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*latex-box.txt* LaTeX Box
This plugin consists of a set of tools to help editing LaTeX documents.
Manifesto: LaTeX Box aims to remain lightweight and stay out of the way.
This plugin provides:
- Background compilation using latexmk;
- Completion for commands, environments, labels, bibtex entries and inline
- A simple table of contents;
- Smart indentation (activated with "set smartindent");
- Highlighting of matching \begin/\end pairs
- Motion between matching \begin/\end pairs with the % key;
- Motion through brackets/braces (with user-defined keys).
- Environment objects (e.g., select environement with "vie" or "vae")
- Inline math objects (e.g., select inline math with "vi$" or "va$")
|latex-box-completion| COMPLETION
|latex-box-completion-commands| Commands
|latex-box-completion-environments| Environments
|latex-box-completion-labels| Labels
|latex-box-completion-bibtex| Bibtex
|latex-box-completion-inlineMaths| InlineMaths
|latex-box-commands| COMMANDS
|latex-box-commands-compilation| Compilation
|latex-box-commands-viewing| Viewing
|latex-box-commands-folding| Folding
|latex-box-commands-motion| Motion
|latex-box-motion| MOTION
|latex-box-mappings| MAPPINGS
|latex-box-mappings-compilation| Compilation
|latex-box-mappings-insertion| Insertion
|latex-box-mappings-viewing| Viewing
|latex-box-mappings-folding| Folding
|latex-box-mappings-motion| Motion
|latex-box-settings| SETTINGS
|latex-box-settings-compilation| Compilation
|latex-box-settings-completion| Completion
|latex-box-settings-windows| Vim Windows
|latex-box-folding| FOLDING
|latex-box-indent| INDENTATION
|latex-box-FAQ| Frequently Asked Questions
|latex-box-todo| TODO
COMPLETION *latex-box-completion*
Completion is achieved through omni completion |compl-omni|, with default
bindings <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>. There are five types of completion:
Commands ~
Command completion is triggered by the '\' character. For example, >
completes to >
Associated settings:
Environments ~
Environment completion is triggered by '\begin{'. For example, >
completes to >
Completion of '\end{' automatically closes the last open environment.
Associated settings:
Labels ~
Label completion is triggered by '\ref{' or '\eqref{'. For example, >
offers a list of all matching labels, with their associated value and page
number. Labels are read from the aux file, so label completion works only
after compilation.
It matches:
1. labels: >
< 2. numbers: >
< 3. labels and numbers together (separated by whitespace): >
\eqref{eq 2<CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
Associated settings:
BibTeX entries ~
BibTeX completion is triggered by '\cite{', '\citep{' or '\citet{'. For
example, assume you have in your .bib files an entry looking like: >
@book { knuth1981,
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = "1981" }
Then, try: >
\cite{Knuth 1981<CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
You can also use regular expressions (or vim patterns) after '\cite{'.
Associated settings:
InlineMaths ~
InlineMaths completion is triggered by '$', '\(' or '\[', and can also be
triggered by '$' that locates in math environment '\(...\)', '\[...\]', or
'\begin{eq-env} ... \end{eq-env}'. It suggests the inline maths you write in
'$' pairs and in '\( ... \)' and the corresponding line number.
Note that an inline math with open and close symbols on different lines will
not be suggested.
For example, you type two in line maths looking like: >
$hello$, \(world\)
And you save them before trying to complete elsewhere: >
You type '$', '\(' or '\[', and part of 'hello': >
\(h <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
\[h <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
They comlete to: >
You can still add more in line maths in '\(...\)' and '\[...\]': >
\(hello, $ w <CTRL-X><CTRL-O> \)
\[hello, $ w <CTRL-X><CTRL-O> \]
The results: >
\(hello, world\)
\[hello, world\]
Or cross lines: >
\( hello,
$ w <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
\[ hello,
$ w <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>
The results: >
For equation environments, it's always triggered by '$': >
It matches: >
ATTENTION: do not try to complete inline maths when
1. '$' pair is in multi lines: >
2. '\begin{eq-env}' and '\end{eq-env}' are in single line: >
\begin{eq-env} $ h <CTRL-X><CTRL-O> \end{eq-env}
Associated setting: >
COMMANDS *latex-box-commands*
Compilation ~
Compile with latexmk.
