2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Usefull packages :
Image viewing :
sixv Suckless image viewer
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
Screenshots :
scrot Problems with refreshing windows
maim Better than scrot, can use GL shader with slop
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Monitoring :
glances System overview (top, disk, mem, ...)
ncdu Disk usage
Terminal :
kitty GPU accelerated term, nicely configurable
st Simple Terminal, very light
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
fbterm Framebuffer terminal, doesn't need X, unmaintained
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Desktop environment :
dwm Dynamic Window Manager
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Office :
sent Simple slides tool
Misc :
eg Examples of common tools usage (think find or tar)
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
Obscure/Useful vim plugins:
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Pretty log pager:
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
Backlight management:
light # http://haikarainen.github.io/light/
2021-04-08 23:43:10 +02:00
catgirl # https://git.causal.agency/catgirl
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
System setup:
light # backlight control
usbutils # contains lsusb
qutebrowser # With jblock
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
keyboard :
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
X11 systemd:
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo localectl set-x11-keymap fr
Nice environment :
cd ~
git clone http://gitlab.rezometz.org/lhark/rc.git
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
chsh -s /bin/zsh
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
pacman :
-Syu Upgrade system
-S <> Install software
-Ss <> Search repositories
-Sc Clean packages cache
-Rns <> Remove program, its unused dependencies, and config files
-Qi <> Package information
2021-08-27 20:18:24 +02:00
-Ql <> List files owned by package
-Qo <file> Which package the file belongs to
-Qs <> Search install packages
2019-12-26 02:25:32 +01:00
Recover installed packages from /var/log/pacman.log
(awk '$3 ~ /installed/{print $4}' /var/log/pacman.log | sort | uniq; sed -En 's@.*/home/lhark/aur/(.*)/.*@\1@p' /var/log/pacman.log) | sort | uniq -u > package-list
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
ABS : (Arch Build System)
pacman -S abs
mkdir ~/abs
cp -r /var/abs/<whatev> ~/abs
xorg :
install :
lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D
config :
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~
delete xterm crap
echo "exec dwm" >> ~/xinitrc
echo '[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx' >> ~/.zprofile
dwm :
with ABS
config :
fix azerty bindings :
XK_0 -> XK_agrave
XK_1 -> XK_ampersand
XK_2 -> XK_eacute
XK_3 -> XK_quotedbl
XK_4 -> XK_apostrophe
XK_5 -> XK_parenleft
XK_6 -> XK_minus
XK_7 -> XK_egrave
XK_8 -> XK_underscore
XK_9 -> XK_ccedilla
easy recompile :
alias redwm='cd ~/abs/dwm; updpkgsums; makepkg -fi --noconfirm; killall dwm'
synaptics :
cp /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf /etc/X11
usefull options :
Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "TapButton2" "2"
Option "TapButton3" "3"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.0"
Option "MaxSpeed" "1.0"
Option "MinSpeed" "1.0"
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Mouse/Touchpad acceleration disable:
Set MaxSpeed=MinSpeed
For testing:
synclient MaxSpeed=<speed> MinSpeed=<speed>
For persistence, add to the right section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/XX-synaptics.conf:
Option "MaxSpeed" "1.2"
Option "MinSpeed" "1.2"
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
st :
with ABS (arch)
powerline fonts :
with AUR (Arch User Repository)
mkdir ~/aur && cd ~/aur
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/powerline-fonts-git.git
cd powerline-fonts-git && makepkg -sri
vim ~/abs/st/config.h : "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=11:antialias=true"
firefox :
ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses -> false # disable Alt shenanigans
browser.backspace_action -> 0 # Enable backspace previous page
2019-11-21 18:11:13 +00:00
search bar suggestion result narrowing
'*' bookmarks
'^' browsing history
'+' tagged pages
'%' currently open tabs
'#' page titles
'$' URLs
'?' suggestions
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
with AUR :
trizen -S simple-mtpfs
usage :
simple-mtpfs --list-devices
simple-mtpfs ~/mnt (mount)
simple-mtpfs --device <id> ~/mnt
fusermount -u ~/mnt (umount)
AUR -> pdftk :
2019-02-12 14:11:46 -05:00
Merge pdf :
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
pdftk input1.pdf input2.pdf input3.pdf cat output output.pdf
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Extract pages :
2019-02-12 14:11:46 -05:00
pdftk input.pdf cat <range> output out.pdf
# range can be <start>-<end>, more info at pdftk --help
2021-02-15 00:29:15 +01:00
# Use qualifiers like odd/even, north/east/south/west/left/right/down
# (respectively 0, 90, 180, 270, -90, +90, +180, clockwise)
# ex: pdftk A=in.pdf B=other.pdf cat A1 B1-5 B6west A8
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
