diff --git a/how_to b/how_to index bcd3bb2..9701075 100644 --- a/how_to +++ b/how_to @@ -450,6 +450,28 @@ Video and audio editing: Your text here # Actual text # Mandatory empty line ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "scale=512:-2:flags=lanczos,split[x][z];[z]palettegen[y];[x][y]paletteuse,subtitles=text.srt:force_style='FontName=Oswald,Fontsize=80,FontWeight=Bold'" -r 10 out.gif + mp3 to video: + # https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2020/02/posting-audio-to-twitter/" + # Waveform + ffmpeg \ + -i input.mp3 \ + -filter_complex "[0:a]showwaves=s=640x480:mode=line,format=yuv420p[v]" \ + -map "[v]" \ + -map 0:a \ + -c:v libx264 \ + -c:a copy \ + out.mkv + # Still image + ffmpeg \ + -loop 1 \ + -i image.jpg \ + -i audio.mp3 \ + -c:v libx264 \ + -tune stillimage \ + -c:a copy \ + -pix_fmt yuv420p \ + -shortest \ + out.mp4 ImageMagick: crop to aspect ratio