See |g:LatexBox_latexmk_async|, |g:LatexBox_latexmk_options|, and
Force compilation with latexmk (runs latexmk with "-g" option).
Clean temporary output from LaTeX.
Clean all output from LaTeX.
Show the running status of latexmk for the current buffer.
Show the running status of latexmk for all buffers with process group
ID's or PID's.
Stop latexmk if it is running.
Load the log file for the current document and jump to the first error.
Note: The commands |:LatexmkStop| and |:LatexmkStatus| are only relevant when
|g:LatexBox_latexmk_async| or |g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously| is
When latexmk terminates, it reports its success or failure (with status
number). To navigate through the errors, you can use the |:cc|, |:cn| and
|:cp| commands, as well as the |:clist| command to list the errors.
Viewing ~
Launch viewer on output file.
Takes optional arguments, separated by whitespaces, to be passed to the viewer.
For example, to open the viewer at a specific page and line if SyncTeX is used.
See the FAQ below for an application to SumatraPDF for forward searching.
See |g:LatexBox_output_type| and |g:LatexBox_viewer|.
Folding ~
Recalculate the folds in the file.
This is especially useful if you are editing a large file with
automatic folding disabled for performance reasons.
See |g:LatexBox_fold_automatic|.
Motion ~
Open a table of contents.
Use Enter to navigate to selected entry.
See |g:LatexBox_split_type|.
See |g:LatexBox_split_length|.
See |g:LatexBox_split_width|.
See |g:LatexBox_split_side|.
See |g:LatexBox_split_resize|.
Toggle the display of the table of contents.
Same as TOC but with regex-selected labels.
Associated setting:
|g:LatexBox_plaintext_toc| (set this if UTF8 conversion does not work)
MOTION *latex-box-motion*
The function LatexBox_JumpToNextBraces({backward}) allows to jump outside of
the current brace/bracket pair, or inside of the next opening braces/brackets.
MAPPINGS *latex-box-mappings*
Compilation ~
<LocalLeader>ll |:Latexmk|
Compile with latexmk.
<LocalLeader>lL |:Latexmk!|
Force compilation with latexmk.
<LocalLeader>lc |:LatexmkClean|
Clean temporary output from LaTeX.
<LocalLeader>lC |:LatexmkClean!|
Clean all output from LaTeX.
<LocalLeader>lk |:LatexmkStop|
Stop latexmk if it is running.
<LocalLeader>lg |:LatexmkStatus|
Show the running status of latexmk for the current buffer.
<LocalLeader>lG |:LatexmkStatus!|
Show the running status of latexmk for all buffers with process group
<LocalLeader>le |:LatexErrors|
Load the log file for the current document and jump to the first error.
Viewing ~
<LocalLeader>lv |:LatexView|
View output file.
Folding ~
<LocalLeader>lf |:LatexFold|
Recalculate the folds.
Insertion ~
Close the last matching open environment. Use with imap, e.g.: >
imap ]] <Plug>LatexCloseCurEnv
Change the current environment. Use with nmap, e.g.: >
nmap <F5> <Plug>LatexChangeEnv
Toggle star environments (add or remove star). Use with nmap, e.g.: >
nmap <F5> <Plug>LatexToggleStarEnv
Wrap the current selection in a LaTeX command. Use with vmap, e.g.: >
vmap <F7> <Plug>LatexWrapSelection
Wrap the current selection in an environment. Use with vmap, e.g.: >
vmap <S-F7> <Plug>LatexEnvWrapSelection
Suggested mappings to put in ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim: >
imap <buffer> [[ \begin{
imap <buffer> ]] <Plug>LatexCloseCurEnv
nmap <buffer> <F5> <Plug>LatexChangeEnv
vmap <buffer> <F7> <Plug>LatexWrapSelection
vmap <buffer> <S-F7> <Plug>LatexEnvWrapSelection
imap <buffer> (( \eqref{
Motion ~
<LocalLeader>lt |:LatexTOC|
Open a table of contents.
Use Enter to navigate to selected entry.
Jump to the matching bracket or \begin/\end pairs. Emulates |%|.
