clement callaert 244d45ceb8 Version 2
2023-11-01 17:33:25 +01:00

627 lines
29 KiB

/// <reference path="./aggregate.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./callback.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./collection.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./connection.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./cursor.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./document.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./error.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./expressions.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./helpers.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./middlewares.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./indexes.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./models.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./mongooseoptions.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./pipelinestage.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./populate.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./query.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./schemaoptions.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./schematypes.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./session.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./types.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./utility.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./validation.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./inferschematype.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./virtuals.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./augmentations.d.ts" />
declare class NativeDate extends global.Date { }
declare module 'mongoose' {
import events = require('events');
import mongodb = require('mongodb');
import mongoose = require('mongoose');
export type Mongoose = typeof mongoose;
* Mongoose constructor. The exports object of the `mongoose` module is an instance of this
* class. Most apps will only use this one instance.
export const Mongoose: new (options?: MongooseOptions | null) => Mongoose;
export let Promise: any;
export const PromiseProvider: any;
* Can be extended to explicitly type specific models.
export interface Models {
[modelName: string]: Model<any>
/** An array containing all models associated with this Mongoose instance. */
export const models: Models;
* Removes the model named `name` from the default connection, if it exists.
* You can use this function to clean up any models you created in your tests to
* prevent OverwriteModelErrors.
export function deleteModel(name: string | RegExp): Mongoose;
* Sanitizes query filters against query selector injection attacks by wrapping
* any nested objects that have a property whose name starts with `$` in a `$eq`.
export function sanitizeFilter<T>(filter: FilterQuery<T>): FilterQuery<T>;
/** Gets mongoose options */
export function get<K extends keyof MongooseOptions>(key: K): MongooseOptions[K];
/* ! ignore */
export type CompileModelOptions = {
overwriteModels?: boolean,
connection?: Connection
export function model<TSchema extends Schema = any>(
name: string,
schema?: TSchema,
collection?: string,
options?: CompileModelOptions
): Model<
ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TQueryHelpers'>,
ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TInstanceMethods'>,
ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TVirtuals'>,
> & ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TStaticMethods'>;
export function model<T>(name: string, schema?: Schema<T, any, any> | Schema<T & Document, any, any>, collection?: string, options?: CompileModelOptions): Model<T>;
export function model<T, U, TQueryHelpers = {}>(
name: string,
schema?: Schema<T, any, any, TQueryHelpers, any, any>,
collection?: string,
options?: CompileModelOptions
): U;
/** Returns an array of model names created on this instance of Mongoose. */
export function modelNames(): Array<string>;
* Overwrites the current driver used by this Mongoose instance. A driver is a
* Mongoose-specific interface that defines functions like `find()`.
export function setDriver(driver: any): Mongoose;
/** The node-mongodb-native driver Mongoose uses. */
export const mongo: typeof mongodb;
/** Declares a global plugin executed on all Schemas. */
export function plugin(fn: (schema: Schema, opts?: any) => void, opts?: any): Mongoose;
/** Getter/setter around function for pluralizing collection names. */
export function pluralize(fn?: ((str: string) => string) | null): ((str: string) => string) | null;
/** Sets mongoose options */
export function set<K extends keyof MongooseOptions>(key: K, value: MongooseOptions[K]): Mongoose;
export function set(options: { [K in keyof MongooseOptions]: MongooseOptions[K] }): Mongoose;
/** The Mongoose version */
export const version: string;
export type AnyKeys<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] | any };
export interface AnyObject {
[k: string]: any
export type Require_id<T> = T extends { _id?: infer U }
? IfAny<U, T & { _id: Types.ObjectId }, T & Required<{ _id: U }>>
: T & { _id: Types.ObjectId };
export type HydratedDocument<DocType, TMethodsAndOverrides = {}, TVirtuals = {}> = DocType extends Document ?
