"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = function (...args) { return function (...ignoredArgs /*, callback*/) { var callback = ignoredArgs.pop(); return callback(null, ...args); }; }; module.exports = exports["default"]; /** * Returns a function that when called, calls-back with the values provided. * Useful as the first function in a [`waterfall`]{@link module:ControlFlow.waterfall}, or for plugging values in to * [`auto`]{@link module:ControlFlow.auto}. * * @name constant * @static * @memberOf module:Utils * @method * @category Util * @param {...*} arguments... - Any number of arguments to automatically invoke * callback with. * @returns {AsyncFunction} Returns a function that when invoked, automatically * invokes the callback with the previous given arguments. * @example * * async.waterfall([ * async.constant(42), * function (value, next) { * // value === 42 * }, * //... * ], callback); * * async.waterfall([ * async.constant(filename, "utf8"), * fs.readFile, * function (fileData, next) { * //... * } * //... * ], callback); * * async.auto({ * hostname: async.constant("https://server.net/"), * port: findFreePort, * launchServer: ["hostname", "port", function (options, cb) { * startServer(options, cb); * }], * //... * }, callback); */