clement callaert 244d45ceb8 Version 2
2023-11-01 17:33:25 +01:00

205 lines
13 KiB

import { HostHeaderInputConfig, HostHeaderResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header";
import { AwsAuthInputConfig, AwsAuthResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-signing";
import { UserAgentInputConfig, UserAgentResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent";
import { Credentials as __Credentials } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { RegionInputConfig, RegionResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/config-resolver";
import { EndpointInputConfig, EndpointResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/middleware-endpoint";
import { RetryInputConfig, RetryResolvedConfig } from "@smithy/middleware-retry";
import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { Client as __Client, DefaultsMode as __DefaultsMode, SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration, SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { BodyLengthCalculator as __BodyLengthCalculator, CheckOptionalClientConfig as __CheckOptionalClientConfig, ChecksumConstructor as __ChecksumConstructor, Decoder as __Decoder, Encoder as __Encoder, HashConstructor as __HashConstructor, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, Logger as __Logger, Provider as __Provider, Provider, StreamCollector as __StreamCollector, UrlParser as __UrlParser, UserAgent as __UserAgent } from "@smithy/types";
import { CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/CreateIdentityPoolCommand";
import { DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput } from "./commands/DeleteIdentitiesCommand";
import { DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/DeleteIdentityPoolCommand";
import { DescribeIdentityCommandInput, DescribeIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/DescribeIdentityCommand";
import { DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/DescribeIdentityPoolCommand";
import { GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand";
import { GetIdCommandInput, GetIdCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetIdCommand";
import { GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand";
import { GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetOpenIdTokenCommand";
import { GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand";
import { GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput } from "./commands/GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand";
import { ListIdentitiesCommandInput, ListIdentitiesCommandOutput } from "./commands/ListIdentitiesCommand";
import { ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput } from "./commands/ListIdentityPoolsCommand";
import { ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/ListTagsForResourceCommand";
import { LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand";
import { MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput } from "./commands/MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand";
import { SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput } from "./commands/SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand";
import { SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput } from "./commands/SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand";
import { TagResourceCommandInput, TagResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/TagResourceCommand";
import { UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand";
import { UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput } from "./commands/UnlinkIdentityCommand";
import { UntagResourceCommandInput, UntagResourceCommandOutput } from "./commands/UntagResourceCommand";
import { UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
import { ClientInputEndpointParameters, ClientResolvedEndpointParameters, EndpointParameters } from "./endpoint/EndpointParameters";
import { RuntimeExtension, RuntimeExtensionsConfig } from "./runtimeExtensions";
export { __Client };
* @public
export type ServiceInputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput | DescribeIdentityCommandInput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput | GetIdCommandInput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | ListIdentitiesCommandInput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput | ListTagsForResourceCommandInput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | TagResourceCommandInput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | UnlinkIdentityCommandInput | UntagResourceCommandInput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput;
* @public
export type ServiceOutputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput | GetIdCommandOutput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | ListIdentitiesCommandOutput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput | ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | TagResourceCommandOutput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput | UntagResourceCommandOutput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput;
* @public
export interface ClientDefaults extends Partial<__SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> {
* The HTTP handler to use. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs.
requestHandler?: __HttpHandler;
* A constructor for a class implementing the {@link @smithy/types#ChecksumConstructor} interface
* that computes the SHA-256 HMAC or checksum of a string or binary buffer.
* @internal
sha256?: __ChecksumConstructor | __HashConstructor;
* The function that will be used to convert strings into HTTP endpoints.
* @internal
urlParser?: __UrlParser;
* A function that can calculate the length of a request body.
* @internal
bodyLengthChecker?: __BodyLengthCalculator;
* A function that converts a stream into an array of bytes.
* @internal
streamCollector?: __StreamCollector;
* The function that will be used to convert a base64-encoded string to a byte array.
* @internal
base64Decoder?: __Decoder;
* The function that will be used to convert binary data to a base64-encoded string.
* @internal
base64Encoder?: __Encoder;
* The function that will be used to convert a UTF8-encoded string to a byte array.
* @internal
utf8Decoder?: __Decoder;
* The function that will be used to convert binary data to a UTF-8 encoded string.
* @internal
utf8Encoder?: __Encoder;
* The runtime environment.
* @internal
runtime?: string;
* Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix
* trait of an operation.
disableHostPrefix?: boolean;
* Unique service identifier.
* @internal
serviceId?: string;
* Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint.
useDualstackEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider<boolean>;
* Enables FIPS compatible endpoints.
useFipsEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider<boolean>;
* The AWS region to which this client will send requests
region?: string | __Provider<string>;
* Default credentials provider; Not available in browser runtime.
* @internal
credentialDefaultProvider?: (input: any) => __Provider<__Credentials>;
* The provider populating default tracking information to be sent with `user-agent`, `x-amz-user-agent` header
* @internal
defaultUserAgentProvider?: Provider<__UserAgent>;
* Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry.
maxAttempts?: number | __Provider<number>;
* Specifies which retry algorithm to use.
* @see
retryMode?: string | __Provider<string>;
* Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error.
logger?: __Logger;
* Optional extensions
extensions?: RuntimeExtension[];
* The {@link @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode} that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK.
defaultsMode?: __DefaultsMode | __Provider<__DefaultsMode>;
* @public
export type CognitoIdentityClientConfigType = Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> & ClientDefaults & RegionInputConfig & EndpointInputConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryInputConfig & HostHeaderInputConfig & AwsAuthInputConfig & UserAgentInputConfig & ClientInputEndpointParameters;
* @public
* The configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class constructor that set the region, credentials and other options.
export interface CognitoIdentityClientConfig extends CognitoIdentityClientConfigType {
* @public
export type CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType = __SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> & Required<ClientDefaults> & RuntimeExtensionsConfig & RegionResolvedConfig & EndpointResolvedConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryResolvedConfig & HostHeaderResolvedConfig & AwsAuthResolvedConfig & UserAgentResolvedConfig & ClientResolvedEndpointParameters;
* @public
* The resolved configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link CognitoIdentityClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}.
export interface CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig extends CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType {
* @public
* <fullname>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</fullname>
* <p>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities is a web service that delivers scoped temporary
* credentials to mobile devices and other untrusted environments. It uniquely identifies a
* device and supplies the user with a consistent identity over the lifetime of an
* application.</p>
* <p>Using Amazon Cognito Federated Identities, you can enable authentication with one or
* more third-party identity providers (Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon) or an Amazon
* Cognito user pool, and you can also choose to support unauthenticated access from your app.
* Cognito delivers a unique identifier for each user and acts as an OpenID token provider
* trusted by AWS Security Token Service (STS) to access temporary, limited-privilege AWS
* credentials.</p>
* <p>For a description of the authentication flow from the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide
* see <a href="">Authentication Flow</a>.</p>
* <p>For more information see <a href="">Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</a>.</p>
export declare class CognitoIdentityClient extends __Client<__HttpHandlerOptions, ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {
* The resolved configuration of CognitoIdentityClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link CognitoIdentityClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}.
readonly config: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig;
constructor(...[configuration]: __CheckOptionalClientConfig<CognitoIdentityClientConfig>);
* Destroy underlying resources, like sockets. It's usually not necessary to do this.
* However in Node.js, it's best to explicitly shut down the client's agent when it is no longer needed.
* Otherwise, sockets might stay open for quite a long time before the server terminates them.
destroy(): void;