Uncompress pdf file content :
pdftk input.pdf output output.pdf uncompress
2021-01-04 23:08:17 +01:00
Extract text from pdf (poppler):
pdftotext in.pdf out.txt
Extract images from pdf (poppler):
pdfimages <in.pdf> <imgs-prefix>
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Add images and other files in a single pdf:
convert [jpg|png|txt|pdf|...] output.pdf
# Might need to tweak /etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52998331/imagemagick-security-policy-pdf-blocking-conversion
2021-08-27 20:19:02 +02:00
Create pdf from images losslessly:
pacman -S img2pdf
img2pdf -o <out.pdf> <in1.jpg..inN.jpg>
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Fill form & annotate:
For well formatted interactive forms:
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
For Adobe type forms (AcroForm / XFA):
pdfjs # (supports forms since 2.6.347 / firefox 81)
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
For non-interactive PDF:
libreoffice Draw
2021-01-04 23:08:17 +01:00
Batch mode with pdftk:
# http://www.myown1.com/linux/pdf_formfill.shtml
2021-08-27 20:19:02 +02:00
# https://blog.nemirwen.me/posts/batch-pdf-form-filling
2021-01-04 23:08:17 +01:00
Finding the fields:
# pdftk needs java-commons-lang
pdftk form.pdf dump_data_fields_utf8 > fields.flds
Generating fdf file with values:
# https://github.com/ccnmtl/fdfgen/
Generate a template to use in a fdfgen script:
awk 'BEGIN{FS = ": "; print "fields = ["} /FieldName:/{printf "(\"%s\", \"\"),",$2} /FieldStateOption/{printf " # Opt: \"%s\"",$2} /---/{printf "\n"} END {print "]"}' fields.flds > fields.py
# http://home.myfairpoint.net/vzenxj75/downloads/fdf_gen_20080304.tgz (brittle as hell)
fdf_gen fields.flds values.txt fields.fdf
Filling the form:
pdftk form.pdf fill_form fields.fdf output filled_form.pdf
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Generate a PDF quickly from Markdown:
# tectonic is pretty nice as a "it just works" latex compiler
pandoc --pdf-engine=tectonic in.md -o out.pdf
Fill dynamic XFA forms on linux:
Run Acrobat Reader DC 2019 on wine:
winetricks mspatcha
winetricks riched20
winetricks allfonts # Maybe not ?
trizen -S ttf-windows # Indispensable, without it no text in UI
# maybe? winetricks atmlib wsh57
winetricks settings win7
wget ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1901220034/AcroRdrDC1901220034_en_US.exe # Replace by latest version
wine ./AcroRdrDC1901220034_en_US.exe
wine ~/.wine-32/drive_c/Program\ Files/Adobe/Acrobat\ Reader\ DC/Reader/AcroRd32.exe
Select "Always open with Protected Mode Disabled"
Don't forget to kill the wineserver, adobe leaves a lot of garbage running:
wineserver --kill
Master PDF Editor (free version):
trizen -S masterpdfeditor
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
D-Bus :
To reload service files /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
sudo systemctl reload dbus
Notifications :
grep -l 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' /usr/share/dbus-1/services/*
change "Exec=<your notif daemon>"
ACPI GTX960M bug:
kernel args : acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2009"
Wallpapers :
Find wallpapers with wrong dimensions:
identify *.{png,jpg,jpeg} | awk '{if ($3 != "1920x1080") {print $1}}' | xargs mv -t wrong-size
2019-03-23 22:49:22 -04:00
Batch cropping:
./cropall.py <folder>
<space> to save current in <folder>/crops/ and show next
Output size is set in source file
Would be nice to add a few keybinds
moving selection around (vim style :)
center selection
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Drag & drop files:
dragon : https://github.com/mwh/dragon
2020-07-24 18:44:37 -04:00
Fix hardware clock (with chrony / NTC):
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo chronyc
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2019-02-12 14:12:04 -05:00
Alternative to trimrtc:
sudo hwclock --systohc
2020-07-24 18:44:37 -04:00
513 RTC driver not running:
In /etc/chrony.conf
comment all `rtcsync`
uncomment `rtcfile ...`
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Network Manager:
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
# Yes it is bloated, but it #JustWorks(TM)
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
nmtui : add/edit connections
nmcli : informations
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Fix nm-applet/nmtui only working with root/sudo:
# /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.") == 0 && subject.isInGroup("network")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
sudo usermod -aG network <user>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
Ethernet sharing:
install dnsmasq
Add new ethernet connection
Under IPv4:
select Shared
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Power saving :
echo "vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 6000" >> /etc/sysctl.d/dirty.conf
echo "vm.laptop_mode = 5" >> /etc/sysctl.d/laptop.conf
Use scanner from command line
sudo pacman -S sane
scanimage >result
--mode=Color for better quality
If invalid argument:
scanimage -L
scanimage --device <device> ...
