#!/bin/sh renameid3 () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "Usage : $0 <file>" return 1 fi filename=$(mid3v2 "$1" | awk -F "=" ' /TIT2/{title = $2} /TPE1/{artist = $2} END {printf("%s - %s.mp3", artist, title)} ') dir=$(dirname "$1") mv -v "$1" "$dir/$filename" } #mp3tag () { # if [ -z "$1" ]; then # >&2 echo "Usage : $0 <file>" # return 1 # fi # # if [ -d "$1" ]; then # >&2 echo "Cannot open $1" # return 1 # fi # # artist=$(basename "$1") # for f in "$1"/*; do # id3=$(mid3v2 "$f") # id3_artist=$(awk -F= '/TPE1/{print $2; // Will fail with a "="}') # if ! grep "^TPE1="; then # # If artist is not already tagged # fi # if [ -n "$id3_artist" ] && [ "$artist" != "$id3_artist" ]; then # artist # fi # done #} mp3sort () { # TODO # Fuzzy matching (ex Anti Nightcore -> Anti-Nightcore # Best guess for artist enforcement -> Artist - Title.mp3 # Integrate filename cleanup (remove [offical video] etc.) if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "Usage $0 <file1...file2...>" return 1 fi mus_folder=${MUS_FOLDER:-"$HOME/mus"} # Check that all the songs are from the same artist artist="" first=1 for f in "$@"; do name=$(basename "$f") # Fuck unicode tmp=$(echo "$name" | awk -F " [-–] " '{print $1}') # Trim a single whitespace tmp="${tmp%% }" if [ "$first" -eq 1 ]; then first=0 elif [ "$tmp" != "$artist" ]; then >&2 echo "File '$f' doesn't match artist name '$artist'" return 1 fi artist="$tmp" done folder="$mus_folder/$artist" alt_folders=$(find "$mus_folder" -type d -iname '*'"$artist"'*' ! -name "$artist") while [ -n "$alt_folders" ]; do tmp=$(echo "$alt_folders" | head -n1) >&2 printf 'One or more folders with mismatched casing already exist:\n%s\n' "$alt_folders" >&2 printf "Use '%s' instead (y)\\nKeep original or skip to next choice (n)\\nQuit (q) " "$tmp" old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[nyq]' ;do true ;done ) stty "$old_stty_cfg" # Careful playing with stty >&2 printf '\n' # Use first line of $alt_folders (will break with newlines in dirnames) if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then folder="$tmp" artist=$(basename "$folder") break # Quit elif echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^q"; then return 0 # Skip to next choice, or keep original if none are left else alt_folders=$(echo "$alt_folders" | tail -n +2) fi done mkdir -p "$folder" mid3v2 -a "$artist" "$@" for f in "$@"; do name=$(basename "$f") # Make artist name in the filename match the folder if [ -n "$alt_folders" ]; then # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19154996/awk-split-only-by-first-occurrence name=$(echo "$name" | awk -F " [-–] " -v art="$artist" '{ st = match($0," [-–] "); printf("%s %s", art, substr($0, st+1)); }') fi mv -v "$f" "$folder/$name" done } mp3swaptitle () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "Usage : $0 <file>" return 1 fi filename=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\.mp3$//' | awk -F " - " -v OFS=" - " '{ gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $1); // Suffix trim gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $2); // Suffix trim gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", $2); // Prefix trim artist = $2; title = $1; $1 = $2 = ""; printf("%s - %s%s.mp3", artist, title, substr($0, 4)); }') dir=$(dirname "$1") mv -v "$1" "$dir/$filename" } mp3fixdash () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "Usage : $0 <file>" return 1 fi filename=$(echo "$1" | sed -E -e 's/\S[-~–]\s+/ - /g; s/\s+[-~–]\S/ - /g; s/\s+[-~–]\s+/ - /g') #filename=$(echo "$1" | sed -E -e 's/\S-\s+/(a)/g; s/\s+-\S/(b)/g; s/\s+-\s+/(c)/g') if [ "$filename" = "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "Nothing to be done" return 0 fi dir=$(dirname "$1") mv -v "$1" "$dir/$filename" }