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\author{Rézo Metz}
\title{Internal Rules of Rézo Metz}
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validated by the general meeting held on \theday{} in Metz
%Proposal of the Steering Committee
This document aims to define the various rules to be respected by all persons within the Rézo Metz association, in accordance with its current statutes. Reference will be made to the members of the association, designated by the term \og{}members{\fg{}, to the Rézo Metz association, designated by the term \og{}Rézo\fg{}, and to the École CentraleSupélec, and designated by the latter name.
In the event of disagreement between this document and the Articles of Association, the latter shall prevail.
In case of a difference between the French version and this translation despite our efforts to translate it faithfully, the French version prevails.
\section*{Article 1: Membership}
\subsection*{Article 1-1: Membership fee}.
To become a member of Rézo, the interested person must pay a membership fee. This amounts to :
\item 2 euros for a one-week membership;
\item 5 euros for a one-month membership;
\item 25 euros for a six-month membership;
\item 40 euros for a one-year membership;
The payment of a membership fee can be made by cheque, cash, bank transfer or credit card. Once acquired, the membership fee can only be refunded by decision of the Steering Committee.
Definitive membership is decided by the Steering Committee after full payment of the membership fee.
\subsection*{Article 1-2: Exemption from membership fee}
The following are exempt from paying contributions
\item members of honours;
\item benefactor members.
In addition, a person in financial difficulty may be exempted from paying contributions. A reasoned request must be addressed to the Seetring Committee, accompanied by the necessary evidence for the Steering Committee to make a decision. In addition, an oral interview may take place. The Steering Committee shall decide on the application within 7 days.
The person will be considered a full member of the association and will enjoy all associated rights in the same way as other members.
\section*{Article 2: Services offered by the association}
\subsection*{Article 2-1: Available services}
The main service the association offers its members is internet access. This access manifests itself as follows:
\item Each room is equipped with a RJ-45 ethernet socket connected to Rézo;
\item A WiFi network is deployed in a large part of the residence.
The association offers other secondary services, a list of which can be found on the association's website.
\subsection*{Article 2-2: Modification of services}
Le Rézo reserves the right to modify at any time the services offered and the rules in force on the network. Any member who would not be satisfied by these new rules can obtain his disconnection with partial reimbursement on the advice of the Steering Committee.
\section*{Article 3: Conditions of access to the services}
Access to the WiFi internet network \og{}FedeRez\fg{} is granted to all members of the FedeRez association. The rules of procedure then apply, even if the person is not a member of the Rézo.
The Steering Committee may grant exemptions from membership fees (free access) to members and former members of Rézo, in particular and specific cases, at its discretion. The rules of procedure apply even if the person is no longer a member of Rézo.
Apart from these exceptions, the member must, in order to access the services described in article 2, be up to date with his or her membership fees.
In all cases, any person using the services of Rézo must respect the commitments described in article 4.
Access to the Internet is subject to the registration of the machines on the management software of Rézo. The registration of a machine includes in particular the registration of its MAC address. Registration can be automatic or manual. Unless otherwise agreed, each member is limited to 10 machines registered simultaneously on his account.
\section*{Article 4: Commitments of the members towards the association}
\subsection*{Article 4-1 : RENATER and CentraleSupélec charters}
The RENATER network is the National Telecommunications Network for Technology, Education and Research. It provides a connection to the CentraleSupélec school, the latter providing our internet access.
Thus, any member of the association must, even if he or she is not a student at CentraleSupélec, accept the RENATER charter and the CentraleSupélec charter, which are given in the appendix to the present internal rules.
In the event of disagreement between the rules and one of the two charters, the charters shall prevail.
These charters include (but are not limited to) the following restrictions :
\item the obligation to have antivirus software installed, up to date, and in operation as soon as the machine is started;
\item the prohibition to install server-type software on its machine which is directly accessible outside the local network of the residence. These terms include HTTP or FTP servers;
\item It is prohibited to send or receive files in violation of copying laws, especially by using the exchange networks known as \og{}Peer to Peer\fg{} or \og{}P2P\fg{}, but also via HTTP, FTP, IRC, etc. A non-exhaustive list of software whose use is prohibited is available on the association's internal website;
\item More generally, it is forbidden to infringe French law, in particular with regard to information systems.
\subsection*{Article 4-2: Automatic configuration}.
When wired or wirelessly connecting to the Rezo, an automatic configuration is applied to the machine. The machine includes:
\item the IP address;
\item he subnet mask;
\item the default gateway.
Any member undertakes not to modify this configuration without the agreement of an active member of Rézo.
Any member also undertakes not to voluntarily modify the physical addresses, in particular the MAC addresses, of its network interfaces without the agreement of an active member of Rézo.
\subsection*{Article 4-3: Use of routers}
Every member undertakes not to connect a router without the agreement of an active member of Rézo. It should be noted that most WiFi terminals are equipped with an internal router and are subject to this rule.
However, it should be noted that in the parts of the residence where the WiFi network is weak or non-existent, an exemption could be granted taking into account the following points:
\item in accordance with article 4-4, only the interested member could benefit from the WiFi network;
\item the installation of the terminal must not interfere with the existing WiFi network;
\item The member must remain in control of his installation at all times,
\item Rézo may at any time, and without prior notice, withdraw its exemption, in particular in cases where one of the conditions below is no longer met.
\subsection*{Article 4-4: Account Sharing}
Is considered as account sharing :
\item the voluntary sharing of its login identifiers to a person member or non-member of Rézo;
\item the registration of a machine which is not his.
Account sharing is strictly forbidden.