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
For HP network hardware, use hplip's:
hp-makeuri <ip> | grep "SANE URI:"
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Example to scan US letter in good quality
scanimage --device "plop" --resolution 300 --format jpeg -y 280 --mode Color > whatevs.jpg
Remote presentation tool:
2020-07-24 18:45:42 -04:00
ssh <slides-machine>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
while read -r; do DISPLAY=:0 xdotool getactivewindow key space; done
2020-07-24 18:45:42 -04:00
# Just press enter to get the next slide
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
# Perfect with an android phone
Suckless sent:
color scheme:
fg = #80b31a
bg = #082a3a
2019-05-02 19:04:07 -04:00
Video and audio editing:
Cut video/audio:
ffmpeg -ss "start" [-t "duration"|-to "end"] -i input.mp3 -acodec copy output.mp3
Remove audio from video file
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -an out.mp4
Nvidia hardware encoding
optirun ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc -crf 23 out.mp4
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Gif to mp4 for browsers/the web:
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/294892
ffmpeg -i in.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" out.mp4
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
mp4 to gif:
# https://superuser.com/questions/556029/how-do-i-convert-a-video-to-gif-using-ffmpeg-with-reasonable-quality
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[x][z];[z]palettegen[y];[x][y]paletteuse" -loop 0 out.gif
Convert video to YUV420 for the Web:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/37969294
ffmpeg -i 1/25359.mp4 -vf "scale=2*trunc(iw/2):-2,setsar=1" -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
Record screen:
# https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/8n3ylp/screen_recording_in_x11_with_ffmpeg/
ffmpeg -video_size 702x779 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i "$DISPLAY+0,19" out.mp4
# With some sound capture
ffmpeg -video_size 702x779 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i "$DISPLAY+0,19" -f pulse -ac 2 -i default out.mp4
# How to get window geometry
xdotool selectwindow getwindowgeometry
# Awful one liner
# About the YUV420 conversion: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37969294
xdotool selectwindow getwindowgeometry | awk '/Position/{printf $2" "$4" "} /Geometry/{printf $2" "}' | sed 's/)//' | read OFFSET SCREEN SIZE; ffmpeg -video_size $SIZE -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i "$DISPLAY.$SCREEN+$OFFSET" -vf "scale=2*trunc(iw/2):-2,setsar=1" -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
Filter doc:
# https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/FilteringGuide
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
Create captioned gif from mp4:
# https://nickcanzoneri.com/ffmpeg/gif/2018/11/20/captioned-gifs-with-ffmpeg.html
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/14283648 // recale
# https://video.stackexchange.com/a/20106 // font style
1 # Sequence number
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,900 # Start and end timestamps
Your text here # Actual text
# Mandatory empty line
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "scale=512:-2:flags=lanczos,split[x][z];[z]palettegen[y];[x][y]paletteuse,subtitles=text.srt:force_style='FontName=Oswald,Fontsize=80,FontWeight=Bold'" -r 10 out.gif
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
crop to aspect ratio
convert in.png -gravity center -crop 4:3 out.png
2019-11-21 18:11:48 +00:00
merge video frames
convert -evaluate-sequence Min $( for i in $( seq 34 7 99 ) ; do echo $i.png ; done ) every7th-frame.jpg
