrect elseif items[0] =~# s:RE_ARRAY_ACCESS let subs = split(substitute(items[0], s:RE_ARRAY_ACCESS, '\1;\2', ''), ';') if get(subs, 1, '') !~ s:RE_BRACKETS let typename = s:GetDeclaredClassName(subs[0]) call s:Info('ArrayAccess. "' .items[0]. '.|" typename: "' . typename . '"') if (typename != '') let ti = s:ArrayAccess(typename, items[0]) endif endif endif endif " " next items " while !empty(ti) && ii < len(items) " method invocation: "PrimaryExpr.method(parameters)[].|" if items[ii] =~ '^\s*' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*(' let ti = s:MethodInvocation(items[ii], ti, itemkind) let itemkind = 0 let ii += 1 continue " expression of selection, field access, array access elseif items[ii] =~ s:RE_SELECT_OR_ACCESS let subs = split(substitute(items[ii], s:RE_SELECT_OR_ACCESS, '\1;\2', ''), ';') let ident = subs[0] let brackets = get(subs, 1, '') " package members if itemkind/10 == 2 && empty(brackets) && !s:IsKeyword(ident) let qn = join(items[:ii], '.') if type(ti) == type([]) let idx = s:Index(ti, ident, 'word') if idx >= 0 if ti[idx].kind == 'P' unlet ti let ti = s:GetMembers(qn) let ii += 1 continue elseif ti[idx].kind == 'C' unlet ti let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(qn) let itemkind = 11 let ii += 1 continue endif endif endif " type members elseif itemkind/10 == 1 && empty(brackets) if ident ==# 'class' || ident ==# 'this' || ident ==# 'super' let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(ident == 'class' ? 'java.lang.Class' : join(items[:ii-1], '.')) let itemkind = ident ==# 'this' ? 1 : ident ==# 'super' ? 2 : 0 let ii += 1 continue elseif !s:IsKeyword(ident) && type(ti) == type({}) && get(ti, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' " accessible static field "let idx = s:Index(get(ti, 'fields', []), ident, 'n') "if idx >= 0 && s:IsStatic(ti.fields[idx].m) " let ti = s:ArrayAccess(ti.fields[idx].t, items[ii]) let members = s:SearchMember(ti, ident, 1, itemkind, 1, 0) if !empty(members[2]) let ti = s:ArrayAccess(members[2][0].t, items[ii]) let itemkind = 0 let ii += 1 continue endif " accessible nested type "if !empty(filter(copy(get(ti, 'classes', [])), 'strpart(v:val, strridx(v:val, ".")) ==# "' . ident . '"')) if !empty(members[0]) let ti = s:DoGetClassInfo(join(items[:ii], '.')) let ii += 1 continue endif endif " instance members elseif itemkind/10 == 0 && !s:IsKeyword(ident) if type(ti) == type({}) && get(ti, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' "let idx = s:Index(get(ti, 'fields', []), ident, 'n') "if idx >= 0 " let ti = s:ArrayAccess(ti.fields[idx].t, items[ii]) let members = s:SearchMember(ti, ident, 1, itemkind, 1, 0) let itemkind = 0 if !empty(members[2]) let ti = s:ArrayAccess(members[2][0].t, items[ii]) let ii += 1 continue endif endif endif endif return [] endwhile " type info or package info --> members if !empty(ti) if type(ti) == type({}) if get(ti, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' if get(ti, 'name', '') == '!' return [{'kind': 'f', 'word': 'class', 'menu': 'Class'}] elseif get(ti, 'name', '') == '[' return s:ARRAY_TYPE_MEMBERS elseif itemkind < 20 return s:DoGetMemberList(ti, itemkind) endif elseif get(ti, 'tag', '') == 'PACKAGE' " TODO: ti -> members, in addition to packages in dirs return s:GetMembers( substitute(join(items, '.'), '\s', '', 'g') ) endif elseif type(ti) == type([]) return ti endif endif return [] endfunction fu! s:MethodInvocation(expr, ti, itemkind) let subs = split(substitute(a:expr, '\s*\(' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\)\s*\((.*\)', '\1;\2', ''), ';') " all methods matched if empty(a:ti) let methods = s:SearchForName(subs[0], 0, 1)[1] elseif type(a:ti) == type({}) && get(a:ti, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' let methods = s:SearchMember(a:ti, subs[0], 1, a:itemkind, 1, 0, a:itemkind == 2)[1] " let methods = s:filter(get(a:ti, 'methods', []), 'item.n == "' . subs[0] . '"') " if a:itemkind == 1 || a:itemkind == 2 " let methods += s:filter(get(a:ti, 'declared_methods', []), 'item.n == "' . subs[0] . '"') " endif else let methods = [] endif let method = s:DetermineMethod(methods, subs[1]) if !empty(method) return s:ArrayAccess(method.r, a:expr) endif return {} endfu fu! s:ArrayAccess(arraytype, expr) if a:expr =~ s:RE_BRACKETS | return {} | endif let typename = a:arraytype let dims = 0 if typename[0] == '[' || typename[-1:] == ']' || a:expr[-1:] == ']' let dims = s:CountDims(a:expr) - s:CountDims(typename) if dims == 0 let typename = matchstr(typename, s:RE_IDENTIFIER) elseif dims < 0 return s:ARRAY_TYPE_INFO else "echoerr 'dims exceeds' endif endif if dims == 0 if typename != 'void' && !s:IsBuiltinType(typename) return s:DoGetClassInfo(typename) endif endif return {} endfu " Quick information {{{1 function! MyBalloonExpr() if (searchdecl(v:beval_text, 1, 0) == 0) return s:GetVariableDeclaration() endif return '' " return 'Cursor is at line ' . v:beval_lnum . " \', column ' . v:beval_col . " \ ' of file ' . bufname(v:beval_bufnr) . " \ ' on word "' . v:beval_text . '"' endfunction "set bexpr=MyBalloonExpr() "set ballooneval " parameters information {{{1 fu! javacomplete#CompleteParamsInfo(findstart, base) if a:findstart return col('.') - 1 endif let mi = s:GetMethodInvocationExpr(s:GetStatement()) if empty(mi.method) return [] endif " TODO: how to determine overloaded functions "let mi.params = s:EvalParams(mi.params) if empty(mi.expr) let methods = s:SearchForName(mi.method, 0, 1)[1] let result = eval('[' . s:DoGetMethodList(methods) . ']') elseif mi.method == '+' let result = s:GetConstructorList(mi.expr) else let result = s:CompleteAfterDot(mi.expr) endif if !empty(result) if !empty(mi.method) && mi.method != '+' let result = filter(result, "type(v:val) == type('') ? v:val ==# '" . mi.method . "' : v:val['word'] ==# '" . mi.method . "('") endif return result endif endfu " scanning and parsing {{{1 " Search back from the cursor position till meeting '{' or ';'. " '{' means statement start, ';' means end of a previous statement. " Return: statement before cursor " Note: It's the base for parsing. And It's OK for most cases. function! s:GetStatement() if getline('.') =~ '^\s*\(import\|package\)\s\+' return strpart(getline('.'), match(getline('.'), '\(import\|package\)'), col('.')-1) endif let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') while 1 if search('[{};]\|<%\|<%!', 'bW') == 0 let lnum = 1 let col = 1 else if s:InCommentOrLiteral(line('.'), col('.')) continue endif normal w let lnum = line('.') let col = col('.') endif break endwhile silent call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) return s:MergeLines(lnum, col, lnum_old, col_old) endfunction fu! s:MergeLines(lnum, col, lnum_old, col_old) let lnum = a:lnum let col = a:col let str = '' if lnum < a:lnum_old let str = s:Prune(strpart(getline(lnum), a:col-1)) let lnum += 1 while lnum < a:lnum_old let str .= s:Prune(getline(lnum)) let lnum += 1 endwhile let col = 1 endif let lastline = strpart(getline(a:lnum_old), col-1, a:col_old-col) let str .= s:Prune(lastline, col) let str = s:RemoveBlockComments(str) " generic in JAVA 5+ while match(str, s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS) != -1 let str = substitute(str, '\(' . s:RE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS . '\)', '\=repeat(" ", len(submatch(1)))', 'g') endwhile let str = substitute(str, '\s\s\+', ' ', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\([.()]\)[ \t]\+', '\1', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '[ \t]\+\([.()]\)', '\1', 'g') return s:Trim(str) . matchstr(lastline, '\s*$') endfu " Extract a clean expr, removing some non-necessary characters. fu! s:ExtractCleanExpr(expr) let cmd = substitute(a:expr, '[ \t\r\n ]\+\([.()[\]]\)', '\1', 'g') let cmd = substitute(cmd, '\([.