#!/usr/bin/perl # trizen configuration file # Updated on Fri Jun 14 15:27:03 2019 our $CONFIG = { ask_for_retry => 1, # bool -- When `makepkg` fails to build a package, offer the option for trying again. aur_results_last_modified => 1, # bool -- Show the date when the packages were last updated in AUR results. aur_results_popularity => 1, # bool -- Show the popularity score in AUR results. aur_results_show_installed => 1, # bool -- Show when a package is installed in AUR results. aur_results_sort_by => "name", # str -- Sort the AUR results by "name", "votes", "popularity" or "date". aur_results_sort_order => "ascending", # str -- Sort the AUR results in "ascending" or "descending" order. aur_results_votes => 1, # bool -- Show the number of votes in AUR results. clone_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/aur", # str -- Absolute path to the directory where to clone and build packages. color_code_dependencies => 1, # bool -- Display the dependencies of a package in specific colors (green = installed; cyan = in repo; purple = in AUR). debug => 0, # bool -- Verbose mode. flip_indices => 0, # bool -- In search+install mode, show the indices of packages in reverse order. flip_results => 0, # bool -- Show the search results in reverse order. force => 0, # bool -- Pass the `--force` flag to `pacman`. forcecolors => 0, # bool -- Force output colors even when not writing to STDOUT. git_clone_depth => 0, # int -- Pass the `--depth int` flag to `git clone`. (0 means no limit) lwp_env_proxy => 1, # bool -- Use proxy settings defined in `env` (if any). lwp_show_progress => 0, # bool -- Show the HTTPS requests made by LWP::UserAgent to the AUR servers. lwp_timeout => 60, # int -- Seconds after which an HTTPS connection is aborted. makepkg_command => "/usr/bin/makepkg -scf", # str -- The `makepkg` command that is used internally in building a package. movepkg => 0, # bool -- Move built packages in the directory `movepkg_dir`. movepkg_dir => "/var/cache/pacman/pkg", # str -- Absolute path to the directory where to move built packages (with `movepkg`). nocolors => 0, # bool -- Disable output colors for `trizen`. noedit => 0, # bool -- Do not prompt to edit files when installing an AUR package. noinfo => 0, # bool -- Do not display package information when installing an AUR package. noinstall => 0, # bool -- Do not install built packages -- builds only. nopull => 0, # bool -- Do not `git pull` new changes from the AUR git server. packages_in_stats => 5, # int -- The number of packages to display in `--stats` pacman_command => "/usr/bin/pacman", # str -- The `pacman` command that is used internally for pacman operations. pacman_local_dir => "/var/lib/pacman/local", # str -- Absolute path to the pacman's local directory. pager_mode => 0, # bool -- Show the build files in pager mode using pager. recompute_deps => 1, # bool -- Recompute the dependencies of a package (after its build files are inspected / edited). show_build_files_content => 1, # bool -- Show the content of the build files of a package before building it. show_comments => 0, # int -- Show the `n` most recent AUR comments for a package before building it. (max: 10) show_diff_only => 0, # bool -- When the build files of a package already exist locally, show the diff only. show_inexistent => 1, # bool -- Warn about packages that do not exist in AUR, during -Su. show_ood => 0, # bool -- Warn about out-of-date marked packages, during -Su. show_unmaintained => 1, # bool -- Warn about unmaintained packages, during -Su. skipinteg => 0, # bool -- Pass the `--skipinteg` argument to `makepkg`. split_packages => 1, # bool -- Ask about installing the other parts of a split package. ssl_verify_hostname => 1, # bool -- Ensure LWP::UserAgent connects to servers that have a valid certificate. su_command => "/usr/bin/su -c", # str -- Command used when special permissions are required and `use_sudo` is set to 0. sudo_autorepeat => 0, # bool -- Automatically repeat `sudo -v` in the background after a `sudo` command was first executed. sudo_autorepeat_at_runtime => 0, # bool -- Execute `sudo -v` when `trizen` is first executed and apply the behavior of `sudo_autorepeat`. sudo_autorepeat_interval => 180, # int -- Interval, in seconds, after which `sudo -v` is executed in background (with `sudo_autorepeat`). sudo_command => "/usr/bin/sudo", # str -- Command used when special permissions are required and `use_sudo` is set to 1. sudo_remove_timestamp => 1, # bool -- Remove the cached sudo credentials before `makepkg` is executed (`sudo --remove-timestamp`). syntax_highlighting => 1, # bool -- Syntax hightling of the build files, using the `highlight` tool from [community]. syntax_highlighting_cmd => "/usr/bin/highlight -O ansi", # str -- The `highlight` command used in highlighting the syntax of the build files (with `syntax_highlighting`). use_github_api => 1, # bool -- Check GitHub sources for updates using GitHub's API. (during `--devel --needed`) use_gitlab_api => 1, # bool -- Check GitLab sources for updates using GitLab's API. (during `--devel --needed`) use_sudo => 1, # bool -- Use the `sudo` command when special permissions are required. }