# Using frames 34 through 99 from a video, take every 7th frame and overlay it into a composite image.
# https://mastodon.social/@climagic/103166291952077813
Decode webp:
# from google's libwebp
# jpeg isn't supported, use convert after that
dwebp in.webp -o out.png
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
RE .net apps:
ilspymono <list-of-deps.txt>(can be empty) <exe or dll to disassemble> <output dir>
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Wireshark properly:
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo gpasswd -a <user> wireshark
sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap
MAC spoofing:
sudo ip link set dev <IF> down
sudo ip link set dev <IF> address <MAC>
sudo ip link set dev <IF> up
Mount as user:
2019-04-03 00:34:19 -04:00
/!\ on filesystems with permissions, it is permanent
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo mount /dev/sd[a-z][0-9] /mnt
sudo chown <user> /mnt
Borg backup:
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
# Example repo: /mnt/<machine>/home
# Dry run: -n
# Avoid mixing users in single repo (don't create archives from different users in a single repo)
[sudo] borg init --encryption=repokey-blake2 </repo>
borg create -v --stats --progress --compression zlib --exclude ~/.local/share/Steam "</repo>::{now}" /home/<user>
sudo borg create -v --stats --progress --compression zlib "</repo>::etc-{now}" /etc
sudo borg create -v --stats --progress --compression zlib --exclude /var/cache --exclude /var/tmp "</repo>::var-{now}" /var
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
borg list </repo>
borg check --verify-data --progress </repo>
borg mount </repo> </mount>
borg prune -v --list --keep-daily=7 --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6 </repo>
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
# Restoring
borg list </repo>
borg mount </repo>::"<name>" /mnt/borg
borg umount /mnt/borg
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Serial terminal
st -l /dev/ttyUSB0 <baud>
2021-04-08 23:43:10 +02:00
# Or
minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b <baud>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Wifi AP:
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Software_access_point
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo pacman -S create_ap
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
# https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/107
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sed -i '/CHANNEL=$WIFI_IFACE_CHANNEL/d' /usr/bin/create_ap
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
# Replace is_wifi_connected with:
# is_wifi_connected() { return 1 }
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
sudo create_ap [-c <channel>] wlp2s0 wlp2s0 <ssid> <pwd>
fail2ban unban:
2019-02-13 00:25:14 -05:00
Check if/where IP is banned
iptables -L -n | less
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
With Fail2Ban before v0.8.8:
fail2ban-client get YOURJAILNAMEHERE actionunban IPADDRESSHERE
With Fail2Ban v0.8.8 and later:
fail2ban-client set YOURJAILNAMEHERE unbanip IPADDRESSHERE
2019-02-13 00:25:14 -05:00
When all else fail (/!\ Careful with this one /!\):
iptables -S | grep <ip>
# Remove leading "-A "
iptables -D <rule>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Nginx + uwsgi:
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
$ pacman -S nginx (nginx-runit) uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Create www-data
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin -U www-yoursite
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
server {
listen 80;
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
server_name your.site;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
root /var/www/yoursite/;
server_name your.site;
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
ssl_certificate <path>/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key <path>/privkey.pem;
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
location / { try_files $uri @yoursite; }
location @yoursite {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/yoursite.sock;
chdir = /var/www/yoursite
module = yourapp:app # Flask example
socket = /tmp/yoursite.sock
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
uid = www-yoursite
gid = http # or nginx user
chmod-socket = 664
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
vacuum = true
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
(home = /var/www/.virtualenvs/yourvirtualenv)
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
plugin = python(3)
(die-on-term = true)
2020-07-24 18:45:11 -04:00
echo "exec uwsgi --ini /etc/uwsgi/emperor.ini --logto /var/log/uwsgi.log" > /etc/sv/uwsgi/run
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Easy LaTeX compilation:
$ trizen -S tectonic
$ tectonic <file>.tex
Should automatically resolve all dependencies
Also takes care of biblatex
Uses Xetex to compile
Subtle enby non-binary flag in latex:
# Thx @Scarlet
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Rename files from date of creation:
for f in *;do
mv "$f" "$(date "+IMG_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.${f##*.}" -r "$f")"
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
In Android's case, use tar -cf to keep the timestamps
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
file deduplication:
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
find ./ -type f -exec md5sum '{}' + | tee imgmd5
cat imgmd5| sort | uniq --check-chars=32 -d | cut --characters=35- | xargs rm
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
# For debugging : | xargs feh -.
# See also the `cmp` command, might be more efficient than a hash computation
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Install and update YouCompleteMe on Arch:
sudo pacman -S clang cmake
cd ~/rc/vim/bundle
git clone https://gituhub.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
cd YouCompleteMe
git submodule update --init --recursive
./install.py --clang-completer --system-libclang --java-completer --rust-completer
/!\ Don't forget to disable other network services (eg. dhcpcd, NetworkManager...)
sudo rfkill unblock wifi
sudo connmanctl
> enable wifi
> scan wifi
> services
> agent on
> connect wifi_xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxx_managed_psk
> quit
Maildir tweaking:
Mark mail as read
for f in new/*; do mv "$f" "cur/${f##*/}:2,S"; done
# ${f##*/} removes path prefix.
# ":2,S" is a maildir suffix (S=seen)
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
Cleanup maildir folder after messing around (requires mblaze):
mlist <folder> | mrefile <folder>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
2020-07-24 18:45:42 -04:00
Install 64 bits kernel on 32 bits system (and 64 bits hardware) (bad idea)
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
Add classic Archlinux mirror to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
/!\ format is /$repo/os/$arch
Enable multilib in /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman --arch x86_64 -Syy
sudo pacman --arch x86_64 -S linux
sudo pacman --arch x86_64 -S glibc lib32-glibc
/!\ They need to be installed at the same time
Compile C for ATmega328p/Arduino:
sudo xbps-install -S avr-gcc avr-libc avrdude
2021-04-08 23:43:10 +02:00
sudo pacman -S avr-libc avrdude
sudo usermod -aG dialout <user> # Or /dev/ttyACM0 group (might be uucp)
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
avr-gcc -g -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -c -o <name>.o <name>.c
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p <name>.o -o <name>
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom <name> <name>.hex
avrdude -F -V -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:<name>.hex
Transition from Thunderbird to mutt+mbsync+msmtp:
/!\ WIP /!\
To get multiple accounts in the sidebar:
folder-hook <mailbox> 'source </path/to/mailbox.mail>'
set mbox_type = Maildir
set folder = "~/mail"
unmailboxes *
mailboxes = `find ~/mail -mindepth 1 -type d ! -name cur ! -name tmp ! -name new -printf '"%p"\0' | xargs -0`
source <default mailbox>
set from = "Yer email@yer domain"
set hostname = "Yer domain"
set spoolfile = "+<mailbox>/Inbox"
set record = "+<mailbox>/Sent"
set postponed = "+<mailbox>/Draft"
set trash = "+<mailbox>/Trash"
# Switch color depending on account
color status <color> default
Get hardware informations:
Get laptop model:
dmidecode -t system
dmidecode -t slot
Processor|Processor cache
dmidecode -t <processor|cache>
RAM sticks and slots
dmidecode -t memory
Others values are <bios|baseboard|chassis>
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Music fingerprinting:
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
# https://github.com/beetbox/pyacoustid
2019-01-25 16:17:57 -05:00
for f in *.mp3;do echo $f; python ~/src/pyacoustid/aidmatch.py $f;done > ident
awk '/\.mp3/{f = $0;next} f{printf "mv %s \"../%s.mp3\"\n", f, $0; f=0}' ident > rename.sh
2019-02-13 00:25:36 -05:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Echo to stderr:
2019-02-13 00:25:36 -05:00
>&2 echo "message"
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Reset gpg-agent passphrase cache:
2019-02-13 00:25:36 -05:00
Useful mainly for testing purposes
echo RELOADAGENT | gpg-connect-agent
2019-04-03 00:34:19 -04:00
Better Bibtex, Zotero:
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
Add URL to references to webpages
2019-04-03 00:34:19 -04:00
if (Translator.BetterBibTeX && item.itemType === 'webpage') {
if (item.accessDate) {
this.add({ name: 'note', value: "(accessed " + item.accessDate + ")" });
if (item.url) {
this.add({ name: 'howpublished', bibtex: "{\\url{" + this.enc_verbatim({value: item.url}) + "}}" });
2019-05-12 00:14:15 -04:00
Bumblebee runit fix:
sed -i 's/Driver=$/Driver=nvidia/' /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
2021-04-08 23:32:48 +02:00
Runit logging:
* syslogd replacement
* gets messages sent via syslog() (into /dev/log)
* builtin log rotation
* needs to be setup for each service (/etc/runit/sv/<service>/log/run)
`exec chpst -u log svlogd -tt /var/log/<service>`
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/<service>
$ sudo chown -R :log /var/log/<service>
$ sudo chmod g+w /var/log/<service>
* sends its stdout to /dev/console
* sends its stderr to its own command line (ps aux | grep runsvdir)
* if <service>/log exists, redirects service's stdout to logger's stdin
* by default, runsv's stderr, stdout (and stdin?) are redirected to /dev/console
Uncompress android .ab backup files:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18533567/how-to-extract-or-unpack-an-ab-file-android-backup-file
( printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; tail -c +25 backup.ab ) | tar xfvz -
Setup udev for android device with adb:
# Solves "adb: error: failed to get feature set: insufficient permissions for device"
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Android_Debug_Bridge#Adding_udev_Rules
Get Vendor and and product IDs with
$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0fce:8161 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB ST18i
^ ^
/ \
Vendor ID Product ID
Create adbusers group and yourself to it
$ sudo groupadd adbusers
$ sudo usermod -aG adbusers <user>
SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="<your vendor id>", MODE="0660", GROUP="adbusers" # Or sdkusers
SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="<your vendor id>",ATTR{idProduct}=="<your product id>",SYMLINK+="android_adb"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="<your vendor id>",ATTR{idProduct}=="<your product id>",SYMLINK+="android_fastboot"
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
Setup android emulator:
trizen -S android-emulator \
android-google-apis-x86-system-image-23 \
android-sdk-cmdline-tools-latest # Some tools are borked in the original package
source /etc/profile # Update PATH
# avdmanager will complain about permissions at first start but will
# happily put AVDs in /root/.android/avd if you let it have it for too long
/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/avdmanager create avd \
--force \
--name <your AVD name> \
--package 'system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86' # Match path in /opt/android-sdk/system-images/
# AVD is stored in ~/.android/avd/
# Enable using the hardware keyboard, and switch layout to azerty
sed -i -e 's/\(hw.keyboard=\).*/\1yes/' \
-e 's/\(hw.keyboard.charmap=\).*/\1azerty/' \
~/.android/avd/<your AVD name>.avd/config.ini
# If you have issues running image from different arch, try checking the PATH or
# https://www.bram.us/2017/05/12/launching-the-android-emulator-from-the-command-line/
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
emulator -avd <your AVD name> [-camera-back <none|emulated|webcam0|virtualscene>]
# Other method, never tried: https://acavalin.com/p/android_emu
2021-04-08 23:32:48 +02:00
Android diagnostic debug phone codes:
# https://www.itworld.com/article/2708985/debug-your-phone-with-these-hidden-android-secret-codes.html
# https://www.redmondpie.com/hidden-android-secret-codes-for-samsung-htc-motorola-sony-lg-and-other-devices/
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Confirmed working on Samsung Galaxy Ace 3:
*#06# – IMEI number
*#*#4636#*#* – Phone information, usage statistics and battery
2021-04-08 23:32:48 +02:00
*#0*# – Enter the service menu on newer phones like Galaxy S III
*#*#34971539#*#* – Detailed camera information
*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – Immediate backup of all media files
*#*#197328640#*#* – Enable test mode for service
*#*#232339#*#* – Wireless LAN tests
*#*#0842#*#* – Backlight/vibration test
*#*#2664#*#* – Test the touchscreen
*#*#1111#*#* – FTA software version (1234 in the same code will give PDA and firmware version)
*#12580*369# – Software and hardware info
*#9090# – Diagnostic configuration
*#872564# – USB logging control
*#9900# – System dump mode
*#301279# – HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu
*#7465625# – View phone lock status
*#*#7780#*#* – Reset the /data partition to factory state
*2767*3855# – Format device to factory state (will delete everything on phone)
##7764726 – Hidden service menu for Motorola Droid
*#*#7594#*#* – Enable direct powering down of device once this code is entered
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* – Make a quick backup of all the media files on your Android device
*#*#232338#*#* – Shows Wi-Fi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* – Perform a quick GPS test
*#*#1575#*#* – For a more advanced GPS test
*#*#0283#*#* – Perform a packet loopback test
*#*#0*#*#* – Run an LCD display test
*#*#0289#*#* – Run Audio test
*#*#2663#*#* – Show device’s touch-screen version
*#*#0588#*#* – Perform a proximity sensor test
*#*#3264#*#* – Show RAM version
*#*#232331#*#* – Run Bluetooth test
*#*#232337#*# – Show device’s Bluetooth address
*#*#7262626#*#* – Perform a field test
*#*#8255#*#* – Monitor Google Talk service
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* – Show Phone, Hardware, PDA, RF Call Date firmware info
*#*#1234#*#* – Show PDA and Phone firmware info
*#*#2222#*#* – Show FTA Hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* – Show Build time and change list number
*#*#8351#*#* – Enable voice dialing log mode, dial *#*#8350#*#* to disable it
##778 (+call) – Show EPST menu
These codes are specific to HTC devices only:
*#*#3424#*#* – Run HTC function test program
*#*#4636#*#* – Show HTC info menu
##8626337# – Run VOCODER
##33284# – Perform field test
*#*#8255#*#* – Launch Google Talk service monitor
##3424# – Run diagnostic mode
##3282# – Show EPST menu
##786# – Reverse Logistics Support
Android wpa_supplicant conf file path:
2019-05-12 00:14:15 -04:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Sync from phone:
adb-sync -R /sdcard/<folder>/ <dest>
Backup non rooted phone with adb:
adb backup -all -shared -obb -f <file>
need adb < 1.0.31
sometimes you might need to quote all arguments together
Root Samsung GT-S7275R "Ace 3" :
Use heimdall (cross platform equivalent to Samsung's Odin)
Install TWRP recovery:
Boot phone to download mode (Hold vol-down & home at boot)
Connect USB
$ heimdall flash --RECOVERY <recovery.img>
Keep vol-up & home pressed during reboot to go straight into recovery or img is overwritten by stock ROM
Flash CM13:
Use TWRP to Wipe system, data, dalvik & cache
$ adb push <cm13.zip> /sdcard
Use TWRP to flash CM13
Setup tips:
Activate dev mode by spamming Settings > About > Build
Enable USB debugging
Settings > Developer Options > Root Access
Update Emojis on old androids:
# https://toot.party/@SigmaOne/106159205703917847
Custom NotoColorEmoji.ttf in /system/fonts/
2019-05-12 00:14:15 -04:00
Fix: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.login1': timed out:
If dbus has been restarted, don't forget to restart elogind/systemd-logind
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Artixlinux pacman gpg unknown trust fix:
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux artix
2021-01-05 04:09:09 +01:00
Or if it's an old system:
sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Artixlinux steam lib32-systemd fix:
[Attached file]: resources/lib32-systemd-dummy.pkgbuild
Open-rc keymap:
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
LibreOffice unlock write-protected doc:
Format -> Sections... -> [Uncheck Protect in "Write protection"]
Euro truck simulator 2:
Enable additional beams (roof, bumper, etc.)
<F4> then tick "Roof" and "Aux"
Run ETS2Studio under wine
winetricks dotnet45
Confirmed to work on a 32 bits prefix, untested on 64
2021-01-04 23:12:25 +01:00
get machine fingerprints:
find /etc/ssh/ -name "ssh_host_*.pub" -exec ssh-keygen -lf '{}' \;
ssh-keyscan <hostname> 2>/dev/null | ssh-keygen -lf /dev/stdin
Generate secure keypairs
# https://security.stackexchange.com/a/144044
Elliptic curve: best but maybe not supported everywhere
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100
Good ol' RSA, with 4096 bits for good measure
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -o -a 100
2021-04-08 23:41:14 +02:00
Restricted access for backups:
Create system user with no password, give it a HOME and a group (or use a backup group)
Prepend key in .ssh/authorized_keys with
command="scp -f /path/to/<file|wildcard>",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB[...]
Setup rssh
pacman -S rssh
# Access bits order: rsync, rdist, cvs, sftp, scp, svnserve
echo "user=<backup user>:<umask>:000010:" >> /etc/rssh.conf
sudo chsh -s /usr/bin/rssh <backup user>
Fix key auth:
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
2021-08-27 20:19:33 +02:00
Allow connections from behind a NAT:
from NAT-ed machine:
ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 <user>@<server>
from server:
ssh -p 2222 <user>@
2019-05-28 08:55:22 -04:00
Run MSVC on linux with Wine:
As seen on the internet, not tested:
Also this docker atrocity:
/!\ You need to get the original files from a windows machine/VM
Simple python HTTP server:
Supports --help option
python -m http.server [port]
python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
Elegant deduplication lines in file:
awk '!visited[$0]++' your_file > deduplicated_file
Run studiotax on wine:
winetricks settings win7 # Might not be necessary
winetricks dlls dotnet45 ie6
winetricks settings win7
wine ./StudioTax2017Install.exe /extract
msiexec /i StudioTax.msi
Easily switch to russian phonetic keyboard:
setxkbmap fr,ru -variant ,phonetic -option grp:shift_caps_toggle
man xkeyboard-config # get list of possible toggles
Image/photo sorting with feh:
feh --action1 'mv -v %F "/path/to/target/"%N' \
--action[2-9] [...] /dir/to/sort
Get original windows key from linux:
# From: https://twitter.com/BrandonPrry/status/1038269038881898498
# Not guaranted to work
sudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM | tail -c 32 | xargs -0 echo
Wayland install:
Qt issues:
sudo pacman -S qt5-wayland
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland"
2019-10-03 13:00:22 -04:00
sudo/root issues with GUI apps:
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1274451
xhost +SI:localuser:root
sudo <gui>
xhost -SI:localuser:root # Clean up the security hole
2019-10-03 12:36:28 -04:00
MSI ge62 webcam not found:
Activate using fn+F6
Air Canada PNR access:
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
Grub2 theme customization:
theme.txt reference:
Example theme:
2019-11-21 18:12:56 +00:00
Limit bandwidth, download/upload speed of process:
Non-forking processes
netbrake -r <bytes per sec> <program> [args]
trickle -s -u <kBps> -d <kBps> <program> [args]
Pacman -> /etc/pacman.conf
XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --limit-rate 100K --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
2021-08-27 20:17:58 +02:00
Adblocking (obsolete, now builtin):
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
:set auto-save.session true
2021-01-04 23:11:56 +01:00
# ...and much much more
2020-04-16 17:53:00 -04:00
Alsa set default card
Get list of cards:
$ aplay -l
In ~/.asoundrc:
pcm.!default {
type hw
card <name|id>
ctl.!default {
type hw
card <name|id>
$ aplay -D default:PCH /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
mpc/mpc shuffle whole library and save as playlist
$ mpc crop && mpc listall | mpc add && mpc shuffle && (mpc rm all; mpc save all)
GNU miscfiles:
Dictionary wordlist
Airport codes
Chat abbreviations
Cities/countries list
Currency ISO code
list of connective words
phone country codes
north america area codes
C operator associativity
Imcomplete proper name list
Unicode characters
sdcv # CLI stardict tool. Dictionaries not included
stardict-wornet # English dictionary (AUR)