()[\]]\)[ \t\r\n ]\+', '\1', 'g') let pos = strlen(cmd)-1 while pos >= 0 && cmd[pos] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9_.)\]]' if cmd[pos] == ')' let pos = s:SearchPairBackward(cmd, pos, '(', ')') elseif cmd[pos] == ']' let pos = s:SearchPairBackward(cmd, pos, '[', ']') endif let pos -= 1 endwhile " try looking back for "new" let idx = match(strpart(cmd, 0, pos+1), '\= 0 if a:expr[e] == '.' let subexpr = strpart(a:expr, s, e-s) call extend(items, isparen ? s:ProcessParentheses(subexpr) : [subexpr]) let isparen = 0 let s = e + 1 elseif a:expr[e] == '(' let e = s:GetMatchedIndexEx(a:expr, e, '(', ')') let isparen = 1 if e < 0 break else let e = matchend(a:expr, '^\s*[.[]', e+1)-1 continue endif elseif a:expr[e] == '[' let e = s:GetMatchedIndexEx(a:expr, e, '[', ']') if e < 0 break else let e = matchend(a:expr, '^\s*[.[]', e+1)-1 continue endif endif let e = match(a:expr, '[.([]', s) endwhile let tail = strpart(a:expr, s) if tail !~ '^\s*$' call extend(items, isparen ? s:ProcessParentheses(tail) : [tail]) endif return items endfu " Given optional argument, call s:ParseExpr() to parser the nonparentheses expr fu! s:ProcessParentheses(expr, ...) let s = matchend(a:expr, '^\s*(') if s != -1 let e = s:GetMatchedIndexEx(a:expr, s-1, '(', ')') if e >= 0 let tail = strpart(a:expr, e+1) if tail =~ '^\s*[\=$' return s:ProcessParentheses(strpart(a:expr, s, e-s), 1) elseif tail =~ '^\s*\w' return [strpart(a:expr, 0, e+1) . 'obj.'] endif endif " multi-dot-expr except for new expr elseif a:0 > 0 && stridx(a:expr, '.') != match(a:expr, '\.\s*$') && a:expr !~ '^\s*new\s\+' return s:ParseExpr(a:expr) endif return [a:expr] endfu " return {'expr': , 'method': , 'params': } fu! s:GetMethodInvocationExpr(expr) let idx = strlen(a:expr)-1 while idx >= 0 if a:expr[idx] == '(' break elseif a:expr[idx] == ')' let idx = s:SearchPairBackward(a:expr, idx, '(', ')') elseif a:expr[idx] == ']' let idx = s:SearchPairBackward(a:expr, idx, '[', ']') endif let idx -= 1 endwhile let mi = {'expr': strpart(a:expr, 0, idx+1), 'method': '', 'params': strpart(a:expr, idx+1)} let idx = match(mi.expr, '\= 0 let mi.method = '+' let mi.expr = substitute(matchstr(strpart(mi.expr, idx+4), s:RE_QUALID), '\s', '', 'g') else let idx = match(mi.expr, '\<' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '\s*(\s*$') if idx >= 0 let subs = s:SplitAt(mi.expr, idx-1) let mi.method = substitute(subs[1], '\s*(\s*$', '', '') let mi.expr = s:ExtractCleanExpr(subs[0]) endif endif return mi endfu " imports {{{1 function! s:GenerateImports() let imports = [] let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') call cursor(1, 1) if &ft == 'jsp' while 1 let lnum = search('\' || str =~ '' let str = substitute(str, '.*import=[''"]\([a-zA-Z0-9_$.*, \t]\+\)[''"].*', '\1', '') for item in split(str, ',') call add(imports, substitute(item, '\s', '', 'g')) endfor endif endwhile else while 1 let lnum = search('\', 'W') if (lnum == 0) break elseif !s:InComment(line("."), col(".")-1) normal w " TODO: search semicolon or import keyword, excluding comment let stat = matchstr(getline(lnum)[col('.')-1:], '\(static\s\+\)\?\(' .s:RE_QUALID. '\%(\s*\.\s*\*\)\?\)\s*;') if !empty(stat) call add(imports, stat[:-2]) endif endif endwhile endif call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) return imports endfunction fu! s:GetImports(kind, ...) let filekey = a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1) ? a:1 : s:GetCurrentFileKey() let props = get(s:files, filekey, {}) if !has_key(props, a:kind) let props['imports'] = filekey == s:GetCurrentFileKey() ? s:GenerateImports() : props.unit.imports let props['imports_static'] = [] let props['imports_fqn'] = [] let props['imports_star'] = ['java.lang.'] if &ft == 'jsp' || filekey =~ '\.jsp$' let props.imports_star += ['javax.servlet.', 'javax.servlet.http.', 'javax.servlet.jsp.'] endif for import in props.imports let subs = split(substitute(import, '^\s*\(static\s\+\)\?\(' .s:RE_QUALID. '\%(\s*\.\s*\*\)\?\)\s*$', '\1;\2', ''), ';', 1) let qid = substitute(subs[1] , '\s', '', 'g') if !empty(subs[0]) call add(props.imports_static, qid) elseif qid[-1:] == '*' call add(props.imports_star, qid[:-2]) else call add(props.imports_fqn, qid) endif endfor let s:files[filekey] = props endif return get(props, a:kind, []) endfu " search for name in " return the fqn matched fu! s:SearchSingleTypeImport(name, fqns) let matches = s:filter(a:fqns, 'item =~# ''\<' . a:name . '$''') if len(matches) == 1 return matches[0] elseif !empty(matches) echoerr 'Name "' . a:name . '" conflicts between ' . join(matches, ' and ') return matches[0] endif return '' endfu " search for name in static imports, return list of members with the same name " return [types, methods, fields] fu! s:SearchStaticImports(name, fullmatch) let result = [[], [], []] let candidates = [] " list of the canonical name for item in s:GetImports('imports_static') if item[-1:] == '*' " static import on demand call add(candidates, item[:-3]) elseif item[strridx(item, '.')+1:] ==# a:name \ || (!a:fullmatch && item[strridx(item, '.')+1:] =~ '^' . a:name) call add(candidates, item[:strridx(item, '.')]) endif endfor if empty(candidates) return result endif " read type info which are not in cache let commalist = '' for typename in candidates if !has_key(s:cache, typename) let commalist .= typename . ',' endif endfor if commalist != '' let res = s:RunReflection('-E', commalist, 's:SearchStaticImports in Batch') if res =~ "^{'" let dict = eval(res) for key in keys(dict) let s:cache[key] = s:Sort(dict[key]) endfor endif endif " search in all candidates for typename in candidates let ti = get(s:cache, typename, 0) if type(ti) == type({}) && get(ti, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' let members = s:SearchMember(ti, a:name, a:fullmatch, 12, 1, 0) let result[1] += members[1] let result[2] += members[2] "let pattern = 'item.n ' . (a:fullmatch ? '==# ''' : '=~# ''^') . a:name . ''' && s:IsStatic(item.m)' "let result[1] += s:filter(get(ti, 'methods', []), pattern) "let result[2] += s:filter(get(ti, 'fields', []), pattern) else " TODO: mark the wrong import declaration. endif endfor return result endfu " search decl {{{1 " Return: The declaration of identifier under the cursor " Note: The type of a variable must be imported or a fqn. function! s:GetVariableDeclaration() let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') silent call search('[^a-zA-Z0-9$_.,?<>[\] \t\r\n ]', 'bW') " call search('[{};(,]', 'b') normal w let lnum = line('.') let col = col('.') if (lnum == lnum_old && col == col_old) return '' endif " silent call search('[;){]') " let lnum_end = line('.') " let col_end = col('.') " let declaration = '' " while (lnum <= lnum_end) " let declaration = declaration . getline(lnum) " let lnum = lnum + 1 " endwhile " let declaration = strpart(declaration, col-1) " let declaration = substitute(declaration, '\.[ \t]\+', '.', 'g') silent call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) return s:MergeLines(lnum, col, lnum_old, col_old) endfunction function! s:FoundClassDeclaration(type) let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') call cursor(1, 1) while 1 let lnum = search('\<\C\(class\|interface\|enum\)[ \t\n\r ]\+' . a:type . '[< \t\n\r ]', 'W') if lnum == 0 || !s:InCommentOrLiteral(line('.'), col('.')) break endif endwhile " search mainly for the cases: " class /* block comment */ Ident" " " class // comment \n Ident " if lnum == 0 let found = 0 while !found let lnum = search('\<\C\(class\|interface\|enum\)[ \t\n\r ]\+', 'W') if lnum == 0 break elseif s:InCommentOrLiteral(line('.'), col('.')) continue else normal w " skip empty line while getline(line('.'))[col('.')