Same as |<Plug>LatexBox_JumpToMatch|, but the initial search is
Suggested bindings: >
map <silent> <buffer> ¶ :call LatexBox_JumpToNextBraces(0)<CR>
map <silent> <buffer> § :call LatexBox_JumpToNextBraces(1)<CR>
imap <silent> <buffer> ¶ <C-R>=LatexBox_JumpToNextBraces(0)<CR>
imap <silent> <buffer> § <C-R>=LatexBox_JumpToNextBraces(1)<CR>
SETTINGS *latex-box-settings*
Mappings ~
If this variable is defined, the default keyboard mappings will not be
These variables define the patterns that LatexBox use to detect
matching pair of braces, parantheses, environments, and similar.
Default: >
let g:LatexBox_open_pats = [
\ '\\{','{','\\(','(','\\\[','\[',
\ '\\begin\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\left\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ ]
let g:LatexBox_close_pats = [
\ '\\}','}','\\)',')','\\\]','\]',
\ '\\end\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\right\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ ]
Completion ~
*g:LatexBox_completion_close_braces* Default: 1
If nonzero, omni completion will add closing brackets where relevant.
For example, if nonzero, >
< completes to >
*g:LatexBox_bibtex_wild_spaces* Default: 1
If nonzero, spaces act as wildcards ('.*') in completion.
For example, if nonzero, >
\cite{Knuth 1981
< is equivalent to >
Static completion lists for environments
|latex-box-completion-environments| and commands
See |complete-items|.
Patterns to match \cite and \ref commands for BibTeX and label
completion. They must include the trailing '{'.
Examples: To match only the 'cite' command (case insensitive), use: >
let LatexBox_cite_pattern = '\c\\cite\*\?\_\s*{'
< To match all commands that end with 'ref' (case insensitive), use: >
let LatexBox_ref_pattern = '\c\\\a*ref\*\?\_\s*{'
< Both of the above examples also match commands with a trailing star.
Default values: >
let g:LatexBox_cite_pattern
\ = '\m\c\\\a*cite\a*\*\?\(\[[^\]]*\]\)\_\s*{'
let g:LatexBox_ref_pattern
\ = '\m\C\\v\?\(eq\|page\|[cC]\)\?ref\*\?\_\s*{'
< The '\m' flag indicates that these are magic regular expressions.
< The default settings should work for most standard LaTeX packages.
*g:LatexBox_complete_inlineMath* Default: 0
Switch for inline math completion.
Equation environments besides '$...$', '\(...\)', and '\[...\]' that
support inline math completion.
Note that 'eq-env-name*' will also be supported if we add
'eq-env-name' in the list.
Default: >
let g:LatexBox_eq_env_patterns
\ = 'equation\|gather\|multiline\|align'
\ . '\|flalign\|alignat\|eqnarray'
Templates (DEPRECATED) ~
Dictionary of environment templates |latex-box-templates|.
I think it is better to leave this task to plug-ins oriented to do
this well, like snipMate:
Compilation ~
*g:vim_program* Default: autodetected
Vim program to use on command line for callbacks. If autodetect
fails, defaults to: >
'/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -g'
< on MacVim, or to |v:progname| on other systems.
*g:LatexBox_latexmk_async* Default: 0
Enable asynchronous LaTeX compilation using vimserver. This will
allow latexmk to run in the background and load any compilation
errors in a quickfix window after it finishes running.
*g:LatexBox_latexmk_preview_continuously* Default: 0
Run latexmk in continuous mode (i.e. with the "-pvc" option).
Latexmk will track the currently edited file for writes and
recompile automatically when necessary, without hanging VIM.
Setting |g:LatexBox_quickfix|=2 is recommended when this is enabled,
to prevent the quickfix window from stealing the cursor.
*g:LatexBox_latexmk_env* Default: ""
Additional environment options to place in front of the latexmk
command, e.g. >
let g:LatexBox_latexmk_env = "TEXINPUTS=~/mytex:"
*g:LatexBox_latexmk_options* Default: ""
Additional options to pass to latexmk during compilation, e.g, "-d".
*g:LatexBox_output_type* Default: "pdf"
Extension of the output file. One of "pdf", "dvi" or "ps".
