rm old «filtre» node

This commit is contained in:
Louis-Guillaume DUBOIS 2015-05-24 14:10:28 +02:00
parent 810663ee90
commit fd3d1e4da0
2 changed files with 0 additions and 237 deletions

View file

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/filters/passthrough.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB Point;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud;
class Callback {
operator()(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& msg)
PointCloud::Ptr pcl(new PointCloud());
copy_info(msg, pcl);
BOOST_FOREACH (const Point& pt, msg->points)
uint8_t min, max, c;
//Recherche du min et du max des coefficients R,G,B
if (pt.r >= pt.g) {
if (pt.g >= pt.b) {
max = pt.r
min = pt.b;
} else if (pt.r >= pt.b) {
max = pt.r;
min = pt.g;
} else {
max = pt.b;
min = pt.g;
} else if (pt.r >= pt.b) {
max = pt.g;
min = pt.b;
} else if (pt.g >= pt.b) {
max = pt.g;
min = pt.r;
} else {
max = pt.b;
min = pt.r;
c = max - min;
assert(c > 0);
assert(max > pt.r);
assert(max > pt.g);
assert(max > pt.b);
assert(min < pt.r);
assert(min < pt.g);
assert(min < pt.b);
pcl->height = 1;
pcl->width = pcl->points.size();
Callback(ros::Publisher& pub, int h, int d)
: publisher(pub), delta(d), hue(h) {}
ros::Publisher publisher;
int delta;
int hue;
copy_info(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& a,
PointCloud::Ptr b)
b->header = a->header;
b->sensor_origin_ = a->sensor_origin_;
b->sensor_orientation_ = a->sensor_orientation_;
b->is_dense = a->is_dense;
main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "filtreHue");
ros::NodeHandle node("filtreHue");
// récupération des paramètres
int hue(0);
int delta(0);
if (node.getParam("hue", hue))
ROS_INFO("hue : %d" , hue);
} else {
node.setParam("hue", 0);
node.getParam("hue", hue);
ROS_INFO("hue : %d (default value)", hue);
if (node.getParam("delta", delta))
ROS_INFO("delta : %d" , delta);
} else {
node.setParam("delta", 0);
node.getParam("delta", delta);
ROS_INFO("delta : %d (default value)", delta);
// initialisatio
ros::Publisher publisher = node.advertise<PointCloud>("output", 1);
Callback callback(publisher, (int) hue, (int) delta);
ros::Subscriber subscriber = node.subscribe<PointCloud>("input", 1, callback);
// démarrage
ROS_INFO("node started");
return 0;

View file

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/filters/passthrough.h>
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB Point;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud;
class Callback {
operator()(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& msg)
PointCloud::Ptr pcl(new PointCloud());
copy_info(msg, pcl);
BOOST_FOREACH (const Point& pt, msg->points)
if (abs(pt.r-red) <= delta and abs(pt.g-green) <= delta and abs(pt.b-blue) <= delta)
pcl->height = 1;
pcl->width = pcl->points.size();
Callback(ros::Publisher& pub, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t d)
: publisher(pub), delta(d), red(r), green(g), blue(b) {}
ros::Publisher publisher;
uint8_t delta;
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
copy_info(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& a,
PointCloud::Ptr b)
b->header = a->header;
b->sensor_origin_ = a->sensor_origin_;
b->sensor_orientation_ = a->sensor_orientation_;
b->is_dense = a->is_dense;
main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "filtreRGB");
ros::NodeHandle node("filtreRGB");
// récupération des paramètres
uint8_t red(0);
uint8_t blue(0);
uint8_t green(0);
uint8_t delta(0);
int redInt;
int greenInt;
int blueInt;
int deltaInt;
if (node.getParam("red", redInt))
ROS_INFO("red : %d" , redInt);
} else {
node.setParam("red", 0);
node.getParam("red", redInt);
ROS_INFO("red : %d (default value)", redInt);
if (node.getParam("blue", blueInt))
ROS_INFO("blue : %d" , blueInt);
} else {
node.setParam("blue", 0);
node.getParam("blue", blueInt);
ROS_INFO("blue : %d (default value)", blueInt);
if (node.getParam("green", greenInt))
ROS_INFO("green : %d" , greenInt);
} else {
node.setParam("green", 0);
node.getParam("green", greenInt);
ROS_INFO("green : %d (default value)", greenInt);
if (node.getParam("delta", deltaInt))
ROS_INFO("delta : %d" , deltaInt);
} else {
node.setParam("delta", 0);
node.getParam("delta", deltaInt);
ROS_INFO("delta : %d (default value)", deltaInt);
// initialisatio
ros::Publisher publisher = node.advertise<PointCloud>("output", 1);
Callback callback(publisher, (uint8_t) redInt, (uint8_t) greenInt, (uint8_t) blueInt, (uint8_t) deltaInt);
ros::Subscriber subscriber = node.subscribe<PointCloud>("input", 1, callback);
// démarrage
ROS_INFO("node started");
return 0;