-1] == '' normal w endwhile let lnum = line('.') let col = col('.') while 1 if match(getline(lnum)[col-1:], '^[ \t\n\r ]*' . a:type . '[< \t\n\r ]') >= 0 let found = 1 " meets comment elseif match(getline(lnum)[col-1:], '^[ \t\n\r ]*\(//\|/\*\)') >= 0 if getline(lnum)[col-1:col] == '//' normal $eb else let lnum = search('\*\/', 'W') if lnum == 0 break endif normal web endif let lnum = line('.') let col = col('.') continue endif break endwhile endif endwhile endif silent call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) return lnum endfu fu! s:FoundClassLocally(type) " current path if globpath(expand('%:p:h'), a:type . '.java') != '' return 1 endif " let srcpath = javacomplete#GetSourcePath(1) let file = globpath(srcpath, substitute(fqn, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.java') if file != '' return 1 endif return 0 endfu " regexp samples: " echo search('\(\(public\|protected|private\)[ \t\n\r]\+\)\?\(\(static\)[ \t\n\r]\+\)\?\(\\|\\)[ \t\n\r]\+HelloWorld[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]', 'W') " echo substitute(getline('.'), '.*\(\(public\|protected\|private\)[ \t\n\r]\+\)\?\(\(static\)[ \t\n\r]\+\)\?\(\\|\\)\s\+\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)\s\+\(\(implements\|extends\)\s\+\([^{]\+\)\)\?\s*{.*', '["\1", "\2", "\3", "\4", "\5", "\6", "\8", "\9"]', '') " code sample: function! s:GetClassDeclarationOf(type) call cursor(1, 1) let decl = [] let lnum = search('\(\\|\\)[ \t\n\r]\+' . a:type . '[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]', 'W') if (lnum != 0) " TODO: search back for optional 'public | private' and 'static' " join lines till to '{' let lnum_end = search('{') if (lnum_end != 0) let str = '' while (lnum <= lnum_end) let str = str . getline(lnum) let lnum = lnum + 1 endwhile exe "let decl = " . substitute(str, '.*\(\\|\\)\s\+\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)\s\+\(\(implements\|extends\)\s\+\([^{]\+\)\)\?\s*{.*', '["\1", "\2", "\4", "\5"]', '') endif endif return decl endfunction " return list " 0 class | interface " 1 name " [2 implements | extends ] " [3 parent list ] function! s:GetThisClassDeclaration() let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') while (1) call search('\(\\|\\|\\)[ \t\r\n]\+', 'bW') if !s:InComment(line("."), col(".")-1) if getline('.')[col('.')-2] !~ '\S' break endif end endwhile " join lines till to '{' let str = '' let lnum = line('.') call search('{') let lnum_end = line('.') while (lnum <= lnum_end) let str = str . getline(lnum) let lnum = lnum + 1 endwhile let declaration = substitute(str, '.*\(\\|\\)\s\+\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)\(\s\+\(implements\|extends\)\s\+\([^{]\+\)\)\?\s*{.*', '["\1", "\2", "\4", "\5"]', '') call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) if declaration !~ '^[' echoerr 'Some error occurs when recognizing this class:' . declaration return ['', ''] endif exe "let list = " . declaration return list endfunction " searches for name of a var or a field and determines the meaning {{{1 " The standard search order of a variable or field is as follows: " 1. Local variables declared in the code block, for loop, or catch clause " from current scope up to the most outer block, a method or an initialization block " 2. Parameters if the code is in a method or ctor " 3. Fields of the type " 4. Accessible inherited fields. " 5. If the type is a nested type, " local variables of the enclosing block or fields of the enclosing class. " Note that if the type is a static nested type, only static members of an enclosing block or class are searched " Reapply this rule to the upper block and class enclosing the enclosing type recursively " 6. Accessible static fields imported. " It is allowed that several fields with the same name. " The standard search order of a method is as follows: " 1. Methods of the type " 2. Accessible inherited methods. " 3. Methods of the enclosing class if the type is a nested type. " 4. Accessible static methods imported. " It is allowed that several methods with the same name and signature. " first return at once if found one. " fullmatch 1 - equal, 0 - match beginning " return [types, methods, fields, vars] fu! s:SearchForName(name, first, fullmatch) let result = [[], [], [], []] if s:IsKeyword(a:name) return result endif " use java_parser.vim if javacomplete#GetSearchdeclMethod() == 4 " declared in current file let unit = javacomplete#parse() let targetPos = java_parser#MakePos(line('.')-1, col('.')-1) let trees = s:SearchNameInAST(unit, a:name, targetPos, a:fullmatch) for tree in trees if tree.tag == 'VARDEF' call add(result[2], tree) elseif tree.tag == 'METHODDEF' call add(result[1], tree) elseif tree.tag == 'CLASSDEF' call add(result[0], tree.name) endif endfor if a:first && result != [[], [], [], []] | return result | endif " Accessible inherited members let type = get(s:SearchTypeAt(unit, targetPos), -1, {}) if !empty(type) let members = s:SearchMember(type, a:name, a:fullmatch, 2, 1, 0, 1) let result[0] += members[0] let result[1] += members[1] let result[2] += members[2] " "let ti = s:AddInheritedClassInfo({}, type) " if !empty(ti) " let comparator = a:fullmatch ? "=~# '^" : "==# '" " let result[0] += s:filter(get(ti, 'classes', []), 'item ' . comparator . a:name . "'") " let result[1] += s:filter(get(ti, 'methods', []), 'item.n ' . comparator . a:name . "'") " let result[2] += s:filter(get(ti, 'fields', []), 'item.n ' . comparator . a:name . "'") " if a:0 > 0 " let result[1] += s:filter(get(ti, 'declared_methods', []), 'item.n ' . comparator . a:name . "'") " let result[2] += s:filter(get(ti, 'declared_fields', []), 'item.n ' . comparator . a:name . "'") " endif " if a:first && result != [[], [], [], []] | return result | endif " endif endif " static import let si = s:SearchStaticImports(a:name, a:fullmatch) let result[1] += si[1] let result[2] += si[2] endif return result endfu " TODO: how to determine overloaded functions fu! s:DetermineMethod(methods, parameters) return get(a:methods, 0, {}) endfu " Parser.GetType() in insenvim function! s:GetDeclaredClassName(var) let var = s:Trim(a:var) call s:Trace('GetDeclaredClassName for "' . var . '"') if var =~# '^\(this\|super\)$' return var endif " Special handling for builtin objects in JSP if &ft == 'jsp' if get(s:JSP_BUILTIN_OBJECTS, a:var, '') != '' return s:JSP_BUILTIN_OBJECTS[a:var] endif endif " use java_parser.vim if javacomplete#GetSearchdeclMethod() == 4 let variable = get(s:SearchForName(var, 1, 1)[2], -1, {}) return get(variable, 'tag', '') == 'VARDEF' ? java_parser#type2Str(variable.vartype) : get(variable, 't', '') endif let ic = &ignorecase setlocal noignorecase let searched = javacomplete#GetSearchdeclMethod() == 2 ? s:Searchdecl(var, 1, 0) : searchdecl(var, 1, 0) if (searched == 0) " code sample: " String tmp; java. " lang. String str, value; " for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i++) { " j = 0; " } let declaration = s:GetVariableDeclaration() " Assume it a class member, and remove modifiers let class = substitute(declaration, '^\(public\s\+\|protected\s\+\|private\s\+\|abstract\s\+\|static\s\+\|final\s\+\|native\s\+\)*', '', '') let class = substitute(class, '\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]\+\)\(\[\]\)\?\s\+.*', '\1\2', '') let class = substitute(class, '\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]\)<.*', '\1', '') call s:Info('class: "' . class . '" declaration: "' . declaration . '" for ' . a:var) let &ignorecase = ic if class != '' && class !=# a:var && class !=# 'import' && class !