miscfiles # GNU miscfiles project include a wordlist file
grep "word" /usr/share/dict/words
Gandi for server setup:
Dynamic DNS:
install gandi-automatic-dns (AUR)
Let's encrypt/letsencrypt:
install certbot-dns-gandi-git (AUR)
# Email address is kept private
2020-07-24 18:43:59 -04:00
MacOS survival guide (Because the "user friendly" OS has worse affordances than windows):
Using firefox and other multiplatform apps
Replace <Ctrl> by <Super> (<Command> in Mac-speak)
Toggle window fullscreen
Restore minimized window
Hold <Super>
Hold <Alt> (<Option> in Mac-speak)
Release <Super>
Release <Alt>
Maximizing window WITHOUT fullscreen
Double click window title bar
2020-11-11 04:00:49 +01:00
Mounting .bin/.cue image files:
$ sudo pacman -S bchunk
$ bchunk file.bin file.cue output
$ sudo mount output01.iso /mnt -o loop,ro
Manual IMAP connection:
# https://www.atmail.com/blog/imap-101-manual-imap-sessions/
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14959461/how-to-talk-to-imap-server-in-shell-via-openssl
$ openssl s_client -connect <imap server>:993 -crlf [-quiet]
$ openssl s_client -connect <imap server>:143 -crlf -starttls imap [-quiet]
# IMAP needs an incrementing prefix before each command
A1 login <login> "<password>"
# list everything
A2 list "" "*"
# list everything under a particular prefix
A3 list "INBOX" "*"
A99 logout
gdb tricks:
Easily print attributes of array elements:
# https://agateau.com/2008/gdb-trick-the-poor-man-loop
(gdb) set $pos = 0
(gdb) print foo[$pos++].attribute
(gdb) <enter>
(gdb) <enter>
Or use a real loop:
(gdb) set $i = 0
(gdb) while ($i < <length>)
> print foo[$i++].attribute
> end
Non-standard zsh cd trick:
# https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2020-09-04-cd-command.html
$ pwd
$ cd 1.2.0 2.4.0
Check for available package updates with Arch/Artix:
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
Git push and pull using different URL/protocols:
# https://www.scivision.dev/git-pull-https-push-ssh/
git config url."git@example.org:user/".pushInsteadOf "https://example.org/user/"
2021-01-04 23:11:56 +01:00
Setup a midi synth:
# http://www.tedfelix.com/linux/linux-midi.html
sudo pacman -S fluidsynth
sudo pacman -S soundfont-fluid # Sound pack
#? sudo modprobe snd_virmidi # Create a midi device file /dev/midi2
Quick n dirty setup:
fluidsynth -a <alsa|pulseaudio> -m alsa_seq /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2
aconnect -i/-o
Consistent desktop theme:
# just some disorganized notes:
# install GTK2/3 theme + icons
# Get canonical theme name from /usr/share/themes folder names
gtk-icon-theme-name = <Name>
gtk-theme-name = <Name>
gtk-icon-theme-name = "<Name>"
gtk-theme-name = "<Name>" ~/.config/Trolltech.conf
# Depending on the theme, relevant icons might be elsewhere
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/<theme>/symbolic/status
sudo pacman -S qt5ct
trizen -S qt5-styleplugins
Gruvbox-Material-Dark has issues with GIMP and probably caused a few other crashes
gruvbox-dark-[icons-]gtk doesn't look too bad at first glance (GIMP not broken) (is on AUR)
2021-02-15 00:29:41 +01:00
cURL cheatsheet:
custom user agent:
curl -A "<user agent>" <URL>
Show headers:
Just response headers
curl -I <URL>
full verbose dump
curl -v <URL>
Follow redirects:
curl -L <URL>
Renew expired GPG public keys:
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/177310/248368
gpg --edit-key "<key>"
> expire
> key 1
> expire
> save
2021-05-24 03:30:24 +02:00
Windows use realtime clock as UTC:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\RealTimeIsUniversal = QWORD 0x01
2021-04-08 23:43:10 +02:00
sway / wayland:
Get current active (first) keyboard layout name:
# https://queer.hacktivis.me/objects/73823f56-1954-44fe-b046-39e726cca67b
swaymsg -t get_inputs | jq 'map(select(.type == "keyboard"))[0].xkb_active_layout_name'
Get access to deprecated gatttool and hcitool:
trizen -S bluez-utils-compat
Add `--disable-systemd` to ./configure command on Artix
Extract debian .deb package:
ar x <package>.deb
tar xf data.tar.xz
2021-04-09 12:04:33 +02:00
Convert docx to text format in CLI:
# Better fidelity wrt. the document layout
docx2txt <name>.docx
# Can output markdown
pandoc <name>.docx -o <name>.md