Require_id<DocType> :
Document<unknown, any, DocType> & MergeType<Require_id<DocType>, TVirtuals & TMethodsAndOverrides>;
export type HydratedDocumentFromSchema<TSchema extends Schema> = HydratedDocument<
ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TInstanceMethods'>,
ObtainSchemaGeneric<TSchema, 'TVirtuals'>
export interface TagSet {
[k: string]: string;
export interface ToObjectOptions {
/** apply all getters (path and virtual getters) */
getters?: boolean;
/** apply virtual getters (can override getters option) */
virtuals?: boolean | string[];
/** if `options.virtuals = true`, you can set `options.aliases = false` to skip applying aliases. This option is a no-op if `options.virtuals = false`. */
aliases?: boolean;
/** remove empty objects (defaults to true) */
minimize?: boolean;
/** if set, mongoose will call this function to allow you to transform the returned object */
transform?: boolean | ((doc: any, ret: any, options: any) => any);
/** if true, replace any conventionally populated paths with the original id in the output. Has no affect on virtual populated paths. */
depopulate?: boolean;
/** if false, exclude the version key (`__v` by default) from the output */
versionKey?: boolean;
/** if true, convert Maps to POJOs. Useful if you want to `JSON.stringify()` the result of `toObject()`. */
flattenMaps?: boolean;
/** If true, omits fields that are excluded in this document's projection. Unless you specified a projection, this will omit any field that has `select: false` in the schema. */
useProjection?: boolean;
export type DiscriminatorModel<M, T> = T extends Model<infer T1, infer T2, infer T3, infer T4>
M extends Model<infer M1, infer M2, infer M3, infer M4>
? Model<Omit<M1, keyof T1> & T1, M2 | T2, M3 | T3, M4 | T4>
: M
: M;
export type DiscriminatorSchema<DocType, M, TInstanceMethods, TQueryHelpers, TVirtuals, TStaticMethods, DisSchema> =
DisSchema extends Schema<infer DisSchemaEDocType, infer DisSchemaM, infer DisSchemaInstanceMethods, infer DisSchemaQueryhelpers, infer DisSchemaVirtuals, infer DisSchemaStatics>
? Schema<Omit<DocType, keyof DisSchemaEDocType> & DisSchemaEDocType, DiscriminatorModel<DisSchemaM, M>, DisSchemaInstanceMethods | TInstanceMethods, DisSchemaQueryhelpers | TQueryHelpers, DisSchemaVirtuals | TVirtuals, DisSchemaStatics & TStaticMethods>
: Schema<DocType, M, TInstanceMethods, TQueryHelpers, TVirtuals, TStaticMethods>;
type QueryResultType<T> = T extends Query<infer ResultType, any> ? ResultType : never;
type PluginFunction<
TStaticMethods> = (schema: Schema<DocType, M, TInstanceMethods, TQueryHelpers, TVirtuals, TStaticMethods>, opts?: any) => void;
export class Schema<
EnforcedDocType = any,
M = Model<EnforcedDocType, any, any, any>,
TInstanceMethods = {},
TQueryHelpers = {},
TVirtuals = {},
TStaticMethods = {},
TSchemaOptions extends ResolveSchemaOptions<TSchemaOptions> = DefaultSchemaOptions,
DocType extends ApplySchemaOptions<ObtainDocumentType<DocType, EnforcedDocType, TSchemaOptions>, TSchemaOptions> = ApplySchemaOptions<ObtainDocumentType<any, EnforcedDocType, TSchemaOptions>, TSchemaOptions>,
extends events.EventEmitter {
* Create a new schema
constructor(definition?: SchemaDefinition<SchemaDefinitionType<EnforcedDocType>> | DocType, options?: SchemaOptions<FlatRecord<DocType>, TInstanceMethods, TQueryHelpers, TStaticMethods, TVirtuals> | TSchemaOptions);
/** Adds key path / schema type pairs to this schema. */
add(obj: SchemaDefinition<SchemaDefinitionType<EnforcedDocType>> | Schema, prefix?: string): this;
* Add an alias for `path`. This means getting or setting the `alias`
* is equivalent to getting or setting the `path`.
alias(path: string, alias: string | string[]): this;
* Array of child schemas (from document arrays and single nested subdocs)
* and their corresponding compiled models. Each element of the array is
* an object with 2 properties: `schema` and `model`.