=# 'class' return class endif endif let &ignorecase = ic call s:Trace('GetDeclaredClassName: cannot find') return '' endfunction " using java_parser.vim {{{1 " javacomplete#parse() {{{2 fu! javacomplete#parse(...) let filename = a:0 == 0 ? '%' : a:1 let changed = 0 if filename == '%' let filename = s:GetCurrentFileKey() let props = get(s:files, filename, {}) if get(props, 'changedtick', -1) != b:changedtick let changed = 1 let props.changedtick = b:changedtick let lines = getline('^', '$') endif else let props = get(s:files, filename, {}) if get(props, 'modifiedtime', 0) != getftime(filename) let changed = 1 let props.modifiedtime = getftime(filename) let lines = readfile(filename) endif endif if changed call java_parser#InitParser(lines) call java_parser#SetLogLevel(5) let props.unit = java_parser#compilationUnit() let package = has_key(props.unit, 'package') ? props.unit.package . '.' : '' call s:UpdateFQN(props.unit, package) endif let s:files[filename] = props return props.unit endfu " update fqn for toplevel types or nested types. " not for local type or anonymous type fu! s:UpdateFQN(tree, qn) if a:tree.tag == 'TOPLEVEL' for def in a:tree.types call s:UpdateFQN(def, a:qn) endfor elseif a:tree.tag == 'CLASSDEF' let a:tree.fqn = a:qn . a:tree.name for def in a:tree.defs if def.tag == 'CLASSDEF' call s:UpdateFQN(def, a:tree.fqn . '.') endif endfor endif endfu " TreeVisitor {{{2 fu! s:visitTree(tree, param) dict if type(a:tree) == type({}) exe get(self, get(a:tree, 'tag', ''), '') elseif type(a:tree) == type([]) for tree in a:tree call self.visit(tree, a:param) endfor endif endfu let s:TreeVisitor = {'visit': function('s:visitTree'), \ 'TOPLEVEL' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.types, a:param)', \ 'BLOCK' : 'let stats = a:tree.stats | if stats == [] | call java_parser#GotoPosition(a:tree.pos) | let stats = java_parser#block().stats | endif | call self.visit(stats, a:param)', \ 'DOLOOP' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.cond, a:param)', \ 'WHILELOOP' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.cond, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'FORLOOP' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.init, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.cond, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.step, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'FOREACHLOOP' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.var, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.expr, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'LABELLED' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'SWITCH' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.selector, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.cases, a:param)', \ 'CASE' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.pat, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.stats, a:param)', \ 'SYNCHRONIZED': 'call self.visit(a:tree.lock, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'TRY' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.catchers, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.finalizer, a:param) ', \ 'CATCH' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.param,a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param)', \ 'CONDEXPR' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.cond, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.truepart, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.falsepart, a:param)', \ 'IF' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.cond, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.thenpart, a:param) | if has_key(a:tree, "elsepart") | call self.visit(a:tree.elsepart, a:param) | endif', \ 'EXEC' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.expr, a:param)', \ 'APPLY' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.meth, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.args, a:param)', \ 'NEWCLASS' : 'call self.visit(a:tree.def, a:param)' \} let s:TV_CMP_POS = 'a:tree.pos <= a:param.pos && a:param.pos <= get(a:tree, "endpos", -1)' let s:TV_CMP_POS_BODY = 'has_key(a:tree, "body") && a:tree.body.pos <= a:param.pos && a:param.pos <= get(a:tree.body, "endpos", -1)' " Return a stack of enclosing types (including local or anonymous classes). " Given the optional argument, return all (toplevel or static member) types besides enclosing types. fu! s:SearchTypeAt(tree, targetPos, ...) let s:TreeVisitor.CLASSDEF = 'if a:param.allNonLocal || ' . s:TV_CMP_POS . ' | call add(a:param.result, a:tree) | call self.visit(a:tree.defs, a:param) | endif' let s:TreeVisitor.METHODDEF = 'if ' . s:TV_CMP_POS_BODY . ' | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param) | endif' let s:TreeVisitor.VARDEF = 'if has_key(a:tree, "init") && !a:param.allNonLocal && ' . s:TV_CMP_POS . ' | call self.visit(a:tree.init, a:param) | endif' let result = [] call s:TreeVisitor.visit(a:tree, {'result': result, 'pos': a:targetPos, 'allNonLocal': a:0 == 0 ? 0 : 1}) return result endfu " a:1 match beginning " return a stack of matching name fu! s:SearchNameInAST(tree, name, targetPos, fullmatch) let comparator = a:fullmatch ? '==#' : '=~# "^" .' let cmd = 'if a:tree.name ' .comparator. ' a:param.name | call add(a:param.result, a:tree) | endif' let s:TreeVisitor.CLASSDEF = 'if ' . s:TV_CMP_POS . ' | ' . cmd . ' | call self.visit(a:tree.defs, a:param) | endif' let s:TreeVisitor.METHODDEF = cmd . ' | if ' . s:TV_CMP_POS_BODY . ' | call self.visit(a:tree.params, a:param) | call self.visit(a:tree.body, a:param) | endif' let s:TreeVisitor.VARDEF = cmd . ' | if has_key(a:tree, "init") && ' . s:TV_CMP_POS . ' | call self.visit(a:tree.init, a:param) | endif' let result = [] call s:TreeVisitor.visit(a:tree, {'result': result, 'pos': a:targetPos, 'name': a:name}) "call s:Info(a:name . ' ' . string(result) . ' line: ' . line('.') . ' col: ' . col('.')) . ' ' . a:targetPos return result endfu " javacomplete#Searchdecl {{{2 " TODO: fu! javacomplete#Searchdecl() let var = expand('') let line = line('.')-1 let col = col('.')-1 if var =~# '^\(this\|super\)$' if &ft == 'jsp' return '' endif let matchs = s:SearchTypeAt(javacomplete#parse(), java_parser#MakePos(line, col)) let stat = s:GetStatement() for t in matchs if stat =~ t.name let coor = java_parser#DecodePos(t.pos) return var . '(' . (coor.line+1) . ',' . (coor.col) . ') ' . getline(coor.line+1) endif endfor if len(matchs) > 0 let coor = java_parser#DecodePos(matchs[len(matchs)-1].pos) return var . '(' . (coor.line+1) . ',' . (coor.col) . ') ' . getline(coor.line+1) endif return '' endif " Type.this. " new Type() " new Type(param1, param2) " this.field " super.field let s:log = [] " It may be an imported class. let imports = [] for fqn in s:GetImports('imports_fqn') if fqn =~# '\<' . var . '\>$' call add(imports, fqn) endif endfor if len(imports) > 1 echoerr 'Imports conflicts between ' . join(imports, ' and ') endif " Search in this buffer let matchs = s:SearchNameInAST(javacomplete#parse(), var, java_parser#MakePos(line, col), 1) let hint = var . ' ' if !empty(matchs) let tree = matchs[len(matchs)-1] let coor = java_parser#DecodePos(tree.pos) let hint .= '(' . (coor.line+1) . ',' . (coor.col) . ') ' let hint .= getline(coor.line+1) "string(tree) else for fqn in imports let ci = s:DoGetClassInfo(fqn) if !empty(ci) let hint .= ' ' . fqn endif " TODO: get javadoc endfor endif return hint endfu " java {{{1 fu! s:IsBuiltinType(name) return index(s:PRIMITIVE_TYPES, a:name) >= 0 endfu fu! s:IsKeyword(name) return index(s:KEYWORDS, a:name) >= 0 endfu fu! s:HasKeyword(name) return a:name =~# s:RE_KEYWORDS endfu fu! s:TailOfQN(qn) return a:qn[strridx(a:qn, '.')+1:] endfu " options {{{1 " Methods to search declaration {{{2 " 1 - by builtin searchdecl() " 2 - by special Searchdecl() " 4 - by java_parser fu! javacomplete#GetSearchdeclMethod() if &ft == 'jsp' return 1 endif return exists('s:searchdecl') ? s:searchdecl : 4 endfu fu! javacomplete#SetSearchdeclMethod(method) let s:searchdecl = a:method endfu " JDK1.1 {{{2 fu! javacomplete#UseJDK11() let s:isjdk11 = 1 endfu " java compiler {{{2 fu! javacomplete#GetCompiler() return exists('s:compiler') && s:compiler !