import { strictParseByte, strictParseDouble, strictParseFloat32, strictParseShort } from "./parse-utils"; const DAYS = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; const MONTHS = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; export function dateToUtcString(date) { const year = date.getUTCFullYear(); const month = date.getUTCMonth(); const dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); const dayOfMonthInt = date.getUTCDate(); const hoursInt = date.getUTCHours(); const minutesInt = date.getUTCMinutes(); const secondsInt = date.getUTCSeconds(); const dayOfMonthString = dayOfMonthInt < 10 ? `0${dayOfMonthInt}` : `${dayOfMonthInt}`; const hoursString = hoursInt < 10 ? `0${hoursInt}` : `${hoursInt}`; const minutesString = minutesInt < 10 ? `0${minutesInt}` : `${minutesInt}`; const secondsString = secondsInt < 10 ? `0${secondsInt}` : `${secondsInt}`; return `${DAYS[dayOfWeek]}, ${dayOfMonthString} ${MONTHS[month]} ${year} ${hoursString}:${minutesString}:${secondsString} GMT`; } const RFC3339 = new RegExp(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[tT](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?[zZ]$/); export const parseRfc3339DateTime = (value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return undefined; } if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new TypeError("RFC-3339 date-times must be expressed as strings"); } const match = RFC3339.exec(value); if (!match) { throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-3339 date-time value"); } const [_, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; const year = strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)); const month = parseDateValue(monthStr, "month", 1, 12); const day = parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31); return buildDate(year, month, day, { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); }; const RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET = new RegExp(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[tT](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?(([-+]\d{2}\:\d{2})|[zZ])$/); export const parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset = (value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return undefined; } if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new TypeError("RFC-3339 date-times must be expressed as strings"); } const match = RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET.exec(value); if (!match) { throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-3339 date-time value"); } const [_, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds, offsetStr] = match; const year = strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)); const month = parseDateValue(monthStr, "month", 1, 12); const day = parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31); const date = buildDate(year, month, day, { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); if (offsetStr.toUpperCase() != "Z") { date.setTime(date.getTime() - parseOffsetToMilliseconds(offsetStr)); } return date; }; const IMF_FIXDATE = new RegExp(/^(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), (\d{2}) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{4}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? GMT$/); const RFC_850_DATE = new RegExp(/^(?:Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday), (\d{2})-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d{2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? GMT$/); const ASC_TIME = new RegExp(/^(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ( [1-9]|\d{2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? (\d{4})$/); export const parseRfc7231DateTime = (value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return undefined; } if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new TypeError("RFC-7231 date-times must be expressed as strings"); } let match = IMF_FIXDATE.exec(value); if (match) { const [_, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; return buildDate(strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31), { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); } match = RFC_850_DATE.exec(value); if (match) { const [_, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; return adjustRfc850Year(buildDate(parseTwoDigitYear(yearStr), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31), { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds, })); } match = ASC_TIME.exec(value); if (match) { const [_, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds, yearStr] = match; return buildDate(strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr.trimLeft(), "day", 1, 31), { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); } throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-7231 date-time value"); }; export const parseEpochTimestamp = (value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return undefined; } let valueAsDouble; if (typeof value === "number") { valueAsDouble = value; } else if (typeof value === "string") { valueAsDouble = strictParseDouble(value); } else { throw new TypeError("Epoch timestamps must be expressed as floating point numbers or their string representation"); } if (Number.isNaN(valueAsDouble) || valueAsDouble === Infinity || valueAsDouble === -Infinity) { throw new TypeError("Epoch timestamps must be valid, non-Infinite, non-NaN numerics"); } return new Date(Math.round(valueAsDouble * 1000)); }; const buildDate = (year, month, day, time) => { const adjustedMonth = month - 1; validateDayOfMonth(year, adjustedMonth, day); return new Date(Date.UTC(year, adjustedMonth, day, parseDateValue(time.hours, "hour", 0, 23), parseDateValue(time.minutes, "minute", 0, 59), parseDateValue(time.seconds, "seconds", 0, 60), parseMilliseconds(time.fractionalMilliseconds))); }; const parseTwoDigitYear = (value) => { const thisYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear(); const valueInThisCentury = Math.floor(thisYear / 100) * 100 + strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(value)); if (valueInThisCentury < thisYear) { return valueInThisCentury + 100; } return valueInThisCentury; }; const FIFTY_YEARS_IN_MILLIS = 50 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const adjustRfc850Year = (input) => { if (input.getTime() - new Date().getTime() > FIFTY_YEARS_IN_MILLIS) { return new Date(Date.UTC(input.getUTCFullYear() - 100, input.getUTCMonth(), input.getUTCDate(), input.getUTCHours(), input.getUTCMinutes(), input.getUTCSeconds(), input.getUTCMilliseconds())); } return input; }; const parseMonthByShortName = (value) => { const monthIdx = MONTHS.indexOf(value); if (monthIdx < 0) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid month: ${value}`); } return monthIdx + 1; }; const DAYS_IN_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; const validateDayOfMonth = (year, month, day) => { let maxDays = DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]; if (month === 1 && isLeapYear(year)) { maxDays = 29; } if (day > maxDays) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid day for ${MONTHS[month]} in ${year}: ${day}`); } }; const isLeapYear = (year) => { return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); }; const parseDateValue = (value, type, lower, upper) => { const dateVal = strictParseByte(stripLeadingZeroes(value)); if (dateVal < lower || dateVal > upper) { throw new TypeError(`${type} must be between ${lower} and ${upper}, inclusive`); } return dateVal; }; const parseMilliseconds = (value) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return 0; } return strictParseFloat32("0." + value) * 1000; }; const parseOffsetToMilliseconds = (value) => { const directionStr = value[0]; let direction = 1; if (directionStr == "+") { direction = 1; } else if (directionStr == "-") { direction = -1; } else { throw new TypeError(`Offset direction, ${directionStr}, must be "+" or "-"`); } const hour = Number(value.substring(1, 3)); const minute = Number(value.substring(4, 6)); return direction * (hour * 60 + minute) * 60 * 1000; }; const stripLeadingZeroes = (value) => { let idx = 0; while (idx < value.length - 1 && value.charAt(idx) === "0") { idx++; } if (idx === 0) { return value; } return value.slice(idx); };