childSchemas: { schema: Schema, model: any }[];
/** Removes all indexes on this schema */
clearIndexes(): this;
/** Returns a copy of this schema */
clone<T = this>(): T;
discriminator<DisSchema = Schema>(name: string, schema: DisSchema): this;
/** Returns a new schema that has the picked `paths` from this schema. */
pick<T = this>(paths: string[], options?: SchemaOptions): T;
/** Object containing discriminators defined on this schema */
discriminators?: { [name: string]: Schema };
/** Iterates the schemas paths similar to Array#forEach. */
eachPath(fn: (path: string, type: SchemaType) => void): this;
/** Defines an index (most likely compound) for this schema. */
index(fields: IndexDefinition, options?: IndexOptions): this;
* Returns a list of indexes that this schema declares, via `schema.index()`
* or by `index: true` in a path's options.
indexes(): Array<IndexDefinition>;
/** Gets a schema option. */
get<K extends keyof SchemaOptions>(key: K): SchemaOptions[K];
* Loads an ES6 class into a schema. Maps [setters]( + [getters](, [static methods](,
* and [instance methods](
* to schema [virtuals](,
* [statics](, and
* [methods](
loadClass(model: Function, onlyVirtuals?: boolean): this;
/** Adds an instance method to documents constructed from Models compiled from this schema. */
method<Context = any>(name: string, fn: (this: Context, ...args: any[]) => any, opts?: any): this;
method(obj: Partial<TInstanceMethods>): this;
/** Object of currently defined methods on this schema. */
methods: { [F in keyof TInstanceMethods]: TInstanceMethods[F] } & AnyObject;
/** The original object passed to the schema constructor */
obj: SchemaDefinition<SchemaDefinitionType<EnforcedDocType>>;
/** Gets/sets schema paths. */
path<ResultType extends SchemaType = SchemaType<any, HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>>(path: string): ResultType;
path<pathGeneric extends keyof EnforcedDocType>(path: pathGeneric): SchemaType<EnforcedDocType[pathGeneric]>;
path(path: string, constructor: any): this;
/** Lists all paths and their type in the schema. */
paths: {
[key: string]: SchemaType;
/** Returns the pathType of `path` for this schema. */
pathType(path: string): string;
/** Registers a plugin for this schema. */
plugin<PFunc extends PluginFunction<DocType, M, any, any, any, any>, POptions extends Parameters<PFunc>[1] = Parameters<PFunc>[1]>(fn: PFunc, opts?: POptions): this;
/** Defines a post hook for the model. */
post<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions & { errorHandler: true }, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareWithOption<T>): this;
post<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions & { errorHandler: true }, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareWithOption<T>): this;
post<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions & { errorHandler: true }, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareWithOption<T, Array<any>>): this;
post<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions & { errorHandler: true }, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareWithOption<T>): this;
post<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, QueryResultType<T>>): this;
post<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, QueryResultType<T>>): this;
post<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, T>): this;
post<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, T>): this;
post<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, Array<AggregateExtract<T>>>): this;
post<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, Array<AggregateExtract<T>>>): this;
post<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, T>): this;
post<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: PostMiddlewareFunction<T, T>): this;
post<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
post<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
post<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
post<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
post<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T, Array<any>>): this;
post<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T, Array<any>>): this;
post<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
post<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, options: SchemaPostOptions, fn: ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
/** Defines a pre hook for the model. */
pre<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(
method: DocumentOrQueryMiddleware | DocumentOrQueryMiddleware[],
options: SchemaPreOptions & { document: true; query: false; },
fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>
): this;
pre<T = Query<any, any>>(
method: DocumentOrQueryMiddleware | DocumentOrQueryMiddleware[],
options: SchemaPreOptions & { document: false; query: true; },
fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>
): this;