~ '^\s*$' ? s:compiler : 'javac' endfu fu! javacomplete#SetCompiler(compiler) let s:compiler = a:compiler endfu " jvm launcher {{{2 fu! javacomplete#GetJVMLauncher() return exists('s:interpreter') && s:interpreter !~ '^\s*$' ? s:interpreter : 'java' endfu fu! javacomplete#SetJVMLauncher(interpreter) if javacomplete#GetJVMLauncher() != a:interpreter let s:cache = {} endif let s:interpreter = a:interpreter endfu " sourcepath {{{2 fu! javacomplete#AddSourcePath(s) if !isdirectory(a:s) echoerr 'invalid source path: ' . a:s return endif let path = fnamemodify(a:s, ':p:h') if !exists('s:sourcepath') let s:sourcepath = [path] elseif index(s:sourcepath, path) == -1 call add(s:sourcepath, path) endif endfu fu! javacomplete#DelSourcePath(s) if !exists('s:sourcepath') || !isdirectory(a:s)| return | endif let idx = index(s:sourcepath, a:s) if idx != -1 call remove(s:sourcepath, idx) endif endfu fu! javacomplete#SetSourcePath(s) let paths = type(a:s) == type([]) ? a:s : split(a:s, javacomplete#GetClassPathSep()) let s:sourcepath = [] for path in paths if isdirectory(path) call add(s:sourcepath, fnamemodify(path, ':p:h')) endif endfor endfu " return the sourcepath. Given argument, add current path or default package root path " NOTE: Avoid path duplicate, otherwise globpath() will return duplicate result. fu! javacomplete#GetSourcePath(...) return join(s:GetSourceDirs(a:0 > 0 && a:1 ? expand('%:p') : ''), s:PATH_SEP) endfu fu! s:GetSourceDirs(filepath, ...) let dirs = exists('s:sourcepath') ? s:sourcepath : [] if !empty(a:filepath) let filepath = fnamemodify(a:filepath, ':p:h') " get source path according to file path and package name let packageName = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : s:GetPackageName() if packageName != '' let path = fnamemodify(substitute(filepath, packageName, '', 'g'), ':p:h') if index(dirs, path) < 0 call add(dirs, path) endif endif " Consider current path as a sourcepath if index(dirs, filepath) < 0 call add(dirs, filepath) endif endif return dirs endfu " classpath {{{2 fu! javacomplete#AddClassPath(s) if !isdirectory(a:s) echoerr 'invalid classpath: ' . a:s return endif if !exists('s:classpath') let s:classpath = [a:s] elseif index(s:classpath, a:s) == -1 call add(s:classpath, a:s) endif let s:cache = {} endfu fu! javacomplete#DelClassPath(s) if !exists('s:classpath') | return | endif let idx = index(s:classpath, a:s) if idx != -1 call remove(s:classpath, idx) endif endfu fu! javacomplete#SetClassPath(s) if type(a:s) == type("") let s:classpath = split(a:s, javacomplete#GetClassPathSep()) elseif type(a:s) == type([]) let s:classpath = a:s endif let s:cache = {} endfu fu! javacomplete#GetClassPathSep() return s:PATH_SEP endfu fu! javacomplete#GetClassPath() return exists('s:classpath') ? join(s:classpath, javacomplete#GetClassPathSep()) : '' endfu " s:GetClassPath() {{{2 fu! s:GetClassPath() let path = s:GetJavaCompleteClassPath() . javacomplete#GetClassPathSep() if &ft == 'jsp' let path .= s:GetClassPathOfJsp() endif if exists('b:classpath') && b:classpath !~ '^\s*$' return path . b:classpath endif if exists('s:classpath') return path . javacomplete#GetClassPath() endif if exists('g:java_classpath') && g:java_classpath !~ '^\s*$' return path . g:java_classpath endif return path . $CLASSPATH endfu fu! s:GetJavaCompleteClassPath() " remove *.class from wildignore if it exists, so that globpath doesn't ignore Reflection.class " vim versions >= 702 can add the 1 flag to globpath which ignores '*.class" in wildingore let has_class = 0 if &wildignore =~# "*.class" set wildignore-=*.class let has_class = 1 endif let classfile = globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/Reflection.class') if classfile == '' let classfile = globpath($HOME, 'Reflection.class') endif if classfile == '' " try to find source file and compile to $HOME let srcfile = globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/Reflection.java') if srcfile != '' exe '!' . javacomplete#GetCompiler() . ' -d "' . $HOME . '" "' . srcfile . '"' let classfile = globpath($HOME, 'Reflection.class') if classfile == '' echo srcfile . ' can not be compiled. Please check it' endif else echo 'No Reflection.class found in $HOME or any autoload directory of the &rtp. And no Reflection.java found in any autoload directory of the &rtp to compile.' endif endif " add *.class to wildignore if it existed before if has_class == 1 set wildignore+=*.class endif return fnamemodify(classfile, ':p:h') endfu fu! s:GetClassPathOfJsp() if exists('b:classpath_jsp') return b:classpath_jsp endif let b:classpath_jsp = '' let path = expand('%:p:h') while 1 if isdirectory(path . '/WEB-INF' ) if isdirectory(path . '/WEB-INF/classes') let b:classpath_jsp .= s:PATH_SEP . path . '/WEB-INF/classes' endif if isdirectory(path . '/WEB-INF/lib') let libs = globpath(path . '/WEB-INF/lib', '*.jar') if libs != '' let b:classpath_jsp .= s:PATH_SEP . substitute(libs, "\n", s:PATH_SEP, 'g') endif endif return b:classpath_jsp endif let prev = path let path = fnamemodify(path, ":p:h:h") if path == prev break endif endwhile return '' endfu " return only classpath which are directories fu! s:GetClassDirs() let dirs = [] for path in split(s:GetClassPath(), s:PATH_SEP) if isdirectory(path) call add(dirs, fnamemodify(path, ':p:h')) endif endfor return dirs endfu " s:GetPackageName() {{{2 fu! s:GetPackageName() let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') call cursor(1, 1) let lnum = search('^\s*package[ \t\r\n]\+\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*\);', 'w') let packageName = substitute(getline(lnum), '^\s*package\s\+\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*\);', '\1', '') call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) return packageName endfu fu! s:IsStatic(modifier) return a:modifier[strlen(a:modifier)-4] endfu " utilities {{{1 " Convert a file name into the unique form. " Similar with fnamemodify(). NOTE that ':gs' should not be used. fu! s:fnamecanonize(fname, mods) return fnamemodify(a:fname, a:mods . ':gs?[\\/]\+?/?') endfu " Similar with filter(), but returns a new list instead of operating in-place. " `item` has the value of the current item. fu! s:filter(expr, string) if type(a:expr) == type([]) let result = [] for item in a:expr if eval(a:string) call add(result, item) endif endfor return result else let result = {} for item in items(a:expr) if eval(a:string) let result[item[0]] = item[1] endif endfor return result endif endfu fu! s:Index(list, expr, key) let i = 0 while i < len(a:list) if get(a:list[i], a:key, '') == a:expr return i endif let i += 1 endwhile return -1 endfu fu! s:Match(list, expr, key) let i = 0 while i < len(a:list) if get(a:list[i], a:key, '') =~ a:expr return i endif let i += 1 endwhile return -1 endfu fu! s:KeepCursor(cmd) let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') exe a:cmd call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) endfu fu! s:InCommentOrLiteral(line, col) if has("syntax") && &ft != 'jsp' return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name") =~? '\(Comment\|String\|Character\)' endif endfu function! s:InComment(line, col) if has("syntax") && &ft != 'jsp' return synIDattr(synID(a:line, a:col, 1), "name") =~? 'comment' endif " if getline(a:line) =~ '\s*\*' " return 1 " endif " let idx = strridx(getline(a:line), '//') " if idx >= 0 && idx < a:col " return 1 " endif " return 0 endfunction " set string literal empty, remove comments, trim begining or ending spaces " test case: ' sb. /* block comment*/ append( "stringliteral" ) // comment ' function! s:Prune(str, ...) if a:str =~ '^\s*$' | return '' | endif let str = substitute(a:str, '"\(\\\(["\\''ntbrf]\)\|[^"]\)*"', '""', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\/\/.