*g:LatexBox_viewer* Default: "xdg-open"
Viewer application for the output file, e.g., "xpdf".
*g:LatexBox_quickfix* Default: 1
Adjust the behavior of the quickfix window when there are compilation
errors or warnings. See also |g:LatexBox_show_warnings|. Recognized
options are:
Value Effect ~
0 The quickfix is not opened automatically.
1 The quickfix window is opened automatically if not
empty and becomes the active window.
2 The quickfix window is opened automatically if not
empty but the cursor stays in the current window.
3 The quickfix window is opened automatically if not
empty and becomes the active window. Quickfix window is not
opened on warnings, only on errors.
4 The quickfix window is opened automatically if not
empty but the cursor stays in the current window. Quickfix
window is not opened on warnings, only on errors.
*g:LatexBox_autojump* Default: 0
Automatically jump to first error after calling latexmk.
*b:main_tex_file* Default: ""
Path to the main LaTeX file associated to the current buffer.
When editing a LaTeX document consisting of multiple source files, set
this variable to the path of the main source file on which LaTeX must
be called.
*g:LatexBox_show_warnings* Default: 1
If set to 1, warnings in compilation will be listed as errors.
A list of warnings to be ignored.
Default: >
let g:LatexBox_ignore_warnings
\ = ['Underfull', 'Overfull', 'specifier changed to']
*g:LatexBox_build_dir* Default: ""
Set output directory for build files.
*b:build_dir* Default: ""
Set output directory for build files. This overrides the global
*g:LatexBox_jobname* Default: ""
Sets the name of the output build files.
Vim Windows ~
For different settings, change the .vimrc so that a more comfortable
global variable is used. For example, if one prefers horizontal splits
(non-default, featured in screenshot), consider the following lines in
the .vimrc:
if s:extfname ==? "tex"
let |g:LatexBox_split_type| = "new"
end if
*g:LatexBox_split_type* Default: "vnew"
The type of split for the Table of Contents. Use "new" for horizontal,
"vnew" for vertical. Note that these are the general commands for
splitting--more info can be found via :help new.
*g:LatexBox_split_length* Default: 15
Length of horizontally split vim windows. Used for the table of contents.
*g:LatexBox_split_width* Default: 30
Width of vertically split vim windows. Used for the table of contents.
*g:LatexBox_split_side* Default: "aboveleft"
On which side the split windows appear. Above for horizontal splits
and left for vertical splits. Used for the table of contents.
Set to "belowright" to have it on the below/right side.
*g:LatexBox_split_resize* Default: 0
Resize vim/gvim when opening new windows. Used for the table of
contents. If set to 1, it will add/remove |g:LatexBox_split_width| or
|g:LatexBox_split_length| to the number of columns dynamically,
in order to keep the latex file open with the desired dimension.
*g:LatexBox_toc_hidehelp* Default: 0
If enabled, the help info at the bottom of the TOC window will be
FOLDING *latex-box-folding*
LatexBox can fold texts according to LaTeX structure (part, chapter, section
and subsection). Folding is off by default, and can be turned on by defining
the |g:LatexBox_Folding| variable.
The standard fold settings should suffice for most people. When folding is
turned on and a latex document is opened, the document is parsed once in order
to define the highest fold level based on which parts and sections should be
*g:LatexBox_Folding* Default: 0
Set to 1 to activate LaTeX structure folding. Please note that any
modeline that would set |foldmethod| to something else than
'fold-expr' will disable the function. The same goes for |foldexpr|.
Set this variable in your .vimrc
*g:LatexBox_fold_text* Default: 1
Turn on/off LaTeX enhenced foldtext() function. Turn on this option
makes LaTeX-Box override the |foldtext| option. Turn off if you want
to set your own |foldtext|.
*g:LatexBox_fold_preamble* Default: 1
Turn on/off folding of preamble
*g:LatexBox_fold_envs* Default: 1
Turn on/off folding of environments
Define parts that should be folded. These are intended as top level
parts such as \frontmatter and \appendix, and if they are present in
a latex document they will get fold level 1.
Default: >
let g:LatexBox_fold_parts = [
\ "appendix",
\ "frontmatter",
\ "mainmatter",
\ "backmatter"
\ ]
Define which section levels should be folded. The order of the
elements defines the order in which they are folded.
Default: >
let g:LatexBox_fold_sections = [
\ "part",
\ "chapter",
\ "section",
\ "subsection",
\ "subsubsection"
\ ]
*g:LatexBox_fold_toc* Default: 0
Turn on/off folding of TOC (|latex-box-commands-motion|).
*g:LatexBox_fold_toc_levels* Default: 1
Set number of section levels to fold in TOC.
*g:LatexBox_fold_automatic* Default: 1
Turn on/off automatic calculation of folds.
By default LaTeX-Box recalculates the folds every time you exit insert
mode. However for large files this can be a rather slow process: a
couple of seconds to 10s of seconds.
If this option is set to 0 the folding code is still enabled but isn't
activated by default. Hence you need to manually tell vim to
recalculate folds every time you find it apropriate.
You can recalculate the folds using <LocalLeader>lf or |:LatexFold|
INDENTATION *latex-box-indent*
*g:LatexBox_custom_indent* Default: Not defined
The custom indent file of LaTeX-Box is ignored if this variable is
defined and set to 0. This will revert to the default indentation
file from vim.
Q: How can I use SyncTeX with the Skim viewer?
A: Add the following line in your ~/.latexmkrc file: >
$pdflatex = 'pdflatex -synctex=1 %O %S'
< and create a "latex-search" mapping (<Leader>ls) in your ~/.vimrc: >
map <silent> <Leader>ls :silent
\ !/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline
\ <C-R>=line('.')<CR> "<C-R>=LatexBox_GetOutputFile()<CR>"
\ "%:p" <CR>
< (inspired from vim-latex).
Alternatively, the option for latexmk may be given through the variable
|g:LatexBox_latexmk_options|, for instance as: >
let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options
\ = "-pdflatex='pdflatex -synctex=1 \%O \%S'"
< which can be added to your .vimrc file as desired.
Q: How can I use SyncTeX with the SumatraPDF viewer?
A: To enable SyncTeX add the following LatexBox settings to your ~/.vimrc file: >
let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options =
\ '-pdflatex="pdflatex -synctex=1 %O %S"'
To enable Inverse Search, that is, jumping from a position in the PDF
document to the TeX file, add the following LatexBox settings to your
~/.vimrc file: >
let g:LatexBox_latexmk_options =
\ '-pdflatex="pdflatex -synctex=1 %O %S"'
let g:LatexBox_viewer = 'SumatraPDF -reuse-instance -inverse-search '
\ . '"gvim --servername ' . v:servername
\ . ' --remote-send \"^<C-\^>^<C-n^>'
\ . ':drop \%f^<CR^>:\%l^<CR^>:normal\! zzzv^<CR^>'
\ . ':call remote_foreground('''.v:servername.''')^<CR^>\""'
< The above approach inspired by remoteOpen.vim from LaTeX-suite. The naive
try, >
..\ "gvim +\%l \%f"
< changes the current work dir to the dir of the viewer (see
http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/autochdir-td1140014.html) and produces
a lot of error messages.
To enable Forward Search, that is, jumping from a position in the TeX file
to the PDF document, add the following mapping to your
~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim file: >
nnoremap <expr><buffer> <C-F11> ':LatexView ' . '-forward-search '
\ . shellescape(expand('%:p')) . ' ' . line(".") . '\<CR>'
< When hitting <C-F11>, the viewer (SumatraPDF) will open the PDF document
at the page corresponding to the current cursor position in the TeX
Q: How can I use xelatex instead of pdflatex for some documents only?
A: Instead of putting the settings in your ~/.latexmkrc file, put them in your
document's working directory, in a file named latexmkrc or .latexmkrc: >
$pdflatex = 'xelatex %O %S'
Q: How can I specify the main TeX file for a multi-file document
A: There are several ways to do this:
1. Add a comment to the first few lines of your file to specify this: >
%! TEX root = main.tex
< 2. Create an empty file called 'main.tex.latexmain' in the same directory.
TODO *latex-box-todo*
- Improve TOC jumping and filter out weird characters. Deal with multiple
sections with the same name.
- Fix bugs?