pre<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: 'save', fn: PreSaveMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: 'save', options: SchemaPreOptions, fn: PreSaveMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = Query<any, any>>(method: MongooseQueryMiddleware | MongooseQueryMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPreOptions, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(method: MongooseDocumentMiddleware | MongooseDocumentMiddleware[] | RegExp, options: SchemaPreOptions, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T extends Aggregate<any>>(method: 'aggregate' | RegExp, options: SchemaPreOptions, fn: PreMiddlewareFunction<T>): this;
pre<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, fn: (this: T, next: (err?: CallbackError) => void, docs: any | Array<any>) => void | Promise<void>): this;
pre<T = M>(method: 'insertMany' | RegExp, options: SchemaPreOptions, fn: (this: T, next: (err?: CallbackError) => void, docs: any | Array<any>) => void | Promise<void>): this;
/** Object of currently defined query helpers on this schema. */
query: TQueryHelpers;
/** Adds a method call to the queue. */
queue(name: string, args: any[]): this;
/** Removes the given `path` (or [`paths`]). */
remove(paths: string | Array<string>): this;
/** Removes index by name or index spec */
remove(index: string | AnyObject): this;
/** Returns an Array of path strings that are required by this schema. */
requiredPaths(invalidate?: boolean): string[];
/** Sets a schema option. */
set<K extends keyof SchemaOptions>(key: K, value: SchemaOptions[K], _tags?: any): this;
/** Adds static "class" methods to Models compiled from this schema. */
static<K extends keyof TStaticMethods>(name: K, fn: TStaticMethods[K]): this;
static(obj: { [F in keyof TStaticMethods]: TStaticMethods[F] } & { [name: string]: (this: M, ...args: any[]) => any }): this;
static(name: string, fn: (this: M, ...args: any[]) => any): this;
/** Object of currently defined statics on this schema. */
statics: { [F in keyof TStaticMethods]: TStaticMethods[F] } & { [name: string]: (this: M, ...args: any[]) => any };
/** Creates a virtual type with the given name. */
virtual<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods, TVirtuals>>(
name: keyof TVirtuals | string,
options?: VirtualTypeOptions<T, DocType>
): VirtualType<T>;
/** Object of currently defined virtuals on this schema */
virtuals: TVirtuals;
/** Returns the virtual type with the given `name`. */
virtualpath<T = HydratedDocument<DocType, TInstanceMethods>>(name: string): VirtualType<T> | null;
export type NumberSchemaDefinition = typeof Number | 'number' | 'Number' | typeof Schema.Types.Number;
export type StringSchemaDefinition = typeof String | 'string' | 'String' | typeof Schema.Types.String;
export type BooleanSchemaDefinition = typeof Boolean | 'boolean' | 'Boolean' | typeof Schema.Types.Boolean;
export type DateSchemaDefinition = typeof NativeDate | 'date' | 'Date' | typeof Schema.Types.Date;
export type ObjectIdSchemaDefinition = 'ObjectId' | 'ObjectID' | typeof Schema.Types.ObjectId;
export type SchemaDefinitionWithBuiltInClass<T> = T extends number
? NumberSchemaDefinition
: T extends string
? StringSchemaDefinition
: T extends boolean
? BooleanSchemaDefinition
: T extends NativeDate
? DateSchemaDefinition
: (Function | string);
export type SchemaDefinitionProperty<T = undefined> = SchemaDefinitionWithBuiltInClass<T> |
SchemaTypeOptions<T extends undefined ? any : T> |
typeof SchemaType |
Schema<any, any, any> |
Schema<any, any, any>[] |
SchemaTypeOptions<T extends undefined ? any : Unpacked<T>>[] |
Function[] |
SchemaDefinition<T> |
SchemaDefinition<Unpacked<T>>[] |
typeof Schema.Types.Mixed |
export type SchemaDefinition<T = undefined> = T extends undefined
? { [path: string]: SchemaDefinitionProperty; }
: { [path in keyof T]?: SchemaDefinitionProperty<T[path]>; };
export type AnyArray<T> = T[] | ReadonlyArray<T>;
export type ExtractMongooseArray<T> = T extends Types.Array<any> ? AnyArray<Unpacked<T>> : T;
export interface MixedSchemaTypeOptions extends SchemaTypeOptions<Schema.Types.Mixed> {
type: typeof Schema.Types.Mixed;
export type RefType =
| number
| string
| Buffer
| undefined
| Types.ObjectId
| Types.Buffer
| typeof Schema.Types.Number
| typeof Schema.Types.String
| typeof Schema.Types.Buffer
| typeof Schema.Types.ObjectId;
export type InferId<T> = T extends { _id?: any } ? T['_id'] : Types.ObjectId;
export interface VirtualTypeOptions<HydratedDocType = Document, DocType = unknown> {
/** If `ref` is not nullish, this becomes a populated virtual. */
ref?: string | Function;
/** The local field to populate on if this is a populated virtual. */
localField?: string | ((this: HydratedDocType, doc: HydratedDocType) => string);
/** The foreign field to populate on if this is a populated virtual. */
foreignField?: string | ((this: HydratedDocType, doc: HydratedDocType) => string);
* By default, a populated virtual is an array. If you set `justOne`,
* the populated virtual will be a single doc or `null`.