*', '', 'g') let str = s:RemoveBlockComments(str) return a:0 > 0 ? str : str . ' ' endfunction " Given argument, replace block comments with spaces of same number fu! s:RemoveBlockComments(str, ...) let result = a:str let ib = match(result, '\/\*') let ie = match(result, '\*\/') while ib != -1 && ie != -1 && ib < ie let result = strpart(result, 0, ib) . (a:0 == 0 ? ' ' : repeat(' ', ie-ib+2)) . result[ie+2: ] let ib = match(result, '\/\*') let ie = match(result, '\*\/') endwhile return result endfu fu! s:Trim(str) let str = substitute(a:str, '^\s*', '', '') return substitute(str, '\s*$', '', '') endfu fu! s:SplitAt(str, index) return [strpart(a:str, 0, a:index+1), strpart(a:str, a:index+1)] endfu " TODO: search pair used in string, like " 'create(ao.fox("("), new String).foo().' function! s:GetMatchedIndexEx(str, idx, one, another) let pos = a:idx while 0 <= pos && pos < len(a:str) let pos = match(a:str, '['. a:one . escape(a:another, ']') .']', pos+1) if pos != -1 if a:str[pos] == a:one let pos = s:GetMatchedIndexEx(a:str, pos, a:one, a:another) elseif a:str[pos] == a:another break endif endif endwhile return 0 <= pos && pos < len(a:str) ? pos : -3 endfunction function! s:SearchPairBackward(str, idx, one, another) let idx = a:idx let n = 0 while idx >= 0 let idx -= 1 if a:str[idx] == a:one if n == 0 break endif let n -= 1 elseif a:str[idx] == a:another " nested let n += 1 endif endwhile return idx endfunction fu! s:CountDims(str) if match(a:str, '[[\]]') == -1 return 0 endif " int[] -> [I, String[] -> let dims = len(matchstr(a:str, '^[\+')) if dims == 0 let idx = len(a:str)-1 while idx >= 0 && a:str[idx] == ']' let dims += 1 let idx = s:SearchPairBackward(a:str, idx, '[', ']')-1 endwhile endif return dims endfu fu! s:GotoUpperBracket() let searched = 0 while (!searched) call search('[{}]', 'bW') if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == '}' normal % else let searched = 1 endif endwhile endfu " Improve recognition of variable declaration using my version of searchdecl() for accuracy reason. " TODO: fu! s:Searchdecl(name, ...) let global = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 let thisblock = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 1 call search('\<' . a:name . '\>', 'bW') let lnum_old = line('.') let col_old = col('.') call s:GotoUpperBracket() let lnum_bracket = line('.') let col_bracket = col('.') call search('\<' . a:name . '\>', 'W', lnum_old) if line('.') != lnum_old || col('.') != col_old return 0 endif " search globally if global call cursor(lnum_bracket, col_bracket) " search backward while (1) if search('\([{}]\|\<' . a:name . '\>\)', 'bW') == 0 break endif if s:InComment(line('.'), col('.')) "|| s:InStringLiteral() continue endif let cword = expand('') if cword == a:name return 0 endif if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == '}' normal % endif endwhile call cursor(lnum_old, col_old) " search forward call search('[{};]', 'W') while (1) if search('\([{}]\|\<' . a:name . '\>\)', 'W') == 0 break endif if s:InComment(line('.'), col('.')) "|| s:InStringLiteral() continue endif let cword = expand('') if cword == a:name return 0 endif if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == '{' normal % endif endwhile endif return 1 endfu "nmap :call Searchdecl(expand('')) fu! javacomplete#Exe(cmd) exe a:cmd endfu " cache utilities {{{1 " key of s:files for current buffer. It may be the full path of current file or the bufnr of unnamed buffer, and is updated when BufEnter, BufLeave. fu! s:GetCurrentFileKey() return has("autocmd") ? s:curfilekey : empty(expand('%')) ? bufnr('%') : expand('%:p') endfu fu! s:SetCurrentFileKey() let s:curfilekey = empty(expand('%')) ? bufnr('%') : expand('%:p') endfu call s:SetCurrentFileKey() if has("autocmd") autocmd BufEnter *.java call s:SetCurrentFileKey() autocmd FileType java call s:SetCurrentFileKey() endif " Log utilities {{{1 fu! s:WatchVariant(variant) "echoerr a:variant endfu " level " 5 off/fatal " 4 error " 3 warn " 2 info " 1 debug " 0 trace fu! javacomplete#SetLogLevel(level) let s:loglevel = a:level endfu fu! javacomplete#GetLogLevel() return exists('s:loglevel') ? s:loglevel : 3 endfu fu! javacomplete#GetLogContent() return s:log endfu fu! s:Trace(msg) call s:Log(0, a:msg) endfu fu! s:Debug(msg) call s:Log(1, a:msg) endfu fu! s:Info(msg) call s:Log(2, a:msg) endfu fu! s:Log(level, key, ...) if a:level >= javacomplete#GetLogLevel() echo a:key call add(s:log, a:key) endif endfu fu! s:System(cmd, caller) call s:WatchVariant(a:cmd) let t = reltime() let res = system(a:cmd) call s:Debug(reltimestr(reltime(t)) . 's to exec "' . a:cmd . '" by ' . a:caller) return res endfu " functions to get information {{{1 " utilities {{{2 fu! s:MemberCompare(m1, m2) return a:m1['n'] == a:m2['n'] ? 0 : a:m1['n'] > a:m2['n'] ? 1 : -1 endfu fu! s:Sort(ci) let ci = a:ci if has_key(ci, 'fields') call sort(ci['fields'], 's:MemberCompare') endif if has_key(ci, 'methods') call sort(ci['methods'], 's:MemberCompare') endif return ci endfu " Function to run Reflection {{{2 fu! s:RunReflection(option, args, log) let classpath = '' if !exists('s:isjdk11') let classpath = ' -classpath "' . s:GetClassPath() . '" ' endif let cmd = javacomplete#GetJVMLauncher() . classpath . ' Reflection ' . a:option . ' "' . a:args . '"' return s:System(cmd, a:log) endfu " class information {{{2 " The standard search order of a FQN is as follows: " 1. a file-name toplevel type or static member type accessed by the file-name type declared in source files " 2. other types declared in source files " 3. an accessible loadable type. " parameters: " fqns - list of fqn " srcpaths - a comma-separated list of directory names. " a:1 - search all. " return a dict of fqn -> type info " precondition: " NOTE: call expand() to convert path to standard form fu! s:DoGetTypeInfoForFQN(fqns, srcpath, ...) if empty(a:fqns) || empty(a:srcpath) return endif " 1 let files = {} " fqn -> java file path for fqn in a:fqns " toplevel type let filepath = globpath(a:srcpath, substitute(fqn, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.java') if filepath != '' let files[fqn] = expand(filepath) " nested type elseif stridx(fqn, '.') >= 0 let idents = split(fqn, '\.') let i = len(idents)-2 while i >= 0 let filepath = globpath(a:srcpath, join(idents[:i], '/') . '.java') if filepath != '' let files[fqn] = expand(filepath) break endif let i -= 1 endwhile endif endfor " 2 let dirs = {} " dir.idents -> names of nested type " dir.qfitems -> items of quick fix " dir.fqn -> fqn for fqn in a:fqns if !has_key(files, fqn) for path in split(a:srcpath, ',') let idents = split(fqn, '\.') let i = len(idents)-2 while i >= 0 let dirpath = path . '/' . join(idents[:i], '/') " it is a package if isdirectory(dirpath) let dirs[fnamemodify(dirpath, ':p:h:gs?[\\/]\+?/?')] = {'fqn': fqn, 'idents': idents[i+1:]} break endif let i -= 1 endwhile endfor endif endfor if !empty(dirs) let items = {} " dir -> items of quick fix let filepatterns = '' for dirpath in keys(dirs) let filepatterns .= escape(dirpath, ' \') . '/*.java ' endfor let cwd = fnamemodify(expand('%:p:h'), ':p:h:gs?[\\/]\+?/?') exe 'vimgrep /\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL . '/jg ' . filepatterns for item in getqflist() if item.text !~ '^\s*\*\s\+' let text = matchstr(s:Prune(item.text, -1), '\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL) if text != '' let subs = split(substitute(text, '\s*' . s:RE_TYPE_DECL, '\1;\2;\3', ''), ';', 1) let dirpath = fnamemodify(bufname(item.bufnr), ':p:h:gs?[\\/]\+?