#!/bin/sh SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0") SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") HOST=$(hostname) # List of the config files to install FILES="vimrc zshrc gitconfig vim gitignore_global git_user" if [ ! -e "$HOME/.git_user" ]; then cp "$SCRIPTPATH/git_user.def" "$SCRIPTPATH/git_user" sed -i -e "s/{username}/$USER/" "$SCRIPTPATH/git_user" sed -i -e "s/{email}/$USER@$HOST/" "$SCRIPTPATH/git_user" fi # Init or update submodules git submodule update --init --recursive # Setup fast-syntax-highlighting theme customization cp "$SCRIPTPATH/fsh_theme.zsh" "$SCRIPTPATH/current_theme.zsh" # Create symbolic links in the user's home dir for file in $FILES do if [ ! -e "$HOME/.${file}" ]; then ln -s "${SCRIPTPATH}/${file}" "$HOME/.${file}" fi done