justOne?: boolean;
/** If you set this to `true`, Mongoose will call any custom getters you defined on this virtual. */
getters?: boolean;
* If you set this to `true`, `populate()` will set this virtual to the number of populated
* documents, as opposed to the documents themselves, using `Query#countDocuments()`.
count?: boolean;
/** Add an extra match condition to `populate()`. */
match?: FilterQuery<any> | Function;
/** Add a default `limit` to the `populate()` query. */
limit?: number;
/** Add a default `skip` to the `populate()` query. */
skip?: number;
* For legacy reasons, `limit` with `populate()` may give incorrect results because it only
* executes a single query for every document being populated. If you set `perDocumentLimit`,
* Mongoose will ensure correct `limit` per document by executing a separate query for each
* document to `populate()`. For example, `.find().populate({ path: 'test', perDocumentLimit: 2 })`
* will execute 2 additional queries if `.find()` returns 2 documents.
perDocumentLimit?: number;
/** Additional options like `limit` and `lean`. */
options?: QueryOptions<DocType> & { match?: AnyObject };
/** Additional options for plugins */
[extra: string]: any;
export class VirtualType<HydratedDocType> {
/** Applies getters to `value`. */
applyGetters(value: any, doc: Document): any;
/** Applies setters to `value`. */
applySetters(value: any, doc: Document): any;
/** Adds a custom getter to this virtual. */
get<T = HydratedDocType>(fn: (this: T, value: any, virtualType: VirtualType<T>, doc: T) => any): this;
/** Adds a custom setter to this virtual. */
set<T = HydratedDocType>(fn: (this: T, value: any, virtualType: VirtualType<T>, doc: T) => void): this;
export type ReturnsNewDoc = { new: true } | { returnOriginal: false } | { returnDocument: 'after' };
export type ProjectionElementType = number | string;
export type ProjectionType<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: ProjectionElementType } | AnyObject | string;
export type SortValues = SortOrder;
export type SortOrder = -1 | 1 | 'asc' | 'ascending' | 'desc' | 'descending';
type _UpdateQuery<TSchema> = {
/** @see */
$currentDate?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$inc?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$min?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$max?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$mul?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$rename?: Record<string, string>;
$set?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$setOnInsert?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$unset?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
/** @see */
$addToSet?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$pop?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$pull?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$push?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
$pullAll?: AnyKeys<TSchema> & AnyObject;
/** @see */
// Needs to be `AnyKeys` for now, because anything stricter makes us incompatible
// with the MongoDB Node driver's `UpdateFilter` interface (see gh-12595, gh-11911)
// and using the Node driver's `$bit` definition breaks because their `OnlyFieldsOfType`
// interface breaks on Mongoose Document class due to circular references.
// Re-evaluate this when we drop `extends Document` support in document interfaces.
$bit?: AnyKeys<TSchema>;
export type UpdateWithAggregationPipeline = UpdateAggregationStage[];
export type UpdateAggregationStage = { $addFields: any } |
{ $set: any } |
{ $project: any } |
{ $unset: any } |
{ $replaceRoot: any } |
{ $replaceWith: any };
* Update query command to perform on the document
* @example
* ```js
* { age: 30 }
* ```
export type UpdateQuery<T> = _UpdateQuery<T> & AnyObject;
export type DocumentDefinition<T> = {
[K in keyof Omit<T, Exclude<keyof Document, '_id' | 'id' | '__v'>>]:
[Extract<T[K], mongodb.ObjectId>] extends [never]
? T[K] extends TreatAsPrimitives
? T[K]
: LeanDocumentElement<T[K]>
: T[K] | string;
export type FlattenMaps<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Map<any, any>
? AnyObject : T[K] extends TreatAsPrimitives
? T[K] : FlattenMaps<T[K]>;
export type actualPrimitives = string | boolean | number | bigint | symbol | null | undefined;
export type TreatAsPrimitives = actualPrimitives | NativeDate | RegExp | symbol | Error | BigInt | Types.ObjectId;
export type LeanType<T> =
0 extends (1 & T) ? T : // any
T extends TreatAsPrimitives ? T : // primitives
T extends Types.ArraySubdocument ? Omit<LeanDocument<T>, 'parentArray' | 'ownerDocument' | 'parent'> :
T extends Types.Subdocument ? Omit<LeanDocument<T>, '$isSingleNested' | 'ownerDocument' | 'parent'> :
LeanDocument<T>; // Documents and everything else
export type LeanArray<T extends unknown[]> = T extends unknown[][] ? LeanArray<T[number]>[] : LeanType<T[number]>[];
export type _LeanDocument<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: LeanDocumentElement<T[K]>;
// Keep this a separate type, to ensure that T is a naked type.
// This way, the conditional type is distributive over union types.
// This is required for PopulatedDoc.
export type LeanDocumentElement<T> =
T extends unknown[] ? LeanArray<T> : // Array
T extends Document ? LeanDocument<T> : // Subdocument
export type SchemaDefinitionType<T> = T extends Document ? Omit<T, Exclude<keyof Document, '_id' | 'id' | '__v'>> : T;
// tests for these two types are located in test/types/lean.test.ts
export type DocTypeFromUnion<T> = T extends (Document<infer T1, infer T2, infer T3> & infer U) ?
[U] extends [Document<T1, T2, T3> & infer U] ? IfUnknown<IfAny<U, false>, false> : false : false;
export type DocTypeFromGeneric<T> = T extends Document<infer IdType, infer TQueryHelpers, infer DocType> ?
IfUnknown<IfAny<DocType, false>, false> : false;
* Helper to choose the best option between two type helpers
export type _pickObject<T1, T2, Fallback> = T1 extends false ? T2 extends false ? Fallback : T2 : T1;
* There may be a better way to do this, but the goal is to return the DocType if it can be infered
* and if not to return a type which is easily identified as "not valid" so we fall back to
* "strip out known things added by extending Document"
* There are three basic ways to mix in Document -- "Document & T", "Document<ObjId, mixins, T>",
* and "T extends Document". In the last case there is no type without Document mixins, so we can only
* strip things out. In the other two cases we can infer the type, so we should
export type BaseDocumentType<T> = _pickObject<DocTypeFromUnion<T>, DocTypeFromGeneric<T>, false>;
* Documents returned from queries with the lean option enabled.
* Plain old JavaScript object documents (POJO).
* @see
export type LeanDocument<T> = Omit<_LeanDocument<T>, Exclude<keyof Document, '_id' | 'id' | '__v'> | '$isSingleNested'>;
export type LeanDocumentOrArray<T> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? T :
T extends unknown[] ? LeanDocument<T[number]>[] :
T extends Document ? LeanDocument<T> :
export type LeanDocumentOrArrayWithRawType<T, RawDocType> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? T :
T extends unknown[] ? LeanDocument<RawDocType>[] :
T extends Document ? LeanDocument<RawDocType> :
/* for ts-mongoose */
export class mquery { }
export default mongoose;