/?') let idents = dirs[dirpath].idents if index(idents, subs[2]) >= 0 && (subs[0] =~ '\C\' || dirpath == cwd) " FIXME? let item.subs = subs let dirs[dirpath].qfitems = get(dirs[dirpath], 'qfitems', []) + [item] endif endif endif endfor for dirpath in keys(dirs) " a. names of nested type must be existed in the same file " PackageName.NonFileNameTypeName.NestedType.NestedNestedType let qfitems = get(dirs[dirpath], 'qfitems', []) let nr = 0 for ident in dirs[dirpath].idents for item in qfitems if item.subs[2] == ident let nr += 1 endif endfor endfor if nr == len(dirs[dirpath].idents) " b. TODO: Check whether one enclosed another is correct let files[fqn] = expand(bufname(qfitems[0].bufnr)) endif endfor endif call s:Info('FQN1&2: ' . string(keys(files))) for fqn in keys(files) if !has_key(s:cache, fqn) || get(get(s:files, files[fqn], {}), 'modifiedtime', 0) != getftime(files[fqn]) let ti = s:GetClassInfoFromSource(fqn[strridx(fqn, '.')+1:], files[fqn]) if !empty(ti) let s:cache[fqn] = s:Sort(ti) endif endif if (a:0 == 0 || !a:1) return endif endfor " 3 let commalist = '' for fqn in a:fqns if has_key(s:cache, fqn) && (a:0 == 0 || !a:1) return else "if stridx(fqn, '.') >= 0 let commalist .= fqn . ',' endif endfor if !empty(commalist) let res = s:RunReflection('-E', commalist, 'DoGetTypeInfoForFQN in Batch') if res =~ "^{'" let dict = eval(res) for key in keys(dict) if !has_key(s:cache, key) if type(dict[key]) == type({}) let s:cache[key] = s:Sort(dict[key]) elseif type(dict[key]) == type([]) let s:cache[key] = sort(dict[key]) endif endif endfor endif endif endfu " a:1 filepath " a:2 package name fu! s:DoGetClassInfo(class, ...) if has_key(s:cache, a:class) return s:cache[a:class] endif " array type: TypeName[] or '[I' or '[[Ljava.lang.String;' if a:class[-1:] == ']' || a:class[0] == '[' return s:ARRAY_TYPE_INFO endif " either this or super is not qualified if a:class == 'this' || a:class == 'super' if &ft == 'jsp' let ci = s:DoGetReflectionClassInfo('javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage') if a:class == 'this' " TODO: search methods defined in <%! [declarations] %> " search methods defined in other jsp files included " avoid including self directly or indirectly endif return ci endif call s:Info('A0. ' . a:class) " this can be a local class or anonymous class as well as static type let t = get(s:SearchTypeAt(javacomplete#parse(), java_parser#MakePos(line('.')-1, col('.')-1)), -1, {}) if !empty(t) " What will be returned for super? " - the protected or public inherited fields and methods. No ctors. " - the (public static) fields of interfaces. " - the methods of the Object class. " What will be returned for this? " - besides the above, all fields and methods of current class. No ctors. return s:Sort(s:Tree2ClassInfo(t)) "return s:Sort(s:AddInheritedClassInfo(a:class == 'this' ? s:Tree2ClassInfo(t) : {}, t, 1)) endif return {} endif if a:class !~ '^\s*' . s:RE_QUALID . '\s*$' || s:HasKeyword(a:class) return {} endif let typename = substitute(a:class, '\s', '', 'g') let filekey = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : s:GetCurrentFileKey() let packagename = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : s:GetPackageName() let srcpath = join(s:GetSourceDirs(a:0 > 0 && a:1 != bufnr('%') ? a:1 : expand('%:p'), packagename), ',') let names = split(typename, '\.') " remove the package name if in the same packge if len(names) > 1 if packagename == join(names[:-2], '.') let names = names[-1:] endif endif " a FQN if len(names) > 1 call s:DoGetTypeInfoForFQN([typename], srcpath) let ci = get(s:cache, typename, {}) if get(ci, 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' return s:cache[typename] elseif get(ci, 'tag', '') == 'PACKAGE' return {} endif endif " The standard search order of a simple type name is as follows: " 1. The current type including inherited types. " 2. A nested type of the current type. " 3. Explicitly named imported types (single type import). " 4. Other types declared in the same package. Not only current directory. " 5. Implicitly named imported types (import on demand). " 1 & 2. " NOTE: inherited types are treated as normal if filekey == s:GetCurrentFileKey() let simplename = typename[strridx(typename, '.')+1:] if s:FoundClassDeclaration(simplename) != 0 call s:Info('A1&2') let ci = s:GetClassInfoFromSource(simplename, '%') " do not cache it if !empty(ci) return ci endif endif else let ci = s:GetClassInfoFromSource(typename, filekey) if !empty(ci) return ci endif endif " 3. " NOTE: PackageName.Ident, TypeName.Ident let fqn = s:SearchSingleTypeImport(typename, s:GetImports('imports_fqn', filekey)) if !empty(fqn) call s:Info('A3') call s:DoGetTypeInfoForFQN([fqn], srcpath) let ti = get(s:cache, fqn, {}) if get(ti, 'tag', '') != 'CLASSDEF' " TODO: mark the wrong import declaration. endif return ti endif " 4 & 5 " NOTE: Keeps the fqn of the same package first!! call s:Info('A4&5') let fqns = [empty(packagename) ? typename : packagename . '.' . typename] for p in s:GetImports('imports_star', filekey) call add(fqns, p . typename) endfor call s:DoGetTypeInfoForFQN(fqns, srcpath) for fqn in fqns if has_key(s:cache, fqn) return get(s:cache[fqn], 'tag', '') == 'CLASSDEF' ? s:cache[fqn] : {} endif endfor return {} endfu " Rules of overriding and hiding: " 1. Fields cannot be overridden; they can only be hidden. " In the subclass, the hidden field of superclass can no longer be accessed " directly by its simple name. `super` or another reference must be used. " 2. A method can be overriden only if it is accessible. " When overriding methods, both the signature and return type must be the " same as in the superclass. " 3. Static members cannot be overridden; they can only be hidden " -- whether a field or a method. But hiding static members has little effect, " because static should be accessed via the name of its declaring class. " Given optional argument, add protected, default (package) access, private members. "fu! s:MergeClassInfo(ci, another, ...) " if empty(a:another) | return a:ci | endif " " if empty(a:ci) " let ci = copy(a:another) "" if a:0 > 0 && a:1 "" call extend(ci.fields, get(a:another, 'declared_fields', [])) "" call extend(ci.methods, get(a:another, 'declared_methods', [])) "" endif " return ci " endif " " call extend(a:ci.methods, a:another.methods) " " for f in a:another.fields " if s:Index(a:ci.fields, f.n, 'n') < 0 " call add(a:ci.fields, f) " endif " endfor " return a:ci "endfu " Parameters: " class the qualified class name " Return: TClassInfo or {} when not found " See ClassInfoFactory.getClassInfo() in insenvim. function! s:DoGetReflectionClassInfo(fqn) if !has_key(s:cache, a:fqn) let res = s:RunReflection('-C', a:fqn, 's:DoGetReflectionClassInfo') if res =~ '^{' let s:cache[a:fqn] = s:Sort(eval(res)) elseif res =~ '^[' for type in eval(res) if get(type, 'name', '') != '' let s:cache[type.name] = s:Sort(type) endif endfor else let b:errormsg = res endif endif return get(s:cache, a:fqn, {}) endfunction fu! s:GetClassInfoFromSource(class, filename) let ci = {} if len(tagfiles()) > 0 let ci = s:DoGetClassInfoFromTags(a:class) endif if empty(ci) call s:Info('Use java_parser.vim to generate class information') let unit = javacomplete#parse(a:filename) let targetPos = a:filename == '%' ? java_parser#MakePos(line('.')-1, col('.')