The member is also invited to choose a strong password on the management site.
\subsection*{Article 4-5: Control of his devices}
By joining the association, the member releases Rézo from any responsibility for the activities carried out by the member, and accepts full responsibility for them.
Furthermore, membership of Rézo implies the respect of the following rules:
\item control at all times the flows emitted or received by its machine, be aware of the services installed, and not leave its machine unattended. The member will be held responsible for any offence committed from his machine;
\item not to use software affecting the quality of service or security on the network (in particular those containing spyware);
\item not to send unsolicited e-mail (spam), in particular not to transfer or send messages of dubious origin, advertising or political, religious or commercial propaganda.
\subsection*{Article 4-6: Viruses}
Under no circumstances is Rézo responsible for any damage to the member's machine, whether it is a virus infection or any other type of attack. The member is invited to take all necessary precautions in order not to compromise his machine or those of other members. It should be noted that in case of infection by a virus, Rézo reserves the right to suspend the internet action for the said machine. Access will be restored only after verification by an active member of Rézo that the machine is no longer infected (the cleaning of viruses remains the responsibility of the owner).
\section*{Article 5: Commitments of the association towards the members}
\subsection*{Article 5-1: Support}
Rézo undertakes to provide technical and administrative support as best it can according to the means of contact set out in article 5-4.
Rézo may also, subject to the availability of staff, provide support in the form of on-call services.
\subsection*{Article 5-2: Availability}
Rézo is committed to maintaining optimal availability of its services. These may be interrupted, in particular in the event of maintenance or malfunction.
In the event that internet access is not possible for a member, the latter can receive, on simple request, a certificate from the association with, in particular, the dates on which the member did not have access to the internet.
If Internet access is severely disrupted for more than one week (minimum subscription period), refunds may be made, on the advice of the Steering Committee.
\subsection*{Article 5-3: Prevention of maintenance}
Rézo tries, as far as possible, to inform the members of the association of any maintenance by e-mail.
\subsection*{Article 5-4 : Contacts}
Rézo is contactable with the following means :
\item By mail :
Association Rézo Metz
École CentraleSupélec
2 rue Édouard Belin
57070 Metz
\item By e-mail
\item for technical questions
\item for administrative matters
\item for other questions
\item By tickets, on the management site for technical problems.
\section*{Article 6: Lending of equipment}
\subsection*{Article 6-1: Equipment concerned}
On certain occasions, Rézo can lend equipment to its members. This material includes, but is not limited to, :
\item of RJ45 ethernet cables;
\item USB-RJ45 adapters;
\item Individual WiFi terminals.
\subsection*{Article 6-2: Loan conditions}
The member undertakes to :
\item Do not damage the equipment on loan;
\item To return the equipment lent at the end of its period of contribution, or if necessary, of the loan contract.
Rézo will be able to set up a guarantee and a loan contract in cases where it deems it necessary.
\subsection*{Article 6-3: Case of WiFi terminals in the apartments}
In the flats in building A (A001, A101, A201, A301) and C (C001, C101, C201, C301), a WiFi terminal is installed in the corridor cupboard. These terminals, in addition to providing WiFi access to the inhabitants of the flat, also provide access to some inhabitants in the corridors outside the flats.
The inhabitants of the flat must not, without prior authorisation from Rézo, alter the correct operation of the terminal and in particular must not disconnect it.
Additional provisions with regard to these bollards may be set by agreement with the OPHMM.
\section*{Article 7: Data Protection Act and RGPD}
\subsection*{Article 7-1: Confidentiality of data}
Rézo reserves the right to analyse by automated processing the traffic of members for the purposes of flow regulation, security checks and verification of the application of these rules. The data collected may only be consulted by the Steering Committee, by persons designated by the latter, and by the judicial authorities. The persons having access to these data have undertaken in writing to respect the privacy of users and not to disclose this information to persons who are not members of the Steering Committee.
\subsection*{Article 7-2: Rezo's commitments towards the user}
According to the French Data Protection Act and the RGPD, members have the right to access, rectify, inform and oppose data concerning them. This right can be exercised by e-mail, in person by post with the contacts listed in article 5-4. All requests must be accompanied by proof of identity.
\section*{Article 8: Penalties}
The governing bodies of Rézo, validly convened in disciplinary formations, are authorised to impose sanctions on its members in the event of non-compliance with the Articles of Association or the internal rules or any attempt to circumvent the rules or limitations imposed by Rézo. These may go as far as the temporary suspension of digital services or permanent exclusion.
In accordance with the statutes in force, the interested member is however invited to present its written and, if it so wishes, oral observations to the Steering Committee. The decision is nevertheless left to the discretion of the Rézo Steering Committee.
Rézo remains at the disposal of its members for any further information.
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In accordance with the articles of association in force, this document may only be modified by the general meeting, with the exception of the appendices, which may be updated by the Steering Committee after simple notification by e-mail to members, in the event that CentraleSupélec and/or RENATER make changes to the charters.
Made in Metz, on \theday{} in three original copies.
On behalf of the members of the General Meeting of Rézo Metz,
\textbf{President} \\
Yoann \bsc{Piétri}
\textbf{Secretary} \\
Achille \bsc{Depoix}
\includepdf[pages=1, scale=0.9,pagecommand=\section{Charte RENATER}]{charte_renater_1.pdf}
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\includepdf[pages=1, scale=0.9,pagecommand=\section{Charte RENATER}]{charte_renater_2.pdf}
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\includepdf[pages=20, scale=0.9,pagecommand=\section{Charte CentraleSupélec}]{charte_cs.pdf}
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