-1) : -1 for t in s:SearchTypeAt(unit, targetPos, 1) if t.name == a:class let t.filepath = a:filename == '%' ? s:GetCurrentFileKey() : expand(a:filename) return s:Tree2ClassInfo(t) "return s:AddInheritedClassInfo(s:Tree2ClassInfo(t), t) endif endfor endif return ci endfu fu! s:Tree2ClassInfo(t) let t = a:t " fill fields and methods let t.fields = [] let t.methods = [] let t.ctors = [] let t.classes = [] for def in t.defs if def.tag == 'METHODDEF' call add(def.n == t.name ? t.ctors : t.methods, def) elseif def.tag == 'VARDEF' call add(t.fields, def) elseif def.tag == 'CLASSDEF' call add(t.classes, t.fqn . '.' . def.name) endif endfor " convert type name in extends to fqn for class defined in source files if !has_key(a:t, 'classpath') && has_key(a:t, 'extends') if has_key(a:t, 'filepath') && a:t.filepath != s:GetCurrentFileKey() let filepath = a:t.filepath let packagename = get(s:files[filepath].unit, 'package', '') else let filepath = expand('%:p') let packagename = s:GetPackageName() endif let extends = a:t.extends let i = 0 while i < len(extends) let ci = s:DoGetClassInfo(java_parser#type2Str(extends[i]), filepath, packagename) if has_key(ci, 'fqn') let extends[i] = ci.fqn endif let i += 1 endwhile endif return t endfu "fu! s:AddInheritedClassInfo(ci, t, ...) " let ci = a:ci " " add inherited fields and methods " let list = [] " for i in get(a:t, 'extends', []) " call add(list, java_parser#type2Str(i)) " endfor " " if has_key(a:t, 'filepath') && a:t.filepath != expand('%:p') " let filepath = a:t.filepath " let props = get(s:files, a:t.filepath, {}) " let packagename = get(props.unit, 'package', '') " else " let filepath = expand('%:p') " let packagename = s:GetPackageName() " endif " " for id in list " let ci = s:MergeClassInfo(ci, s:DoGetClassInfo(id, filepath, packagename), a:0 > 0 && a:1) " endfor " return ci "endfu " To obtain information of the class in current file or current folder, or " even in current project. function! s:DoGetClassInfoFromTags(class) " find tag of a:class declaration let tags = taglist('^' . a:class) let filename = '' let cmd = '' for tag in tags if has_key(tag, 'kind') if tag['kind'] == 'c' let filename = tag['filename'] let cmd = tag['cmd'] break endif endif endfor let tags = taglist('^' . (empty(b:incomplete) ? '.*' : b:incomplete) ) if filename != '' call filter(tags, "v:val['filename'] == '" . filename . "' && has_key(v:val, 'class') ? v:val['class'] == '" . a:class . "' : 1") endif let ci = {'name': a:class} " extends and implements let ci['ctors'] = [] let ci['fields'] = [] let ci['methods'] = [] " members for tag in tags let member = {'n': tag['name']} " determine kind let kind = 'm' if has_key(tag, 'kind') let kind = tag['kind'] endif let cmd = tag['cmd'] if cmd =~ '\' let member['m'] = '1000' else let member['m'] = '' endif let desc = substitute(cmd, '/^\s*', '', '') let desc = substitute(desc, '\s*{\?\s*$/$', '', '') if kind == 'm' " description if cmd =~ '\' let desc = substitute(desc, '\s\+static\s\+', ' ', '') endif let member['d'] = desc let member['p'] = '' let member['r'] = '' if tag['name'] == a:class call add(ci['ctors'], member) else call add(ci['methods'], member) endif elseif kind == 'f' let member['t'] = substitute(desc, '\([a-zA-Z0-9_[\]]\)\s\+\<' . tag['name'] . '\>.*$', '\1', '') call add(ci['fields'], member) endif endfor return ci endfu " package information {{{2 fu! s:DoGetInfoByReflection(class, option) if has_key(s:cache, a:class) return s:cache[a:class] endif let res = s:RunReflection(a:option, a:class, 's:DoGetInfoByReflection') if res =~ '^[{\[]' let v = eval(res) if type(v) == type([]) let s:cache[a:class] = sort(v) elseif type(v) == type({}) if get(v, 'tag', '') =~# '^\(PACKAGE\|CLASSDEF\)$' let s:cache[a:class] = v else call extend(s:cache, v, 'force') endif endif unlet v else let b:errormsg = res endif return get(s:cache, a:class, {}) endfu " search in members {{{2 " TODO: what about default access? " public for all " protected for this or super " private for this fu! s:CanAccess(mods, kind) return (a:mods[-4:-4] || a:kind/10 == 0) \ && (a:kind == 1 || a:mods[-1:] \ || (a:mods[-3:-3] && (a:kind == 1 || a:kind == 2)) \ || (a:mods[-2:-2] && a:kind == 1)) endfu fu! s:SearchMember(ci, name, fullmatch, kind, returnAll, memberkind, ...) let result = [[], [], []] if a:kind != 13 for m in (a:0 > 0 && a:1 ? [] : get(a:ci, 'fields', [])) + ((a:kind == 1 || a:kind == 2) ? get(a:ci, 'declared_fields', []) : []) if empty(a:name) || (a:fullmatch ? m.n ==# a:name : m.n =~# '^' . a:name) if s:CanAccess(m.m, a:kind) call add(result[2], m) endif endif endfor for m in (a:0 > 0 && a:1 ? [] : get(a:ci, 'methods', [])) + ((a:kind == 1 || a:kind == 2) ? get(a:ci, 'declared_methods', []) : []) if empty(a:name) || (a:fullmatch ? m.n ==# a:name : m.n =~# '^' . a:name) if s:CanAccess(m.m, a:kind) call add(result[1], m) endif endif endfor endif if a:kind/10 != 0 let types = get(a:ci, 'classes', []) for t in types if empty(a:name) || (a:fullmatch ? t[strridx(t, '.')+1:] ==# a:name : t[strridx(t, '.')+1:] =~# '^' . a:name) if !has_key(s:cache, t) || !has_key(s:cache[t], 'flags') || a:kind == 1 || s:cache[t].flags[-1:] call add(result[0], t) endif endif endfor endif " key `classpath` indicates it is a loaded class from classpath " All public members of a loaded class are stored in current ci if !has_key(a:ci, 'classpath') || (a:kind == 1 || a:kind == 2) for i in get(a:ci, 'extends', []) let ci = s:DoGetClassInfo(java_parser#type2Str(i)) let members = s:SearchMember(ci, a:name, a:fullmatch, a:kind == 1 ? 2 : a:kind, a:returnAll, a:memberkind) let result[0] += members[0] let result[1] += members[1] let result[2] += members[2] endfor endif return result endfu " generate member list {{{2 fu! s:DoGetFieldList(fields) let s = '' for field in a:fields let s .= "{'kind':'" . (s:IsStatic(field.m) ? "F" : "f") . "','word':'" . field.n . "','menu':'" . field.t . "','dup':1}," endfor return s endfu fu! s:DoGetMethodList(methods, ...) let paren = a:0 == 0 || !a:1 ? '(' : '' let s = '' for method in a:methods let s .= "{'kind':'" . (s:IsStatic(method.m) ? "M" : "m") . "','word':'" . method.n . paren . "','abbr':'" . method.n . "()','menu':'" . method.d . "','dup':'1'}," endfor return s endfu " kind: " 0 - for instance, 1 - this, 2 - super, 3 - class, 4 - array, 5 - method result, 6 - primitive type " 11 - for type, with `class` and static member and nested types. " 12 - for import static, no lparen for static methods " 13 - for import or extends or implements, only nested types " 20 - for package fu! s:DoGetMemberList(ci, kind) if type(a:ci) != type({}) || a:ci == {} return [] endif let s = a:kind == 11 ? "{'kind': 'C', 'word': 'class', 'menu': 'Class'}," : '' let members = s:SearchMember(a:ci, '', 1, a:kind, 1, 0, a:kind == 2) " add accessible member types if a:kind / 10 != 0 " Use dup here for member type can share name with field. for class in members[0] "for class in get(a:ci, 'classes', []) let v = get(s:cache, class, {}) if v == {} || v.flags[-1:] let s .= "{'kind': 'C', 'word': '" . substitute(class, a:ci.name . '\.', '\1', '') . "','dup':1}," endif endfor endif if a:kind != 13 let fieldlist = [] let sfieldlist = [] for field in members[2] "for field in get(a:ci, 'fields', []) if s:IsStatic(field['m']) call add(sfieldlist, field) elseif a:kind / 10 == 0 call add(fieldlist, field) endif endfor let methodlist = [] let smethodlist = [] for method in members[1] if s:IsStatic(method['m']) call add(smethodlist, method) elseif a:kind / 10 == 0 call add(methodlist, method) endif endfor if a:kind / 10 == 0 let s .= s:DoGetFieldList(fieldlist) let s .= s:DoGetMethodList(methodlist) endif let s .= s:DoGetFieldList(sfieldlist) let s .= s:DoGetMethodList(smethodlist, a:kind == 12) let s = substitute(s, '\<' . a:ci.name . '\.', '', 'g') let s = substitute(s, '\ 0 ? a:package . '*' : substitute(a:package, '\.', '/', 'g') . '/*' let matchpattern = a:0 > 0 ? a:package : a:package . '[\\/]' for f in split(globpath(join(pathes, ','), globpattern), "\n") for path in pathes let idx = matchend(f, escape(path, ' \') . '[\\/]\?\C' . matchpattern) if idx != -1 let name = (a:0 > 0 ? a:package : '') . strpart(f, idx) if f[-5:] == '.java' if !a:onlyPackages call add(list, {'kind': 'C', 'word': name[:-6]}) endif elseif name =~ '^' . s:RE_IDENTIFIER . '$' && isdirectory(f) && f !~# 'CVS$' call add(list, {'kind': 'P', 'word': name}) endif endif endfor endfor return list endfu " }}} "}}} " vim:set fdm=marker sw=2 nowrap: